Why was It so good?

Why was It so good?

Great comedy that deviates from the usual DUDE SEX jokes

It was a movie that rode the line just right between classic timeless kid-kino with a smidge of 80's.

It wasn't scary but it was a fun good time. If Part 2 is actually scary this will be a KINO duology.

because of that sexy little girl

>explain my opinion to me

Nearly all of Richie's jokes were sex jokes.



Heart and soul, obvious respect for the source material, treating the kids as fully fleshed characters (most of them)

>smidge of 80s
Thats the other thing, authentic setting without stranger things tier DUDE 80s LMAO

>authentic setting without stranger things tier DUDE 80s LMAO
Unless you count NKotB.

That was the most "DUDE 80s LMAO" thing in the movie but I don't think it was that bad. It's like instead of spamming "DUDE 80s LMAO" everywhere they chose that to be the thing

oppa gangam style

So you ignored it because you liked it. Got ya.

the jumpscares made me angry. they werent even scary. the movie would have great tension and horror scenes without jumpscares and then all of a the next horror scene has a jump scare. why would they ruin all of that tension they built? my only other problem was it relied a little too much on cgi, but at least it had more practical effects than most movies these days. That lady in the painting looked so corny and stupid. imagine how scary she could have looked with practical effects. however, it did use have good use of CGI a few times, such as that projector scene in the garage. I just wish it didn't rely on a shitty sound cue jumpscare because it was genuinely creepy on its own, even though it was obvious he was going to pop out when the lights came on

I also like how it had light and charming moments, as well as a few moments where It appeared just try tell a shitty joke, or show his prescence, rather than just horrifically torment them all of the time.

It was a Spielberg movie with "scary" parts.

It wasn't. You're 12 and IT was your first "horror" movie.

but it was awful

We do need more kids of bikes films.

shit taste

>has great actors, especially considering they're mostly kids
>well paced
>top tier villain
>genuinely scary scenes
>knows how to have fun despite being a horror movie (the scene where they go into the abandoned house was fucking great)
>doesn't go full memberberries with the original miniseries, only has a few tasteful nods to it and improves on it on just about every way
>wisely changes and omits parts of the book
>justifies being a 2 parter because of the source material
There's not really that much to complain about with it desu. It was a solid movie.

I especially noticed how well filmed it was, like a DP actually put their full effort. Same with the editing. Excellent use of shadow and light, whereas more horror films are just rushed through with zero thought about those things.

When was the last time you watched a horror movie that actually had a plot and decent characters instead of being just a collection of jumpscares? I think this was part of the reason for why It was so well received. It was a breath of fresh air after years of jumpscare collection of movies like Annabelle, even thought It also suffered from it.

Yeah, I should have mentioned that too. The cinematography was surprisingly good. I especially remember that shot after the Georgie scene where the title of the movie comes up as the camera moves through the sewers and into the woods.

I'm actually very pissed about the Woman in Black because of that. Wouldn't it have been enough just to be a super creepy gothic horror film about a lost child and a mother's grief turning her into a vengeful ghost? The jumpscares ruin it completely.

This was one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. It was honest to god just awful, start to finish

It used jumpscares in the way they're supposed to be, instead of, like you said, just cramming a bunch of them in one-after-the-other in a collection.

It included them but just as one of several scare tactics

IT was the best part, the rest was just alright

I dunno, I felt like a lot of them were just unnecessary. The one where Pennywise grabs Bev after she beats up her dad comes to mind.

Maybe it's also because I don't often see horror on the big screen. But shots like looking up at the creepy haunted house from a low angle to maximize the creep factor, or when Bev's dad is cast in shadow.

Yeah the cinematography alone makes the film worth seeing, it's the best shot horror film in a long time

oh ok

>the best shot horror film in a long time
Have you seen The Witch? The camera work in that movie is like something Kubrick would do. It's fantastic.

The Witch was pretty well shot too, forgot about that.

dumb vagueposter

I didn't think much of it desu
it wasn't scary but I guess it was just creepy enough for general audiences, bathroom blood scene was alright
also the stranger things kid was the worst of the bunch

VVitch wasn't set up like a horror film in the way IT adheres to. Not trying to split hairs, but IT is more conventional scary horror.

IT was good because it was a coming of age story with moments of horror. I wish they gave Pennywise more personality though.

Henry did nothing wrong.

>series of vignettes
Nobody has an attention span anymore, so better to dish out info in short, barely-connected segments.
>simplified characters
Being pressed for time, the production didn't know how to handle developing 7 protagonists, multiple antagonists, and several supporting characters. Aspects of several key and supporting characters were changed for no apparent reason. Most characters were extremely two-dimensional, practically memes. They weren't good, but hey were easy to follow.
>pseudo nostalgia
Most people are judging it based on/against the 1990 miniseries. This has much better production value than the miniseries, but is also a much worse adaptation. The 2017 version plays like as if an adult read the book, gave a child a lengthy synopsis, then the child saw a trailer for the miniseries, then regurgitated all this info for the 2017 production crew.
There has been anything even close to a halfway decently produced monster horror movie in a loooong time.

It's not good, you just don't know any better.

>a fun good time

You're a fucking pleb.