She was so cute in a weird way
Overlooked Waifus in film
Other urls found in this thread:
>one of the hottest women of that era
>cute in a weird way
You fucking homo
she was many a lads waifu back in the 80's young man
I think OP means the character, not the actress
what are you fuckin gay. she was smokin hot
In the Bonze and Split
Right? OP may just be young.
>Inviting demons to come and indoctrinate your children
The west has fallen so far and hard
Blade runner 2049 showing that most of these mongs are new
do not reply to pol posters
For me, it's Lady Vengeance
that's what I meant too, she was Harley Quinn for the anklewarmer generation
t. ancientfag
Shit, lads, OP here. I'm not that young, and I've watched BR years ago, but from what I've seen in threads, noone gives Pris that much credit compared to the more obvious waifu: Rachael. Guess I was wrong though.
She was/is literally autistic irl
giv cyber goth waifu
define "not that young". She was plastered on the walls of many hormonal teenagers during the 80's, a true waifu for the MTV generation
me on the right
why did the faggots 404 the other good thread
stupid fucking nigger mods
I don't really see anyone talk about Uma Thurman but I love her. She's beautiful and a great actress.
son, I'm sorry to tell you.. you're homosex
not that old either, I'm 25
Quentin won't shut up about her if he could get her foot out of his mouth
Quentin has no taste in feet good god
>tfw being 25
same here. I saw Blade Runner when I was like 11 and I got a boner.
Why did she start doing black flips when she had Deckard in a death grip?
It's funny, because she looks like a dude wearing makeup.
The weird girl from the Breakfast Club
Until she went off with the fucking moron chad reeeeeeeeeee
sorry for little Sup Forums offtop, but doesn't one of Asari (PeeBee) in Mass Effect Andromeda looks a bit like inspired by her?
Sup Forums is a christian board. we do not endorse homosexuality. go do that on Sup Forums
Am I faceblind or did they hire McKenzie for the resemblance
Stop posting trannies then.
thought the same when seen that
They were both Pleasure Models so it was definitely intentional
There's just a rickety old machine somewhere that does nothing but crank out manjawed whores
They wanted to emulate tfa
I like this one
Oh shidd there's a shoop da woop sharpied on that wall!
Who drew this?
I really liked rocket. I feel like I'm going to get shit on for this but I don't care
Beat my waifu if you can.
She was a pleasure model, she didn't know what she was doing.
>Zhora: assassin
>figures out what Deckard is, tries to murder him quiet, and then flees when she is interrupted
>Leon: manual labor/loader/general solider
>throws Deckard around, picks him up, straight up smacks him the face, generally showing off strength
>Pris: pleasure
>backflips and shit, gets his head between her legs and hits him in the head
>Roy: commando
>hunts Deckard through the house like a commando
>that spooky lad on the right
Nah, that movie was secretly good. Director's cut only though.
But her hair and makeup are awful. Why would anyone think that looked good when trying to sell her body off to Johns?
the video game version wasnt to bad either.
I mean I liked amit alot. I went in expecting women in lingerie to shoot up a bun ch of shit in fantasy land and that's exactly what I got.the soundtrack was neat too.
>tall lanky body with no curves
>weird wonky tits
>man jaw
Yeah no thanks.