What was even the point of this movie?

What was even the point of this movie?
That was the most pointless, gratuitously violent, gunporn flick I've ever seen

Other urls found in this thread:


>Strong start
>tense as fuck middle
> then... Main character change
>shitty revenge tale.!?

Why would they do this?

it was a kino for patricians you cuck

you dont have to be so Emily Blunt about it.

Columbian drug cartel propaganda

>gratuitously violent, gunporn
I think you got it, OP. Were you expecting more?

har har. but in all seriousness the biggest bogeyman in that movie was basically the us gov'ts unseen ruthlessness. You know what a death squad is, right guys? Well heres an american death squad. That's right -
we are just as bad! Spoooooky!

>the world is a dark and corrupt place that perpetuates itself and your optimistic altruism will slowly be defeated if you try to change it.

Not exactly a deep or groundbreaking idea, but that's what it's "about".

dude system lmao
jews control the world with american army creating chaos and killing innocents
dude there's nothing you can do about it lmao

One word I never understand when used in this movie was 'destabilize.' What did they mean when their efforts were basically about destabilizing the mexican drug cartels?

Only saw it for the first time the other day.
It's good but people really oversold it to me. I was expecting kino but I got film at best.

Just poke at them to prevent them from becoming a dominant political force in Mexico. They can't destroy them.

>What did they mean when their efforts were basically about destabilizing the mexican drug cartels?

Destabilize the Mexican cartels and the far more predictable/controllable Colombian cartels might move in and assume control. From the CIA's perspective, it's better to have a single enemy that behaves in predictable ways and is, thus, easier to contain, than a wild, bloodthirsty enemy who is causing havoc.

It's about the grey area inbetween right and wrong. How far is too far, is there something as "too far" in a situation like that etc.
Most Villeneuve films deal with the same moral themes, he objectively presents a certain situation from both sides and it's up to the viewer to decide what is right or wrong to him, if there even is such a thing in said situation.

why doesn't the US just start dropping nukes?

It's called nihilism OP. It's systemically infected nearly all aspects of modern culture with the rise of progressivism and other strains of leftism and statism.

Forget about bravery or hope or beauty or any kind of traditional conception of positive values.

>What was even the point of this movie?

To watch an idealistic individual's concept of the world shaken as she is introduced to what is going on behind the curtain.

The viewer is meant to ask themselves if it is better to live in righteous ignorance or risk becoming cynical with knowledge of an imperfect world.

Was Kate Macer a better person when she was kicking doors down in an ineffective war against the cartels, or when she became a part of a far more compromised operation, even knowing that exchanging the Colombians for the Mexicans would be better for Americans on balance?

>imma centrist
>too pussy to pick a side
Virgin cinema. Pretend-Chad filmmaking.

the sound of kino youtu.be/rn8MbAjsA1s

It's a soldier's moral dilemma: will you do things you know are wrong in order to achieve what you hope is right

Give up, you can't understand this kino.

t. salty Nolanfag.

You mean flick, reddit

Killing those kids was totally necessary to achieve what is right. Women will never understand.

it wasn't shitty, nor did it switch main characters, it just gave two or three scenes focused on our Sicario friend. His motive for it had pay off and was set up nicely.

The traffic and the tunnel scenes were top tier.

>what was even the point
Cartel war ain't pretty

well put and great quads, lad.


the point of this movie is to show how USA wastes its time and resources.


>it's pointless!

How to spot a brainlet 101

To see operators operate and women get BTFO.

HiDoubleing the doubles

>Main character change




because Mexico is a "sovereign" nation

Gonna get me some sea urchin ceviche!

Hey, we have barbarians at the gate


Everyone somehow managed to ignore the only post that is not a meme.

You realize that northern Mexico is that violent irl, right?


only good scene desu

feeding my narcos addiction

1. What the other guy said, Mexico is sovereign

2. We don't use nukes. Ever. Even when we're absolutely fucking desperate and nukes would probably solve everything (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan) because of fear of global backlash

3. Our relationship with Mexico is already strained as it is, even though the US military would be infinitely more capable of fighting the cartels than the incompetent hilariously corrupt Mexican police, it's not worth the trouble. The Mexicans would hate it and whine and bitch about Americans risking their lives.

4. No US President wants to have to deal with the horrible press of Private Billy Williams being brutally tortured by the cartels on camera. If Latavious DaBlackaShaw Jackson from Baltimore or Miguel Ortega Martinez Rivera Gonzalez from Los Angeles gets shot in a cocaine dispute, nobody gives a shit, because that's just life. If white kids start dying in the drug war people will get mad.

TL;DR: Not worth the trouble and a majority of Americans don't genuinely care about the drug violence because it affects niggers, spics, and foreign spice

*And before some smartass points this out, of course we dropped two of them on Japan. But that was the only time they were used in war, which is my point.

**foreign spics, not foreign spice

I'll just have chili and sea bass, thank you

To show revenge is worth it

>chili and sea bass
Chilean sea bass

Honestly this 'Medellin' thing is stupid as fuck. Pablo, for a time, was arguably more powerful than the government itself and it took an extraordinary amount of effort to bring him down and the Americans want that again? The little cartels like Los Zetas, Sinaloa, etc do damage, but as far as I know they aren't that big of a threat to Mexico (compared to the Medellin with Colombia) or to the US. The movie is basically pointless, even though I had high expectations from other people recommending it. The only good part of it, I guess, is that it didn't portray the main character as some feminist woman that's going to save the day.

>hey aren't that big of a threat to Mexico
Are you fucking retarded? The border is a literal warzone because of them.

re--watch the scene.

>literal warzone
Yes, yes reddit, a 'literal' warzone. You have no idea what a 'warzone' even is. The Medellin cartel bullied the Colombian government into giving them what they want and things like the kidnapping of the 2 busses in Mexico happened every single week. You have no idea what you're talking about and what kind of power Pablo held in his hands while he was alive. To go back to that is insanity, that's why the movie is stupid as fuck.

>To go back to that is insanity, that's why the movie is stupid as fuck.
You are stupid as fuck if you think the film was advocating anything.

So you agree that it's a meaningless film and that the plot is stupid as fuck? Should have just said so.

>s, gratuitously violent
the cartels do far worse than what's depicted in this movie

Just watched this again. Is this one of the best operator kino's ever?

Also, how do you end up in a position like Matty? Running CIA operations. Do they usually hire ex-military guys like that for SAD/SOG? Or civilians off university degrees?

The point was you enjoying the nice landscape shots and then getting 10 minutes of an unrelated story

I thought the movie was absolute trash on first watch, because I assumed at the end the FBI would "win".

Its much better watching a second time because it highlights how incompetent the FBI pukes are, particularly the idiot bitch and her faggot partner

It was lovecraftian kino but you are too stupid to read in between the lines

Essentially it's saying that whites are the foundation of civil society and the rule of law, and wherever whites are displaced by Latinos and blacks both of these things along with civilization itself begin to crumble and collapse.

CIA = cocaine importing agency.