>Jake Gyllenhal will play Deku
>Ryan Gosling will play Todoroki
>Leonardo DiCaprio will play
Jake Gyllenhal will play Deku
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you 17?
>Gosling as Sasuke
poor choice
this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard
what about uravity?
arnie as all might
>Sasuke reserved
>Bakugou explosive
You don't care.
>Tilda Swinton as All Might
>pic related is the only anime worth being made into live action and would only work as a long-running TV series with a massive budget and would be hell to cast well.
Can you be anymore of a pathetic virgin?
you should never listen to anyone who takes a serious interest in shounen
I dropped this manga at about chapter 140. It felt suddenly getting stale. Too many boring characters getting introduced. Why does the author keep introducing characters by the dozens? I dont even remember most of the main teenage cast while I was reading it.
it's too late user
It's honestly not that good. Feels even more formulaic than your typical shonen
Fuck off manchild.
it was made to fill the gap that naruto and bleach left. super generic shounen
>watching children's cartoons
plebs need to gtfo of Sup Forums
>pic related is the only anime worth being made into live action
What about Monster?
Or Homunculus?
Or Welcome to the NHK?
or Perfect Blue?
Or All you need is Kill?
So many characters were unremarkable; the author shouldve killed all might on his big fight and timeskipped into a near future. The next arcs were terrible.
but that's wrong
This current one is complete garbage, I don't even remember much of the previous ones, beside the first arc
live action naruto movie when?
>Kill la Kill: The Motion Picture
Produced by Harvey Weinstein
every fucking day someone makes this lame ass thread. is it a meme or are you cunts serious?
Not bad FPA. Kind of shitty Empire choices... aside from a couple.
But it would only work as a series. And probably with a premium cable budget.
I'll give you Monster and Perfect Blue. Idk if the others would make good movies/shows. They could be made, but I don't know if they would be very good.
although this arc has been still shit. Tintin is the only interesting character so far and they depowered him
But one of those did get adapted.
>not reading a real shonen
Only good Shonen is OP.
>good shonen
Literally no such thing.
One meme man is memepool tier.