24 years old NEET alcoholic here. What should I do with my life, because everything is shit for last 5 years?
Suicide is not an option.
24 years old NEET alcoholic here. What should I do with my life, because everything is shit for last 5 years?
Suicide is not an option.
islam will save you.
keep drinking that will totally make it better
Go do some sport for starters ffs
Suicide is not an option.
Emigrate away from shitty Hrvatska and go into recovery. We have good programs here in Ireland and are about to get minimum pricing on alcohol.
Good luck.
Start exercising everyday during the week and limit your drinking to weekends. That worked for me.
keep drinking
get a job
this makes you a German
Running and cycling for 2 years but without improvements because I live in shitty little town, raised by single mom, brother also unemployed because of corruption in every part of country. Living on grandmas pension.
I feel like nigger, except I have consciousness that I should not live like that, but I dont have enough money to migrate, even to other, wealthier parts of my country and do something with my life.
suicide is not an option
Im actually half-German.
I am an alcohol as well. It's not even the craving that gets me. It's the fact that time flys and I don't remember things I regret
try better drugs. even OTC cough pills with codeine made me completely lose interest in drinking because the high is much better
you need
1) farm for GABA-Sensory receptor
f.e. en.wikipedia.org
2) real green tea for detoxify. en.wikipedia.org
3) course of special droppers (Ask your doctor or google)
4) pill for brain (vitamins of group B, omega3 acid, alpha lipolic acid, methylocobalamin, etc)
5) walks, swimming pool, massage, relaxation treatments, aromatherapy, sanatorium,
Hot Springs
6) Rest for the brain, creativity, meditation,
Quit drinking while you can, or end up a 36 year old functional alcoholic with no friends like I did
Stop drinking and if you use drugs stop them too
Also any Jew prescriptions like anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and ADHD medicine has got to go too, but you must quit these through a doctor reduction method
You will feel better in the long run
Cuz the digits were so nice. The Army.
29 year old NEET here, don't drink or smoke but I literally did nothing with my 20s. A quarter Croat aswell.
What do you consider an alcohol?
Once a day? Every day till you get wasted? Deets please.
Become a Benedictine Monk. Devote your life to God and the pursuit of tradition. I wish you look on your journey user.
Well why are you a neet? What caused you not to pursue education or enter training?
I've cut my drinking by a lot. Used to drink a pint or two of whiskey a day. Now I drink an 8 pack of 16oz America beer a day. My tolerance is incredibly high and don't really get wasted
I wouldn't say getting wasted is a staple of being an alcohol
Are you me?
Ive been heavy drinking since 15 and now had to take a semester off from college
I can drink a liter in a night and rage out and lose my shit
(also a slav)
23 and not doing anything currently. Drinking, being a townie, and fucking a townie whore I used to fuck in highschool
Got chlamydia a month ago, good now
19 weeks sober here, got a gym card and im there everyday just running, starting to actually enjoy stuff.
Dont limit yourself to just drinking on certain days, just cut it out completely.
There might be days where you fall back and get drunk but then just start over.
Its not a competition and you dont have to prove yourself to anyone youre doing it for yourself.
>recommend someone you have no knowledge about to quit antipsychotics
>they go on a killing spree
Good job faggot.
Stop drinking.
Seriously, stop.
I know you probably hear that advice a lot and think "well I love drinking it's the only thing I enjoy." It's false joy. I used to drink a lot too and I stopped because I kept getting in trouble or felt depressed and suicidal for days after a binge. My mood improved considerably. Start riding a bike, start running, start doing anything other than drinking, it's terrible for your mental well-being.
>taking drugs that actually make your more psychotic
Yea that's why I recommended that they do it through a doctor
embrace your misery and dive deeper into it
you forgot to add "get cucked"
This. You will look for other things to fill your time. Eventually you will find something that really interests you. You will become good at this thing, and that will lead to becoming a confident and interesting person.
OP is same age as me and has same problem
and I am traditional christian now. islam is not the answer for us we can't even culturally understand that bullshit, how culture is christian.
Be lucky you live in Croatia.
Get a part-time job that is easy.
Join the US Navy. That's what I did.
Get a job, socialize a bit
GET A GOOD DEGREE, and do it quickly, it gets exponentially harder to advance socially if you educate yourself after you're 30. Its still doable but very hard. Once you hit 40 you will most likely remain the class you are all your life.
>What do you consider an alcohol?
Every 2nd day, usually 6-7 beers or 1L of wine and 3 cans of beer
>What caused you not to pursue education or enter training?
parents got divorced when I was 7, because father had violent behaviour like "nigger", started hi-school but didnt finished it because I needed to work as teenager, to bring some food to table, we were poor as fuck, so there were less time to learn for school.
Worked some time as PHP dev (I was always interested in programming and computers, since 13, learned it by myself, due to boredom) over Elance, but always found some shitty clients who payed low price for job.
>8 pack of beer every day
Christ user. What's on your bucket list? You'll probably be dead in 5-7.
Hang in there alco-bro.
However little it means I am right there with you, this coming from the rape capital.
Stay strong and bottoms up!
Donald Trump says no drugs no alcohol no cigarettes!!!!
start taking heroin
Can you take a high school equivalency exam in Croatia? probably better than nothing. Are you not getting any more PHP work>
In america php developers are fairly wanted like this
If you have real skill as a php dude develop it and work on that. Plus stop drinking it ruins everything.
How much alcohol do you consume a day?
Si slavonac
if you can get a shitty job someway, somehow, burger king or something, save up a couple thousand (2-3 months) and then just start walking across the world. or just start walking. you won't die.
learn what plants you can eat. face humanity. ask for food. eat out of the trash if you have to. do something. anything. before the precious gift that is your life slips between your fingers as the clock goes tick tock, tick tock.
just run. run as far away as you can. get into everything you can. become homeless. find that you have the strength in you to sleep without a blanket in a ditch when you're tired enough. learn what and who you are. learn that whereever you go it goes with you.
destroy your entire environment and safety net in one fell swoop. or join the army. or just run.
it doesn't matter what you do as long as its what you didn't do before. escape.
when i was 24 i took my money from working in the bakery and walked halfway across the usa. escape. just do something. you have to.
>Every 2nd day, usually 6-7 beers
Are you a poofter or something? No offence, but that's not even going to get you pissed.
get off of Sup Forums, you won't find sound advice from other socially isolated and unemployed lazyfags here
go outside, go for a walk, think about what you want your life to be like, this is your goal or vision, remind yourself of your goal/vision every morning and take steps each day that will get you closer to it
Alcoholic here, I gained 40 pounds in 6 months from drinking every day.
How do i get off this train?
call me when you're drinking 750 ml of vodka a day plus a few beers then going out to the bars
you're not an alcohol. get out while you can. its too late for me.
>750 ml of vodka a day plus a few beers
the average canadian supper
>Si slavonac
Jok, moslavac
wtf I love mudslimes now
well I drink before im out of bed so I guess its breakfast too
Spotted the reddit/jew/shill/faggot
Isn't Germany literally offering 3000 euros to refugees ATM just go seek asylum I don't understand how you've over looked this if you feel like a nigger
Alcoholics are kek's chosen people.
They have a way with repeating digits.
do great things to break away from your shit life. none of that exercise a little bullshit, exercise 14 hours a day for a decade or two, kayak to Antarctica and map its interior and swim back. Be a fucking legend.
finland you're drunk
I love these girls. I'll trade you this girl for that girl.
Kek is a being of great mercy to the repentant who wish to change their ways.