Randy replaces the MC of the last show/film you watched. How does he fare?
Randy replaces the MC of the last show/film you watched. How does he fare?
Just watched Maximum Overdrive. So I guess Randy would replace Emilio Estevez. So he fares well, he gets called "hero" and fugs that female hitchhiker then in the end though when he shoots the rocket into Green Goblin truck he would say "Adios, mother frigger!" and then AC/DC Who Made Who blares.
Just watched Dune earlier, I don't think he would fit into the stillsuits
Trailer Park Boys
Now what
He would have been good as Micky Rorrick's character in the Wrestler.
look at that hump though, I'm sure Lahey could ride him bareback over half of Arrakis
>Lo and Behold by Herzog
>bobandy is the internet now
>The cheeseburgers must flow
Randy should replace Morgan Spurlock in Supersize Me.
Sheriff Randy Bobandy
I guess he replaces ross in friends.
Not great.
>Randy has a holographic Lahey
>Cube Zero
He's fucked.
randy copes with losing his father in world war 2 through drug use and building some kind of... barrier around his emotions and inner thoughts
>Randy replaces the Big Dog Roman Reigns
It's an upgrade to be honest
He's in The Exorcist III. He'd die of a heart attack.
I don't think it would have gone well for him.
La La Land
That fat guys got some moves
an episode of the blacklist
pretty good
This kid of fat stomach is caused by alcoholism, not so much burgers.
Well he has to upgrade to at least bubbles, Ricky or Julian screen time, so would affect it.
Currently watching Supernatural. Randy Bobandy tells the monsters to frig off and enjoys cheeseburgers with Dean.
Just let him get his pants off...