Instead of fighting each other and insulting each other, we need to turn our weapons on the human traitors.
Who's with me Anglo Bros.
Instead of fighting each other and insulting each other, we need to turn our weapons on the human traitors.
Who's with me Anglo Bros.
I'm with you. Anglo Brother.
also check eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem.
Kek has blessed this thread.
Fuck off Germany.
You screwed us all over.
Get a gun and kill merkel already.
im with you anglo brother
Please do, we need to put the darkies and slants back in place.
Thanks based Ireland bro.
Sorry for black and tans.
Spotted the turk.
USA is rightful German land. The heartland will purge the saxons and the spics and create a thousand year reich.
Guess what
I was born here
and so was my mother
and her mother
and her mothers mother
America hasn't been an "anglo nation" since the 1700's when it was literally Britain.
This. Anglos are only prevalent on the libcuck East-Coast.
i'm white as fuck. now go kill yourself.
am i patrician yet?
>implying it ever broke up
you aren't fooling anyone, redcoat
Fuck off,you filthy inbred Ang*os are fucking disgusting and annoying,can't wait until you're cucked shed off an islend gets overrun by niggers and sandniggers.
I'd want you to be part of the Anglos, but your people don't.
Listen up lads.
The White race has a tenancy to favour itself over other less valuable races.
When the going gets tough, we push back. We will not stand for the elimination of everything we have built.
Soon, politics will be demolished.
Raw, monarchical power will be reintroduced
It was an 'anglo country' until the 1840s you fuckwit.
We're talking about ethnicity not political affiliation.
Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and Hamilton all took pride in the 'Anglo-Saxon character' of the USA.
Keep us out of it. You can keep the north if you want it that badly.
>implying Canadians aren't fat just like Americans
Kill yourself. You shouldn't be allowed into the union
And then a lot of Germans moved there and started colonizing, and so did the Irish and other Europeans. It quickly lost it's "angloness" and became a mixture of cultures.
How the fuck are you going to try and talk like you know more than me about my country?
well in terms of pol posts per capita english speaking anglo sphere areas form a distinct class, ireland is well within this category
You're right. We anglos need to unite again against the aryan menace.
Let THE CURRENT YEAR be the year we nuke Germany.
>less than half of the US
No need to give yourself a heart-attack we're all Anglo buddies here.
Because you literally stated it stopped being an Anglo country after the British stopped ruling it, which is retarded and wrong.
So clearly I do know more about your own country than you do.
>American education
Anglos were never Nazis you fucking retard
Graphic is a lie. Every time I go to Canada, everyone is just as obese (or only slightly less) than we are
You fat fucks eat donuts and poutine every day, as well as the same McDonald's, Wendy's, burger King, pizza shit as we do
anglo thread
posts a breker
I'm in.
>muh feels matter more than facts
Bud, we're objectively less obese.
>the best colonies in africa got destroyed by hordes
RIP South Africa
RIP Rhodesia
from the 1790's - 1820's there wasn't much immigration, but both scotch-irish people and African people had higher immigration rates than the British, in fact there were almost half as many Africans as there were Brits. At this time the US had barley 4 million people and only had a few states.
During the 1830's immigration from Europe started increasing and there. During the 50's when the Irish had a famine there was a huge wave of immigrants then, and Germans were colonizing the frontier.
It was only after that that America started to resemble what it is today, before that it didn't even have much of it's own identity.
Pretty much since we became free the anglos lost their grasp on the country.
What's Ireland doing there? They're celts not Anglos.
Mate I'm sorry but you're wrong
English Americans are (7.6%) of the total population.[2]
However, demographers regard this as a serious undercount, as the index of inconsistency is high, and many, if not most, people from English stock have a tendency (since the introduction of a new "American" category (See Old Stock Americans) in the 2000 census) to identify as simply Americans[5][6][7][8] or if of mixed European ancestry, identify with a more recent and differentiated ethnic group.[9] In the 1980 United States Census, over 49 million (49,598,035) Americans claimed English ancestry, at the time around 26.34% of the total population and largest reported group which, even today, would make them the largest ethnic group in the United States.[10][11] Eight out of the ten most common surnames in the United States are of English origin or having possible mixed British Isles heritage, the other two being of Spanish origin.
fuck off island jew
Right, so you still haven't refuted what I said, just waffled to obscure that fact that you were chatting shit.
What the fuck are you on about.
Sign me up!
Divide and conquer is a real jew tactic still used today. The white man is not your enemy, he can be civilised through education
No, America isn't and hasn't been an anglo country for almost all of it's history, it's like claiming Britain is a roman country because the Romans ruled Britain at some point.
I'm with you Anglo Brother.
You're the ones killing poles to make way for pakis.
It's like your trying to lose the respect I just got for you from Brexit.
>le crusaders were white supremacist memes
>Beaner constantly posting that image
Aztecs were pretty cool though even if they were evil.
Aztec a shit, Inca is true Meso-america superpower
>Not accepting Mayas as the true master civilitacion of Meso-America
Even American niggers don't eat each other, you done goofed savage. Prepare your anus for the Cross.
They didn't eat eachother, they ate the enemies and the plebians, but i guess a socialist like you consider plebs at same level as you