Real talk ITT

Is capeshit dying? Will capeshit die soon? Is the MCU in its last phase? Discuss.

No. It's not. Though the novelty has wore off. All that's left to see is if the novelty of black people and a woman is enough to rekindle it.

When will Sup Forums die?

Each movie keeps earning more and more money than the last, so no.

Infinty War is going to end the current generation of heroes though, which will probably be a jumping off point for more casual viewers who don't want to get invested in new characters. But those will probably pcik up their own newer, larger audience because it's a jumping on point for those who haven't seen the originals.

There's literally no reason why the MCU won't be able to go on as long as the comic books. Disney has been around for almost a century and will perservere.

It will never really die. It simple goes into slumps. The public will lose interest, and then in another decade or two it will come back around in popularity. It's kind of the same with any genre.

>Each movie keeps earning more and more money than the last, so no.
I mean they don't but whatever

if Ragnarok manages to amass a box office of $800mil+ then they're not going anywhere for a long, long time

Seems like an odd metric to base the longevity of the MCU off of, but trust me.

Not westerns

Hopefully. I already hate it just like I hate zombies. Bring on the next stupid, annoying fad that will overstay its welcome by years.

Capeshit never dies, it merely goes back into hibernation.

See above.

Nearly, but I can honestly see DC kicking the bucket first. Their most succesful film outside of the Nolan trilogy was Man of Steel, the film whose most redeeming quality was that it noticed that most of the Superman origin lore is shit, and kryptonite tends to ruin the superman films.

BvS tried to mix Miller Batman with Snyder Supes, which just made Batman look like a schizophrenic bitch, and Suicide Squad was extremely average to the degree that Deadshot, Spooky Cara and Quinn, being slated due to their actors, were the most enjoyable bits about the film. Considering that the next couple of DC films are about Flash, the canonically worst speedster, Wonder Woman, cue Sup Forums and tumblr triggering to death, and Aquaman, the once most mocked superhero now being lauded as the possible saviour of DC, DC are very much relying on their Justice League film to put them through into... shall we say an actual competing position?

It's not even funny, Dr Strange was essentially magic Iron Man, was considered a soft let down that was held up high by it's visuals and was still vastly more entertaining than anything DC put out last year. People shat on age of ultron, but at least it gave us amusing NSFW gifs (you know the ones).

Mind you, Marvel will still kick it soon after. If you don't have rivals, you don't innovate, and unless you're the seller of some necessary commodity like a supertrust in oil, then that means less business.

Still multiple great Westerns being made today

>Each movie keeps earning more and more money than the last
I think that's just inflation.

I hope so. I need a break from badly choreographed fights, directors trying to cram as many superheros in a single movie as possible, and sequels & spinoffs for heros that I don't care about at all.

since i have had a lot of fun with the most recent round of movies, i will come back for the next one

I think all of entertainment is dying. Hollywood had a really shitty year, and the future doesn't look bright. Video games aren't selling as well, and hell, even football is losing viewership.

nothing wrong with that

there isn't a single remaining Phase 3 movie I'm not going to see in theaters

Westerns don't dominate like they used to, but plenty still get made every year or two and a handful end up doing pretty well every half decade or so.

Is OP a faggot? Discuss.

save that shit for the first post loser

>Is capeshit dying?
Will capeshit die soon?
>Is the MCU in its last phase
I don't know how anybody could seriously think this.

The only indication that capeshit would be "dying" would be a Marvel movie failing both financially and critically. That might raise an eybrow. But since that hasn't happened yet, again, no.

>I don't know how anybody could seriously think this.
a lot can happen in the 3 years between now and Infinity War Part II

it's improbable shit will go sour, but it is possible


Comics are down right now. Marvel's never-ending relaunches were really bad.
DC's movies are in a bad spot. I don't know how many more subpar movies they can afford.
The MCU has the audience hooked until IW part 2. After that, I think most people will lose interest.

>a lot can happen in the 3 years between now and Infinity War Part II
You're aware that they've already started planning for Phase 4 right? Spidey 2 and GOTG 3 are already confirmed for Phase 4.

"Is this the last phase" isn't the question to be asking.

They keep raking in multiple millions if not billions of dollars. How can anyone say that they're dying?

I hope so. Maybe then you Sup Forums apes can get the fuck off this board.

>MCU was built so people could enjoy marvel without dredging through loads of backstory
>MCU now requires loads of backstory movies and needs a soft reboot for casuals

They do, try this website called google it's pretty handy

To be fair, I'd rather watch Phase 1 and 2 than dredge up decades of comics that may or may not be out of print or compiled into expensive as fuck graphic novels.

It'll be funny if capeshit dies before DC can make a good movie for its cinematic universe.

one can hope

"Capeshit" isn't a genre. They're just family-friendly action/comedies, with a superhero theme, and that won't go out of style for a long time, if ever.

These movies are designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and that's why they're going to survive for a long time.

You can easily watch any MCU series without having seen any other one. You can watch the three Iron Man films and never watch another Marvel movie.

The only exception is Civil War which basically requires you to have seen both Winter Soldier AND Avengers 2.

Ironically, that's not any different from how the comics are: you don't need to read every Marvel comic ever to understand the current Captain America comic, you just need to read the previous issues in the story arc. That's like two trades, tops. It's so strange that it's only casuals that seem to care about getting the most "complete" experience of autistically reading everything even tangentially related.

>The western movie craze will last forever
>The slasher movie craze will last forever
>The vitenan movie craze will last forever
>The disaster movie craze will last forever
>The teen college movie will last forever
>Not thinking that supersaturation burn on its own at some point, making the genre get coold and became a regular "Just two movies during random moments of the year"
>Hurr Durr, normies don't need new gimmicks

Thank good noe of you fags know how to invest money

Not "dying" as in it will be gone soon, but it's definitely passed it's peak. The popularity will slowly descend over the next few years.

They won't go away completely, but they'll stop dominating the box office.

It's definitely peaked on the marvel and xmen side, at least with the team up movies. The solos can still pull off a surprise since strange and deadpool over performed.

Who knows with DC

Deadpool performed because it was a blood-soaked comedy, audiences love shit like that.

I honestly think Strange did so well because oof how simple it was. After this disaster of a summer blockbuster, it was a simply told three-act adventure with bright visuals.

It was basic competence after a sea of blunders and DOA franchise farts.

once shit like carol danvers comes out it'll harm the reputation of the mcu and people will become more hesitant to see a superhero movie blindly

but it won't just cease to exist

china alone will guarantee at least 300 mil for every superhero movie and added onto the domestic grossing and that's basically guaranteed profit

>i-is it oger??
Yes. Yes, it is.

Captain America: Civil War - Disney/Marvel - $1.153B
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice - Warner Bros. - $873.3M
Deadpool - Fox - $783.1M
Suicide Squad - Warner Bros. - $745.6M
Doctor Strange - Disney/Marvel - $657.8M
X-Men: Apocalypse - Fox - $543.9M

You don't have to buy back issues, casual.

Deadpool cost only 70 million. It was a massive success.

Since the toys and the other merchandise basically print money for these studios, its going to continue limping along at least for that money.

Capeshit is always going to be popular with kids. I think eventually most adults will lose interest as we get slapped with at least 4-5 of these kinds of films every year, but the genre will continue on as long as the kids are interested.

Is Sup Forums dying? Will capeshit memes die soon? Discuss

Where did this "MCU is dying" meme come from?

For DC, there's no way to go but up.

or so they hope.

>The only indication that capeshit would be "dying" would be a Marvel movie failing both financially and critically.
Fat4stic. Or do you only mean MCU?

Anyway, Fant4stic proved that a movie could flop really hard and the genre will still go on strong. They had Deadpool after that and it made a fuckload of money.