Now that /ourguy/ has spoken, now we all agree that blade runner 2049 is shit right?
Now that /ourguy/ has spoken, now we all agree that blade runner 2049 is shit right?
Says the guy that thought fucking Fallout 4 was good
I've seen only one video of his, where he said Thief: Deadly Shadows was better than Thief 1, and I decided I had seen enough.
Didn't this guy have a video of him jerking off leak? And isn't he a Trump cocksucker with a bunch of tinfoil hat-tier opinions about guns and Pat Buchanan?
>You will never dress that cool when you grow up
Why even live bros?
i haven't seen the movie but this guy is always 100% on it. so yes the movie is probably one of the worst of the decade.
Nah, fuck you. You got laughed out of Sup Forums for shilling your shit-for-brains channel, now you're trying your luck here. Get the fuck out, you greasy prick.
don't remember that
Get Dennis Miller's cock out of your mouth. I understand that everyone else is doing it so you think it's cool not to but maybe try breathing some oxygen before you pass out again and save yourself a little brain damage before it's too late.
>And isn't he a Trump cocksucker with a bunch of tinfoil hat-tier opinions about guns and Pat Buchanan?
Do you know what board you are on, tumblr?
He insulted Ryan Gosling's accent of all things. Like what?
Reminder that it's always Daniel Harris (Razorfist) or Terran Gell making these threads.
dude dresses like a perma virgin faggot
original Blade Runner isnt even that good of a film
right? How can I compete?!
sure thing mr. false flagger you fucking 2049 fans are getting what you're asking for
Meanwhile on Sup Forums
I want to listen to his shit now, but I can't find it.
>razorfag on the far left with his EPIC METAL BAND
I watched part of his video, didn't this fag say that he didn't like Ryan Gosling so the movie sucked?
This guy critiqued the goose on looks.... lol....
I made it to 1:36 before I had to turn it off, holy shit how do you stomach this bullshit? This is everything that is wrong with millennial culture.
>razorfag in the middle
holy shit. Apparently this is from '99. The fucker hasn't changed his style in 18 years.
Found this from his second band.
Spoiler: it fucking sucks
>being against a neocon israeli puppet makes you tumblr
>those vocals
Actually its from 2005, but the point still stands.
>thinking the opinion of a dude who considers fallout 4 good is important
top kek
ayy lmao
Is that him singing? What the fuck is wrong with him?
He hated Fallout 4
Literally one of his arguments about why Fallout 4 sucked was because it didn't have metal on the radio stations.
Yep. I can't track down songs from his first band because it seems someone tried pretty hard to scrub them from the internet.
That video is probably going to be put on private now.
he considers it better than vegas
that enough for me to hate him
Thanks anyway, user. I had a good laugh at him singing like Cornholio having a stroke.
That's just typical "shitty black metal band vocals" that you find everywhere else.
Black metal, as a genre, is kinda like hip hop where everyone sorta sounds the same so you gotta look hard to find the real gems.
Okay, so according to the link that posted, this is apparently some of their tracks. At least that's where that page links to.
Can not confirm though
You don't have to look hard in either genre in 2017 with the internet at your fingertips.
He has the worst fucking taste in movies and vidya. His comic book videos are solid but he's horrible otherwise. I feel embarassed for even agreeing with him on some points he makes on his political videos.
He is like bizarro Jim Sterling except he is still wrong about nearly everything.
>Bizarro Jim Sterling
holy fuck it's such an accurate description
Want a music video with your cringe?
Lol, all these ad hominen attacks. He's right about the movie on every point, you fags only liked it because muh holo waifu
Watch the start of his New Vegas stream, he flipped.
Yeah, that's true. I recently got into atmospheric black metal. Youtube auto-tune was playing without knowing and I ended up discovering some good bands like Downfall of Nhur and Zuriaake just like that.
Likewise, I was searching who was behind the soundtrack of The Boondocks a few weeks ago and I found out about MF Doom (who's apparently a fairly big name) a few minutes after.
I can't help but remember back when I was 12 years old and trying to find some good tunes on Limewire in contrast.
haha dennis miller is so based
>His comic book videos are solid
His actual comics that he posts on Deviantart are shit and he seems to only like edgelord stuff
Man if you JUST found out about MF Doom then I can understand why you think all rap sounds the same.
Keep digging, rap is one of the most consistently innovative genres of the last 3 decades.
Okay, now you have to link that shit
What if you don't like rapping. Like the actual form of singing that defines the genre? Is there still a sub-genre for me?
Who the fuck is this faggot?
He's the most nauseating Bethesdrone out there.
I can't stand fags who always punch down and find any reason to belittle underdog developers like Obsidian while brown-nosing for soulless and talentless hacks like Todd Howard.
How do you spend all your time critiquing metal music - going so far as to trace and analyse it thematically and historically - only to come up with the most generic sound and aesthetic yourself? It boggles the mind. There's no way he looked at this and thought: "yeah, that works!"
yeah there's a lot of hip hop where they basically sing the whole time
Open Mike Eagle is a good example
Terrible taste in basically everything, the only halfway quality videos he makes are his music mythos ones and even then he peppers in his shitty opinion on politics and music
the man mods are afraid of messing with
2 threads a day while samefagging in the thread getting bumped to the frontpage of Sup Forums
Dilly dilly
Those who cant, criticize.
Like Doug Walker can talk shit about movies all he wants, but when he got the chance to make something, it was worse than anything hes ever made fun of. Same goes for Daniel.
Its not as bad as his music, but its still meh at most
Also thanks
As a fan of black metal, this is incredibly not good
His Mad Max retrospective was basically just plot summary. baka senpai
First guy you were responding to.
I was just speaking from personal experiences where I heard a lot of times people exclaiming that a lot of modern hip hop sounds alike which is somewhat true if we stick to what is passed on the radio. Hip Hop is a genre that still has a lot to offer me but even I know that it is one of the most diverse genre of music. Like metal which has the paradox of being super diverse in his sub-genre but sounding majorly the same within them.
Btw, keeping that link in note. Will check him out later.
>His comic book videos are solid
Even though I agree, as someone who has been a fan of The Shadow for a while, I hate how his videos led to a swarm of edgelords becoming fans and repeating his shitty opinions on the character as gospel.
I hate how he tries to make The Shadow seem like the edgiest character of all time and how it has given people a wrong impression. Like when he said that The Shadow's agents are essentially slaves repaying debts when that's just so fucking wrong to how it was in the pulps (which he claims to love), or how he recommends people into reading the Howard Chaykin mini-series while comparing it to TDKR in the same breath.
I hate that the character is now going to be associated with this cunt.
And I get that the character's fanbase before was mostly dead and consisting of way older people. I am slightly thankful that because of him at least more people are actually discovering about The Shadow.
But it sucks to go on groups and see people post his videos left and right and keep repeating verbatim this guy's garbage like he's an authority on the subject.
Do Obsidiots even watch his videos? He talked shit about both Bethesda and Obsidian in the reviews.
t. Razorfisting
This is getting fucking pathetic
>mfw he got triggered by me telling him his taste is shit hard enough to sperg out at my comment
That's a great point about metal subgenres. Happy musical journeys user :3
I want to see a fight between him and varg.
>"The Shadow is the most libertarian hero every written"
>"He binds people to his will with blood debts"
>Somehow doesn't see any contradiction between these two things
Yeah I thought that was a little weird.
He has never said anything positive about Obsidian. Not one.
His criticisms towards Bethesda amount to these flaccid platitudes like "okay I admit they dumb down their games for brainlets like me, but hey at least they're fun amirite guys???".
The people at Obisidian are the SOLE REASON why the Fallout series exists in the first goddamn place. If you call yourself a fan of the series but relentlessly shit on Obsidian, then you're a faggot who should dunk his head in wet cement.
That's like calling yourself a proud American citizen but shitting all over the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.
God bless this man, anyone who triggers Sup Forums and Sup Forums is ok in my book.
Thats not hard at all.
Just talk shit on their waifu and they'll instantly lose it.
>anyone who triggers Sup Forums and Sup Forums is ok in my book.
You're an Anita Sarkeesian fan too? Her thoughts on Blade Runner were so eye-opening.
Yeah but they don't usually dedicate daily threads to my shitposts.
Its pretty obvious that if Daniel didnt start this thread, he sure as fuck has been posting in it and keeping it alive, so that doesnt count.
You act like Obsidian deserves nothing but praise. I like New Vegas because it's miles more interesting than Fallout 3 but instead of improving on the shitty gameplay and bugs, they somehow made them worse.
He has this shitty idea that The Shadow is and always has been a bloodthirsty super murderous "Punisher with a dick" which to me just seems like he lets his own political and social biases dictate how he views the character.
His view is more inline with how the Chaykin/Helfer mini-series, or the Garth Ennis run, have portrayed the character, but again, a lot of fans hate those precisely because they perpetuate the idea of The Shadow as a colossal dickhead with no redeeming qualities (which is part of why the character had a decline in popularity). He barely ever talks about the pulps, or the agents, or Walter Gibson's amazing life and fascinating knowledge of magic, which are the things he SHOULD be trying to get people into.
It's frustrating as hell.
they had 6 months you cock wad
6 months that they agreed to, you fucking faggot. Nobody forced them to sign that contract.
Yes the gameplay sucked, but what of it? The writing was fucking great and that's all you need for a good RPG.
>muh gameplay
Fallout 3 was also unplayable when it first came out but bethesdrones defended it on the grounds that 'durr modders can fix it stop complaining you independently-minded and principled consumers".
The bugginess of Fallout 3 is well documented. You cannot deny that it was buggy as fuck.
New Vegas comes out buggy (shitty engine and even shorter deadline than Fallout 3's), and the fucking bethesdrones sperged on about how shitty Obsidian is and how unplayable New Vegas was.
Bethesdrones are cancerous subhuman dipshits.
Fallout 4 is the best open world game out idiot
What's his name again?
Gameplay is the one thing you shouldn't fuck up because its a fucking game, not a movie.
it's a fucking rpg, you fuck, gameplay is secondary, whereas the writing is the main focus. do you see people praising Fallout 1, 2, B;G 1,2, Arcanum, Morrowind, P;T, Icewind Dale games etc. for their gameplay?
still shit
Fallout 4 was the best Dr. Doom simulator I've ever played.
>I watched Bladerunner everyday for a year
>which means I know the movie inside and out and my word is law
Look Jim sterling may look at a restaurant menu everyday, but that sure as fuck doesn't mean he knows what a salad is and the same can be said about this. If he discussed it with different people everyday while watching it with them then that would mean something. But watching the same movie over and over is not going to change your interpretation of things after the even 10th watch. This is the equivalent of an echo chamber
well put, friend. :)
What's with this guy and Jim Sterling ?
Jim is the only one that ever even acknowledged Razofag's existence, so Daniel thinks he has a feud going on with Jim, but Jim moved on.
Why is he ashamed of his name?
He's hiding from the edgy faggot police and has to use a fake name.
For someone who's just an irrelevant edgy faggot, he sure seems to inspire an impressive amount of hatred in you people.