Are there other examples of characters that start out extremely popular and become almost universally hated as the series goes on.
Are there other examples of characters that start out extremely popular and become almost universally hated as the...
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I can try.... but I really, really can't think of anyone that comes CLOSE to this ... thing.
I haven't watched arrow, just how bad is she?
Bad enough that you wouldn't even want to masturbate to her anymore.
I stopped watching around the second season. TV is shit thanks to double down politicing shite.
What's so bad about of Felicity? I really don't get the hate.
mary sue that gets to call all the shots because the MC has a boner for her, even when he isn't with her.
I gave up half way thru last season. I would need to be really bored or drunk to finish.
the show has turned into a weekly "ebic hacker chick savez the day!!"
Watch the whole thing if you can
What the fuck was that even supposed to be? This is a show about a guy with a bow and gadget arrows beating up bad guys.
>it's another episode of brutal hackings on telly
I gave up after episode 16 of season 4
The writers turned the character from a fun supporting character to an overbearing drama queen by the 3rd season of the show. I've never seen a character I liked get wrecked so bad before.
this was painful
I think they lost the budget for arrows. Seriously I don't think the last 2 seasons he fired any arrows
i wont watch arrow until they kill off Smoak
Holy shit. I saw her face and without thinking for the first time in my life let out a
I actually feel sick. She destroyed Arrow. It used to be my favorite show
remember back during season 2 when her bf posted on Sup Forums
I'm not usually the kind of faggot who "ships" couples on tv shows, but back around season 2 I was actually shipping Oliver and Felicity. Thought they had some good chemistry and the characters were pretty qt together.
Be careful what you wish for, lads
I stopped watching years ago, does she ever show any skin?
I honestly don't know why the actress is even on the show for so long. Only way I can think of if she is getting Weinsteined from one of the producers. She isn't even in the comics.
Oh my that dialogue is atrocious
She's sort of shown in a bra like once or twice, but camera trickery makes it so you can never see much. But she's always wearing nice tight dresses that show off her booty
somebody post that screenshot of a Sup Forums thread complaining about laurel in s2 while praising felicity and wanting olicity
not a Sup Forumsmmunist, but that was perfectly acceptable behaviour back during season 2, I don't blame them
Ollicityfags, not even once.
They've gotten what they deserve, worst ratings of all superhero shows on network.