Poorfag here, money is really really tight, I haven't been to the kinoplex in months. Is BR2049 worth it? I know the price of a ticket is nothing to many of you but to me it's a lot. Nothing has tempted me before now, critics raved about it Sup Forums loves it, plebs hate it.
So the question is should I splash out on the price of a ticket? I can always wait for a decent torrent but I think I need to see it on a big screen.
Thoughts lads
Should I see it?
See it, user. Was let down on first viewing but love it more and more as I think about it
Needing repeat viewings to be good sounds like waiting for torrent grounds.
Do it, you get a great buzz from the movie that lasts 2-3 days after. Unfortunately, the day after I saw it I also read through the entirety of Hamlet, so I've had this recurring dream where I was in a duel with Laertes or someone similar in the last scene of the play. So I would recommend doing that too /blog
Cinematography and sound design are on point. Story is rather lackluster in fact it'll probably piss you off if you really liked Blade Runner. If you like the work of Nolan and similar, ie. directors who make movies for theaters, then you'll probably appreciate it. If you have a decent stereo I say wait, t's not life changing or anything, it's just very pretty to the eyes and ears.
No. It's trash and a meme pushed by low IQ r/movies posters.
It's very good. Great at some points, but doesn't have a tears in the rain improvised speech to make it better than the first.
It is still just a movie, so if you don't have moneys for food, why even consider?
On the other hand - I could not eat for one day to see this. Not a big deal.
>Poorfag here, money is really really tight,
Exactly how tight are we talking? Maybe we could work something out.
Yes but keep in mind it's flawed. Very flawed. Third act is a mess and the story loses focus heavily.
Here's my two cents:
Cinematography is great, the film is beautiful.
Story is rather weak
Acting is decent, but you won't find a performance as stunning as Rutger Hauer's here.
Music is good but absolutely nowhere near the Original Blade Runner.
It isn't better than Blade Runner 1982, but it's still good. I'd wait for the Blu-Ray and watch it on a good TV. I think it's getting way too overrated because of how beautiful it is
It's not the modern masterpiece people are saying it is, but I do want to watch it again though
It's MOTD. See it on the largest screen you can afford. If your kids find out you neglected to see it in the theater when you had the opportunity they'll never let you live it down.
watch this movie in an empty theatre. unreal movie m8, defs worth.
a matinee is $5 you idiot. That's the price of a big mac.
cheers lads, I probably going to see it, I still kick myself for passing up seeing Dredd in the theaters years ago so I don't want to miss this
I can afford to eat, pay bills and put a tiny bit away for a rainy day. it's more of a case of like I 12 year old and saving up my pocket money, you just don't want to blow it even if it's only the price of a movie ticket. Hard to explain
Noted, go in for the aesthetic not the story, I've got to say though from everything I've seen and heard it's the visuals that seem far more appealing.
Just try your best to look for a cheap place, the theater I went to had tickets for like 6$ theyre speakers kind of sucked ass but it was still a good viewing nonetheless
I'd say see it but only if you appreciated the first one
The local Cinemark in town does $5 movies on Tuesdays. Take advantage of something like that in your area and see it in standard definition. Almost three hours of solid entertainment, fantastic visuals, and a good story that raises some interesting questions are worth $5 in my opinion.
Movie Of The Day
it's the best movie i've seen today
no because you will fall in love
Ford is better in this than he was in the original. I can't really argue about Rutger that's one of my all time favorite characters/performances.
But it blows the original film out of the water on virtually every level IMO
I thought the movie was great and probably worth it btw I liked the story a lot too but there were some parts that fell flat at the end
>Noted, go in for the aesthetic not the story
Its great. But if you're short money, don't see anything period.
Will it take food out of your mouth?
Because it will feed your mind.
If you can only afford to see it once, make sure it's the perfect experience. Make sure you don't have to piss/shit and don't worry about food.
sometimes you just want a big old comfy spectacle
I can afford it, it's just like when your a kid, you don't want to blow your weekly fun allowance on a piece of crap.
As a fully grown adult thats pretty pathetic but that's the reality of the situation
I'll have to disagree. Sound effects are better in 2049, but Vangelis' score in Blade Runner is still unmatchable. Ford is still good but I guess I have to watch both again if I want to state which Deckard is better. And Leto was just atrocious. Wallace is a waste of a possible good character. His performance and character was so bad that he drags the movie down himself.
I'm not yet sure how I feel about either Wallace or Luv, but I'm open to the idea that they don't work. But he's a fitting villain; consider the way he approaches motherhood compared to Dr. Stelline.
dont waste your money. this movie is overrated garbage. Sup Forums is just hyperventilating right now about it but after awhile everyone will calm down and see it was shit. pretty shit but shit all the same.
Don't listen to this homosexuality enthusiast. It's a good movie.
no user. listen and beware. this..movie..sucks..ass!! Sup Forums is having some big orgasm over this shiny turd but trust me it's pure garbage.
it's NOT as good as the fans are saying it is, but it's still probably gonna be the best movie all year
>itt a bunch of underage shitposters who haven't seen the film trying to score (you)'s
Why does this retard play an autistic beta male that lusts after a non-white woman in every single movie?
Yes, watch it in IMAX if you can. It looks amazing, so it's worth seeing on a big screen.
Ana isn't white?
t. Homosexuality enthusiast.
You shouldn't listen to this person's advice even if you're into that sort of thing, though. The movie is awesome.
Yes you fucking idiot
Because he is an autist who married a non-white woman in real life.
I thought Gosling was great in it.
said the retard
said the homosexuality enthusiast
I would say if there's one movie you'll see in theatres all year, this is a good one. The sound shakes your seat and the visuals are utterly stunning
didn't need a crystal ball to see that one coming. clever posting.
I have a very high IQ.
i can tell from your snappy posts. bet your mommy thinks your clever too. does she put the pictures you draw with your crayons on the fridge so everyone can see what her big smart boy did?
My mommy told me to tell you that she thinks your post was written by a homosexuality enthusiast.