>ww2 movie
>judeobolshevists are portrayed as the good guys
Ww2 movie
soviets killed more than nazi, and fucked up development for half of europe for decades
name one film were the bolshevists THEMSELVES are portrayed as the good guys
Usually its the average soviet citzen or soldier
Enemy at the Gates
>average soldier
Every company had a political commissar attached to ensure the soldiers were Bolshevik fanatics
an accurate portrayal of history
Thye made a pact with the Nazis: how could they be the good guys? Only the Anglos were the relatively good guys. The rest was evil.
alright, granted. Its a terrible film though, absolute garbage so no wonder.
Every company had a political commissar attached to ensure the soldiers were Bolshevik fanatics
Sure, but that doesnt mean everybody WAS a bolshevik fanatic.
>only Anglos were the relatively good guys
>literally started the war
>genocided 11 million bengals
>carpet bombed Dresden and Hamburg killing hundreds of thousands of civilians
>created Israel
>created Saudi Arabia
>created Pakistan
>created modern political Islam
>went to war just to force an entire country to stay addicted to Opium
>invaded and occupied a third of the world
>"""good guys"""
t. Perfidious Anglo
>i don't recognize it
n-name two more
There was no good side, much like WW1 it was just a huge shitshow
>"muh Judeobolsheviks"
>Look up first Central Committee (highest organ of power in the USSR)
>Less Jewish than Trump's cabinet
RLY makes me think!
no, there were good guys and badguys if you actually read up on how it went down. Germans were warmongering and inflexible, Austrians were retarded and delusional
NKVD was 50% Jewish though. Stalins central committee was mostly Georgians. Lenins bolshevik council was almost entirely Jewish though
Why are there no movies about the fact that Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Georgians, Ossetians, Finns, and Poles were more disproportionately represented in the Bolsheviks than Jews?
"Judeobolshevism" is a retarded meme, but Lenin had a jewish mother i think, so he should be marked on that list
"bolshevik council"
there was no such thing. During Lenin's time the Central Committee was the highest organ of power followed by the Council of Ministers. Stalin, as General-Secretary, gradually moved the supreme organ of power to the Politburo.
And only 1 of the 5 soviet secret police chiefs pre-purges was Jewish, and he was killed for objecting to a nation-wide purge. Yet 2 were Polish.
good picture, saved
Actually prior to the purges it was 1 in 2
>Dzerzhinsky (not jewish)
>Mezhinsky (not Jewish)
>Yagoda (Jewish)
>Yezhov (not Jewish, Great Purge begins)
Lenin's grandmother on his mother's side was half-jewish. He didn't know and it wasnt' discovered until after his death
His mother was half jewish, not grandmother. You're right though, he shouldnt be included. also His grandfather had converted to christianity