What's the secret to aging well Sup Forums? This woman is 30 years old.
My list so far
>no hard drugs (not sure if weed falls into this)
>little to no alcohol
>lots of sleep
>sunscreen daily
I want to live forever :3
What's the secret to aging well Sup Forums? This woman is 30 years old.
My list so far
>no hard drugs (not sure if weed falls into this)
>little to no alcohol
>lots of sleep
>sunscreen daily
I want to live forever :3
mostly genetics and skin care tb h
just put on an exorbitant amount of generic brand lotion
How do you know if you have good genetics?
I've been trying everything. I'm 29 now. I've been on a heavily researched "perfect" diet for like 8 years. I never smoke/drink/do drugs or anything that is remotely bad for me.
I exercise a decent amount and sleep like 10-12 hours a night.
I have 20 bottles of health supplements right next to me.
I put on expensive moisturizing face cream multiple times a day.
I still look old as shit for my age.
I don't understand what factors truly influence aging...I'm doing everything they say I should
>Be almost 30
>still get asked for ID
>at store when buying beer
>when I go out
Yeh, nah it's just based genetics, I've been drinking and smoking daily like over a decade now
I'm 28 and kind of doing the exact opposite and still have to show ID sometimes when buying hard liquour or smokes, even though both has 18 as legal age.
What exactly constitutes a "hard" drug? And it's not like every one of them is going to affect your face and skin.
Like, dissociatives aren't going to make you look like a methhead.
>drinking 80+ ounces of water per day
>moisturizing multiple times per day
>clean your face regularly
>exfoliate every 3-5 days
>eat carrots for a natural skin glow
>no processed foods
>tons of fruit, veggies and lean meats
>getting healthy amounts of vitamin D
>good genetics
I live what "science" says is the perfect healthy lifestyle. Have been for 8 years. It isn't working.
But you only started doing that because you looked like shit.
You've slowed ageing, but you can't reverse the ageing you've already done.
its the sun btw
Moron I smoke weed and never work out
Everyone thinks in 22 and im 30
You're trying to hard
post pics
not suntanning
abstaining from alcohol
pretty much it
too bad women these days are all alcohols and obsessed with tanning and sunbathing
>3 days fast every now and then to let you body clean itself.
>Don't become overweight. It puts unnecessary stress on your system.
>Don't let (((dietitians))) scare you away from healthy fats. Your brain, your skins and your hormones will thank you.
I think most important thing is to avoid sun. Or atleast dont sun bathe. Also dont smoke, cigarettes affect collagen.
>>no hard drugs (not sure if weed falls into this)
>>little to no alcohol
>>lots of sleep
It must be my superior genetics then.
She has the face and complexion of a person who eats properly and stays in shape, but stays out of the sun whenever she can.
Health supplements is a scam, you will find the right amount of vitamins in your normal intake of food.
Sleeping 10-12 hours is bad for the body, the ideal amount is 7-8 hours. Oversleeping/Undersleeping both cause obesity,heart attacks and I believe strokes (dont quote me on that last one)
Genetics is a major contibuting factor in how well you age.
Nigga why are using creams too? Do you have a skin condition?
Sufficient water(drink when your thirsty) is also key for skin and health!
Whatever bogus shit you're reading is just consumerist products to rip you off. Pay attention to your General Physician instead of the ((reports))
>good genetics
>Rolls a 1 on good genetics
She's cute.
Soon we will all be the same age, infants or adults. Aging is a curable disease.
>tfw have really young looking face
>tfw going bald
its ruins everything
Why aren't you getting a transplant?
I would say
>stay the fuck away from the sun, sunscreen and protection, tanning is your enemy
>careful with the facial expressions
>eat well, lots of greens and vitamins and all that but however remember to enjoy life
>lots of water
>moisturize, then moisturize more
>remember to shield your skin from the sun
>sleep well and regularly
>no cigarettes or drugs, and careful with the booze
I look quite young for my age and I'd say the key is having a skincare routine before your skin shows any signs of ageing. I had to use fancy shit regularly because my pores pushed out gunk, but now I look years younger than my peers and have visibly no wrinkles while they have several, so I guess having a daily skincare routine since age 20 paid off
breeding will then become illegal if you live on earth and don't have a license
are you implying the kikes won't start more world wars to thin the population?
Look in mirror, ask your family
>29 years old
>don't know shit about skin care
>sure as fuck don't eat right
>suffer from horrible insomnia since kindergarten
>still look like a goddamn college student
One part genetics and one part mannerisms, I think.
It won't make you look younger, but just grow some facial hair. It generally looks better.
I'm 23 and started balding at 21 (although it's kind of stalled since then... still looks like shit though so I just shave my hair really short). I have a pretty nice shaped head, though, so it works for me. But I think I look a lot better with a big red goatee than no facial hair whatsoever. I get better responses, too. (Although I had to lol when nationalists at a Trump rally came up to me and told me that I looked like I'd be a perfect fit for them)
Personally, I think stress may have triggered my balding (had very high expectations put on me my whole life, and spent 5 years with my first GF who threatened to cut/kill herself daily, and ended it by cucking me, sending me into a spiral of depression for a while). Then again, it could also have been my seb derm or just high test/DHT levels (I looked like a fucking yeti by the time I was 14, I've always had thin wispy head hair, and my brow is like that of a fucking caveman).
>look like shit
>eat junk
>drink alcohol
>greying, and liney shagged skin
Can't say I give 2 fucks. I see this as a performance, not a dress rehearsal.
pic unrelated
I've heard blasting oo buckshot through the back of your skull does the trick. This isn't politics you disgusting shallow faggot. Ask someone at the same place you bleach your asshole
If you want to represent the white race you need to look good and act proper. You cannot give libshits anymore ammunition besides le racism argument.
Sup Forums has become a liftestyle.
It's all genetic man
I have friends who look old as fuck and we've lived the same lifestyle. I'm almost 30 and when I shave I get carded for alcohol and cigs. When I visit my gf on her campus everyone thinks I'm the same age as all the college kids
It's all genes my man
you ever notice how people look younger the richer they are?
basically be born rich
you can afford not to wake up early, go to work and suffer 40hrs a week, you can afford good beauty products, good healthy food and not this dog-food trash that 95% of the population eats, surgery/orthodontics for your face, good clothes can make you look young
basically money - everything in life is about money, why do you tihnk women care so much about money? it keeps them looking young and good you cant blame them for that its all we expect from them
the game is rigged boys
>>stay the fuck away from the sun
not hard in Finland though ...
Does bongland get a lot of sun? I always thought you guys had lots of overcast weather but you all age like shit.
Is it just a bad meme?
>What's the secret to aging well Sup Forums? This woman is 30 years old.
That's a Aryan Slav, they are the epitome of human creation, the perfect balance of analytical skills of the Asian race and the creativity of the White race.
They are not soulless like the Asians but they are not emotional to the point of cuckoldry like the White race.
I think you are vastly underestimating the terrible lifestyles of many rich people. I mean, who exactly are you talking about anyway? Actors, athletes, musicians? CEOs? Those people have incredibly stressful lives and the latter few are prone to drug abuse and a party lifestyle that makes you age terrible.
Just take hgh u pleb
Is that Abbey Lee?
People tell me I look very young. They says things like
Shouldn't you be in school right now/did you just get out of school?
I dont drink. I probly drink or or 2 times a year at xmas and thanksgiving kek.
People say the same thing about my mom.
Genetics+healthyish diiet I guess.
you arent going to live forever, you are going to leave a good looking corpse
>black don't crack they said
When did this meme start? If you look at sun exposure maps just realize alot of white people are unnaturally exposed to alot of sun.
Wear sunscreen, drink water, exfoliate, moisturize, and workout.
>t. 27 yr old mistaken for 19-22
Stay out of the sun, that's it.
I eat perfectly and I run and lift weights 5 times every week, but I'm an alcoholic. My liver and kidneys are starting to act up. I'm 23.
Don't expect to live past 40, shit sucks yo.
>tfw 29 and look like a 40yo meth head
>would look even 10 more years older if I could grow a beard
I have already given up.
I'm opposite of you. Went to amusement park and teachers with students told me to get in line for buses. I told her to legit eat a dick while I was walking away. Felt good man, kids laughed at her
Be black and beautiful
37 here
BMI of 37 as well
I look like shit
There is no hope
40 here, people think I'm 30ish.
smoke lots of weed, no other drugs since early twenties. Years go by and I drink a beer or 2, repeat. my work, though not great pay makes regular use of my body as well as my mind, keeping me strong, flexible and sharp. No wife/gf drama, not much friend drama, no kids. I avoid as much responsibility as I can. I'd say I'm a Toys R Us kid, I don't want to grow up.
stay out of the sun, don't drink, don't smoke
who is this?
Same as me, I love my great genetics.
being black can go either way desu. I've seen 20 year old black dudes that could pass for 40
I started taking some of Alex Jones DNA force and an old injury in my arm is feeling alot better.
My Telomeres are being repaired !
Actually, a lot of people suffer from vitamin D deficit, which can create issues that are a million times worse than whatever you think the sun will do to your skin aging process. If you don't want to greatly increase the risk of a variety of bone diseases, multiple sclerosis, diabetis, cancer etc, you better catch at least some sunlight every once in a while.
22 here, look 16.
It's all genetics. You're wasting your life away
>the fps
It's like one of those gore vids. This is a pleasant departure. Thank you.
I'm 23 and people think I'm still in high school. I'm a grown man. 5'11'' 195lbs but I have a youthful complexion that I inherited through my mother's side of the family. She's 45 but looks like she's about 32 or 33.
shave.but not clean off,shave it to size 1,like pic related
do you mean pick 1?
no drugs
don't be fat
don't eat like shit
cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio cardio
at least that's how it works for me, 28 here
The positive thing about people like you is that you're gonna look 40 for the next 30 years like Patrick Stewart or Sean Connery.
Does any one else feel like they get more handsome the older they get
It's the enhanced spigerix multicombatitive anti-coagulent proprietary formula doing its thing!
i agree with the importance of skincare
it's the key to youthfulness
that plus being thin
This usually happens. You shed your child like features which reveals more adult like, aesthetic features. That is if you aren't a fat shit.
Drink lots of water, and don't drink anything else
Good diet with minimal sugar and junk food, and lots of vegetables and some meat
No drugs of any kind including tobacco
No caffeine
Just stay out of the sun as much as you can instead of using sunscreen
And good sleep and exercise like in OP
I started taking Tangy Tangerine years ago and had some Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
I lost over 50 pounds and got healthy because I am a prepper and now I am looking Sexy.
Ready to fight the NWO.
That looks fucking retarded though
People don't age at the same time. We just have actual numeric ages for the purpose of gating in society but biologically you might be 14 while someone is 22, yet you're both 18 by calendar, in an extreme case.
Consider this next time you think 'Wow this guys an immature retard compared to me
Also why some families die at 40-50 on average, some live to 70-80.
>post pic
>get told to fuck off to /lbgt/
yeh, nah thanks
A thick head of hair makes you look younger.
Facial hair makes you look older.
It's that simple man.
They sure don't crack!
No it doesn't.It looks cool.
But even if it does in your mind,it's still better than pic related.
Some go full clean shave,but I think it looks bad.
Spend very little time outside.
don't masturbate
preserve your male essence
still was babbyface in early 30s, then receding hairline and wrinkles around eyes crept in since mid-30s, no grey hairs yet; atm it's buzzcut+charming smile
I shudder to think what else will happen come mid-40s
would people actually accept immortality at such a cost?
Uninterrupted sleep
Lots of water
A decent diet (you really don't have to count micros, just get decent nutrition).
Avoid all drugs or anything that negatively effects the bodies natural order.
Workout regularly
Get just the right amount of sun (don't be a pussy and get no sun, has more negative effects than getting a little too much).
Don't use sunscreen or lotion on your face.
Both change your natural PH levels and cause more acne than you'd prevent by using either.
Live in an environment meant for your genetics.
If you look like a sweaty slob the second you walk outside, more than likely you're meant for a colder environment.
Bruh the stress relief of drinking in moderation outweighs the damage it does to your liver.
>Sleep well
>Good diet
>Daily exersize
>No alcohol
>No smoking
>No drugs
>No steriods
>No tanning
>low stress environment
Everything else is out of your hands.
just today the chink at the convenience store asked me if I was 18 because if I wasn't I couldn't play the lottery games
and just a few days ago a woman asked me how old I was and then added 18?
I'm 26, and I drink alcohol. In the summer I go hard on it. However I take good care of my skin and I drink green tea daily and try to ingest as many antioxidants as I can daily.
>be me, early 30s
>have been mistaken from 16-25 within the past year
>got carded 2 weeks ago buying cigarettes
Things I've done "differently":
>avoid sunlight like the plague
>drink 5-6 litres of water a day
>only drink on weekends
Not saying smoking doesn't have an effect, but I've smoked half a pack a day on average for the last 10 years.
You aren't going to see the effects of drinking at 26.
At first it was annoying, now it's reassuring.
>Don't use sunscreen or lotion on your face.
do use sunscreen on face, dumb-ass. it protects the skin from sun radiation.
1 genes
2 take care of your body
3 ????
4 profit
she starred in the neon demon
Look at her fucking hand, the only thing that isn't heavily photoshopped, and compare it to her face.
A thick layer of makeup hides wrinkles too.
I'm 28 and still look 10 years younger than my age.
>Don't drink
>Don't smoke
>Zero drugs
>Lift regularly
>Eat well
>No tanning / excessive sunlight
I do fuck all for skin care.
How could I forget stress? Very important, avoid stress as much as possible, and do fun things to relieve stress.
Which reminds me, I think sleeping around ages people too, probably the STDs or similar, so avoid that too.
I'm 30 and they routinely ask me for ID when I'm buying alcohol
Runs in the family, my dad is 70 and looks like hes in his early fifties.
I smoke and drank regularly for the last ten years so its not it.
Looked like a faget when young though, I think aging well might mean low test. I was always skinny and havent even started to bald yet. Father also has a head full of thicc hair
I know, but I have this obsession that at the end of the day is all about fighting the free radicals with antioxidants. you can moisturize your skin and whatnot, but mostly I think that is it.