What is zika?

I live in South Florida in the slums, I heard that they sprayed for zika mosquitos in my area and ever since then Me, and every one I know is sick. Not only that but even our pets are sick too, does anyone know anything about this virus? Or the what they are spraying near our homes? Could it be a coincidence?

ready for this shit? there's no going back once you know the truth

zika was a man-made virus that was supposed to kill of mosquitoes by making them produce impotent offspring

it failed to work and now children in brazil are being born with underdeveloped brains

Holy shit... who made it?

You got it a bit backwards.

Zika was all natural. The man-made mosquitos were man-made (man-edited), and changed the migratory patterns of the total sum of mosquitoes in the regions that they were deployed, because of the aforementioned 4% chance they managed to breed, instead of die off.

So then the majority of mosquitoes, GMO and otherwise, slurped up some nice Zika from hosts abroad, and incubated it in their migration patterns.

Then people near the equator, especially, got bit with said mosquito population. Zika isn't new.

not sure, but we've been playing around with the idea since 2010 as a way to get rid of Malaria

see Nature Vol 466, 22 July 2010

Want to be mind fucked.... just look up zika virus pattent and enjoy

>Zika was all natural
I agree with this statement, but not the rest

Zika WAS naturally occuring in Africa. We've had samples of it since the 1940s. The Zika found in Brazil was man-made (a modified version) and introduce intentionally.

Oxitec, duh.

None of this is new. It's at least over 5 years old.

Zika is a bullshit lie to con slush funds from congress by the Obama administration. It is a Psyop.

>What is zika?
Our gift to the world

Bill gates funded it

(((They))) made it


Move out of florida now if you ever want children

Didn't they test that in Africa though? Not Brazil

Our Khan Niinistö would destroy Putlet in ice hockey

HUE's savage trolling spirit made corporeal


>what is zika?
a meme pushed by the media

That's hilarious. To think Brazil could manufacture a virus to control their mosquito problem is laughable when they can't even keep their roads paved

Ok, let's clarify some things.

>does anyone know anything about this virus?
Originated from Africa, like most of the hardcore diseases we have.

>Or the what they are spraying near our homes?
I believe this is exclusive for tropical climate. Maybe Florida would have some problems with it.
Zika is like a flu, just a little bit more aggressive, and gives you the same symptoms. No one dies from zika, and the brainless babies due to zika is just a shitstorm some actual brainless people invented.

In NE Brazil, as you know, microcephaly appeared in babies with more frequency than the usual, and at that time zika virus got there, but there's still no link between the virus and the cartoon babies. In fact, the most accepted theory, is that the NE agricultural fields started using a different pesticide, causing shitty brain formation on babies.

tl;dr: It's just a flu, and if you're a man, you shouldn't worry at all.