I just finished watching this.
Holy moly what a ride, don't think a film has ever made me shake before, for like the entire length of the film no less.
Fuck that child therapist.
I just finished watching this
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Is this the new Kojima movie?
Did he do it?
>Fuck that child rapist.
How come they never found the basement in his house?
It's heavily implied, yes. But it's cool it's ambiguous
>the rapist
fuck off sam
Welcome to the Mads kinoverse
is it? i didn't get that at all. maybe they try to get you to second guess, but...
forced drama: the plot
we're supposed to just believe an entire town collectively decides overnight to make one person the literal devil because huh someone said he did something bad
the entire premise is unrealistic as fuck if you just understand at least more than half of people are not cartoonish enough to witch hunt a respected member of a community out of nowhere
how is it implied? I didn't sense that at all
What the hell is going on and what is he saying?
I assume you're not scandinavian. this is totally what its like here
>it's better to let your kids be fucked by someone than appear rude or paranoid and investigate some allegations
t. never lived in a small shitty town/village
Don't bother user, Sup Forums is always shitposting about The Hunt that he actually did it just to "le troll" and get a couple of (You)'s. The director made the film by real life cases of people being completely and utterly fucked over by simple false allegations.
Small towns have rumors get around fast plus people generally believe kids if they say they were molested.
The idea that people would lie about rape or molestation has only gained much ground in the past few years due to how many stories turned out to be fake and even then it's still been controversial to talk about.
Are you people fucking retarded? It literally spells it out to you in the movie how the misunderstanding occured.
look up false molestation allegations
>It's heavily implied
Not at any point in the movie.
Wow, you haven't been reading the jews lately eh?
Sure is american here.
Imagine you have a family with kifs and if you just heard how the next door neighbour is a child rapist from someone. You're lying if you say that you would question that statement and treat your neighbour completely normal the next time your interact with him.
False allegations are a scary thing.
>It's better that someone is ostracized by the community and socially ruined because your retarded little kid likes to make shit up
You're missing the entire point of the film if you think the kid was responsible for everything
You're missing the point of the post I replied to.
Upon rereading I see what you meant, sorry you're right. Although it's not just that just kids lie and start allegations like that, could've phrased it a bit better
I just can't stand the "we must protect my child at everyone else's expense" soccer mom mentality of that guy.
I said 'fuck the therapist' in the OP because he lead on the girl way too much. She wasn't in the wrong; she just heard from he retarded brother that 'pointy stick' was a bad thing (they were laughing at it), so she used it as an insult (after calling him mean and ugly) after being rejected by him. The therapist just jumped to conclusions and put words in her mouth.
I would treat my "next door neightbour" the same if he had been my closest friend for like my entire adult life and his worded counted more than some vague rumor
Moreover, my judgment of someone is my own, why is it that EVERYONE in town with no exception decides Mads is guilty without even thinking twice? And then they shoot his dog, because DRAMA or something stupid like that, haven't watched that stupid film more than once years ago. Normal people don't act like that, let alone with someone that is well-known in a small community.
Retarded American detected
Have you ever gone outside your basement and interacted with people? The vast majority are fucking idiots and will believe anything.
>I'd rather have a pedophile roam free and rape kids than an innocent being wrongly accused
Its true, I would. Especially in this case since the guy is innocent.
>Fuck that child, rapist.
google "hollywood habbenings" you retard
The story is based on true events that happened in a Norwegian village in the 90s.
But the town people weren't investigating anything, they instantly believed the rumor and made that guy's life hell.