You feel it too, don't you?

You feel it too, don't you?

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Gonna cum

There's been an awakening

Dat Colorado

>Tfw Colorado is going to uncuck itself and go red this year.

It's still incredibly hard for me to believe that Trump isn't winning Georgia by 10 points.

The dark side, and... well, just the dark side actually

Couldn't you just have an orgasm like a normal person?

lots of neocons and mexicans there

colorado hates clinton, even the liberals here admit shes shit.

only people who support here are illegals and ugly women kek

53 Days right never seemed so irrelevant.

It feels surreal

I find it interesting that Johnson's "muh Aleppo" comment doesn't seem to have hurt him at all. Guess his supporters just really, really hate Trump&Hillary

>Colorado is now in play
It's fucking happening. I just assumed they were too pozzed to ever go red again.

It's noecon central. Hardcore supporters for Bush 43. I fully expect there are still some Jebheads around there.

They don't know what Aleppo is either.

I think its because most Americans have no idea what the fuck an "Aleppo" is, let alone it being in Syria. Nor do they care really.

So that faux paus of his was really just a mirroring of American sentiment.

Meme magic, Kek, all of it. It's all true.

Kek wills it

Voting third-party in a two-party system seems like just a protest-vote to me.

wew i'm rich

made a £5000 bet on drumpf when the odds were 5/1


>They don't know what Aleppo is either.

Voting in a non swing state is just as futile.

If your state's polls show greater than ten percent for one candidate on election night, vote third party so we can get less of a two party system.

Things like debate access, funding access, and ballot access are contingent on a moderately strong third party.

Yeah, but all the third parties suck except the constitution party.

Then vote Constitution party.

Libertarian party is better though.

>Libertarian party is better though.
top lel

He needs to go full on DUDE WEED during the debates to lock in Colorado.

That's why i wished the shooped image of Trump smoking pot was real

>tfw Boulder is gassed and Denver has its homeless hippies from other states forced out, turning it into paradise


It's a shit party. It's instead of "muh feels." It's "muh NAP." And it's getting hijacked by SJW-liberal types.

There is a lot of niggers in georgia

Dude, I live in north NJ and have seen ONE, just ONE Hillary sign. I must have seen at least 50 Trump signs by now. Same thing in the Poconos in PA.

Why is this relevant? Because both of these states are typically liberal as fuck.

No one is excited for Hillary, but there are a lot of people who are excited for Trump. I really do think the whole silent majority thing is true and people are gonna vote Trump even if they're democrats because they're sick of Obama's anti-American bullshit and Hillary's lies

Colorado could be huge, is 42O colorado is really about tie in CO, MAYBE even a slight Trump lead?


Even though Sup Forums will spam me with ancap memes and General butthurt that someone has a dissenting opinion, I would have voted libertarian if Austin Petersen got the nod. But nope, we get Gary Johnson (again), who isn't libertarian, but rather the embodiment of SJW liberals hijacking a party because they have one thing in common (DUDE WEED).

Now I'm probably voting trump. Maybe Darrell Castle, I like him more than anyone this cycle and the Constitution Party kicks ass in terms of policy, but I'd be really throwing my vote away at that point, as they may as well be a "fourth" party, not even big enough to be third.

>still within moe
Wow it's nothing


There are more ¡Yeb! supporters in Georgia than Florida despite Florida being Jeb's home state. He was less awkward as the FL governor but Floridians just weren't impressed.

Pretty cool.

Polls are always going to be within error when this close. But the idea is that over several polls you can see a trend.
If the same pollster had say Clinton 42, trump 39, with an error of +/-3% but now has Clinton 41, Trump 43 +/- 3% there's a clear trend in Trump increasing in ratings since the entire range of possibilities has gone upward.

Why does Colorado need to be liberal?

Like homosexuals now that they have what they want there is no reason to continue voting democrat

Their tribal leaders/chieftains

Oh I'm sorry "reverends" are in democrat pockets

Arkansas knows whats up

Michigan is within 3 points and this was before the Ford news. Find Michigan leans trump this becomes much easier.

Trump and Hilary each have several gaffs that are much worse