Do Naziboos on this board get triggered when someone from Israel posts here? Legitimate question

Do Naziboos on this board get triggered when someone from Israel posts here? Legitimate question.

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I get more triggered seeing Sweden or Canada.


nazis aren't existent on Sup Forums its all ironic posting.I nazi post occasionally and im a fucking jew, lmao.

I get more triggered by leftist leafs/aussies

Bullshit, there arn't any jews left in Poland.

You are delusional

jews aren't existent on Sup Forums its all ironic posting.I jew post occasionally and im a fucking nazi, lmao.

you jelly, cause we don't have niggers?

Looks like gramps missed one.


I don't know either how its possible, I think its cuz my grandparents lived in a village during ww2 and were on of paper of (((french))) descend.

go deal with that please. It is your duty.



We might look after the joos when we're finished with the snackbars.

Enjoy your life while it lasts slavshit. The 4th Reich will reclaim it's lost land soon.


Why would they? Israelis are basically modern day Nazis.

just keep being delusional, then I won't have to worry about anything.

>french on paper

That's how the nose was explained, right?

If you weren't so fucking new, you'd realize we have great fun with Shekelbros.
If they post something good, we congratulate them.
If they post shit, like you, we call them JIDF.

Benito, I like the way you think.

Israelis are also the best fighters in the Levant. Probably because of the european genes and the fact that Arabs are shit at fighting.

Not really.

More like Caliphate you faggot
Germany is a lost cause
Da Joos
You're not a true nazi then

I'd have absolutely zero issue with Israel if they just kept their kike noses out of our wallet.

Nothing worse than stupid fucking wehraboos.

you know poland unlike new zeland has actually a significan population so its not like the nazis had the time to check everyone on a personal level.

This. Israelis kill more arabs than Americans.

If they did that they'd be wiped out.

The only people keeping Nazi German values alive in today's world are the Israelis. I respect them.

No. Most kikes aren't stupid enough to spew bullshit that doesn't fit in, with that kind of flag.

posts aren't existent on Sup Forums it's all ironic nazing. I post nazi occasionally and im a jew fuck, lmao

>implying Sup Forums's hatred of Jews is anything more than ironic shitposting

Goyim are all animals and the Talmud is always right

come on, you don't hate to role play this hard. there are threads where we can take the RP masks off, I think this is such thread.

This thread confirms that Israelis are better than jews living abroad.

>do you get upset when members of a ethno national nation state post
no, I wish we could do the same in europe

Hitler would be so disappointed in all of you.

There are one or two really funny Shlomos who come around. I wish I had a screen shot but some cuck posted a picture of Achmed carrying a blown up kid.

Shmule swoops in with "Looks like someone needs a new human shield".

So not really. No. They can hang.

>implying Hitler wasn't a huge proponent of Israel

He just wanted them gone. Israel provided an option.

>He just wanted them gone. Israel provided an option.
He literally gassed Jews because he was tired of them making problems

The Final Solution was literally so that they can kill the Jews instead of exile

No, is this your first day here?


They only post in Pro Palistien threads that are against the racist apartheid state of isreal

>excellent shitposting Poland!


>racist apartheid

I don't think you know what that means Achmed..

No, Isreal is pretty nationalistic, with social policies for their own people only, and strict controls on immigration.

Just like Saudi Arabia, and nazi germany.

Tribal cultures are shit at organized military.

Jews are more or less one big tribe, instead of 50 flavors of arab.

It's more the diaspora lefty jews around the world that shill for more funding for israel, and gun control, and feminism, and...

Most Israelis hate their own lazy orthodox welfare queens, and the lefty jews in general.

Orthodox welfare queen spotted.

No, i like Israel. it's a great place to throw all Jews in.

Hitler wanted to move them all to "Israel."

Don't be ignorant.

Jews are related to Palestinians, how is that racist? it's religious only faggot.

Ovendodger. Jk, never happened.

a belgian shouldn't repeat nazi propaganda. doing such is spitting on your grandparents struggle for independence.