This is no man's land Dianna, that means no man can cross it

> This is no man's land Dianna, that means no man can cross it
> Good thing I am a woman

what did they mean by this

I think it's a strong proclamation of feminist identity that should not be ignored.

this was the part where I was convinced this was a comedy

it meant she was beyond human and considered a god among gods with her race of amazons

whoops i mean she was a stronk independent womyn sjw xD

>"It's a good thing I'm a Wonder Woman"

You mean that's an actual line?


Except it isn't you lying fuck

Wait, I'm confused

I took my gf to see this film, and she loved this scene.
I even got a blowie on the car ride home

I hated the scenes with Ludendorf but I thought the ending of the movie was great.

>that retarded finger tapping when he lies down with her

This is sjw jewish trash

It may be known as No Man's Land, but Wonder Woman, is no man.

The Jews are God's chosen people.

>I'm underage!
Be careful who you tell that too, user.

>Wonder woMAN
>isn't a man

>we're supposed to believe Gal Gadot is ad-libbing about "Clio's treatises on bodily pleasure" when she can't even read cue cards on SNL right

most dishonest flick of the year

A woman is a man with extra woes because she has been discriminated against and harassed for her entire life for having a vagina.

Not even him but yes it is, idiot

Why does the media think this is the best received capeshit movie of the year?

How can pathetic humans compete?

The only one I saw was Logan

And I don't think it deserves a 8.2

I mean everything was pretty good until the forest fight. What a bunch of trash that was.

The no mans land line is but not the response. We all expected it to be but it surprisingly wasn't.

It's like they realized
>"hey, this is supposed to be capeshit"


This is why they feed us terrible movies. Because trash like that is considered the peak of film.

>Logan 8.2/10
>Barry Lyndon 8.1/10

That literally didn't happen, you fuck.

god damn did I love spiderman homecoming.

>Barry Lyndon
What's his superpower? Is he DC or Marvel

why is capeshit and nigger wars treated like the height of cinema I thought Ghost in the Shell was better than Wonder Woman. With Wonder Woman they tried way too hard to put emphasis on muh stronk female lead. Ghost in the Shell was more subtle in that sense, and was better for it

Why would anyone lie about that?

Aside from the kids it was good.

She has aspergers.

>No man can kill me
>I am no man

Umm wtf Tolkien?

To make the actors appear more talented than they are?