Dean we burned the wrong body!
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm a monster for killing in self defense
>Muh mark of cain
>You shouldn't have killed all those (((Stein))) people, clearly letting some of them go wouldn't get other innocent people killed
This is starting to get insufferable.
Did dean not kill humans who were trying to kill him earlier in the earlier seasons?
He didnt. Not that i can remember. Also OP fuck you for letting the thread earlier die while making a second one simultaenously
Dean killed that one stein kid that actually did nothing wrong and didn't want anything to do with the steins
That was someone else who made the other thread, I was asleep
>deen jack is a good guy
Shortly followed by him beating the shit out of cas
Seems like the only time Mark of Cain made him do something bad
Oh I guess he also killed that one guy alongside the loansharks but he was arguably scum
Actually disregard this. I now drink human blood
He needs to die Sam. He will turn evil
Dean we can't work with crowley, it's just wrong
dean im apocalypse
Dean Im your brother, I just need to know you're okay
all of the steins are not human anymore, i think. was that good stein kid still human?
anyway, i was sad and mad that good stein kid was killed. writers should have let him live.
This show has gotten so out of hand its fucking comical. I've been watching the newer seasons on my other monitor while doing homework the last few months, and wow is it bad.
this is my favorite TV mem in awhile
Whatever beachboy master plan you demons are cooking up, you aint getting Sam
Family don't end with blood, boy
Can someone post the "shes a demon sam" one
I could have sworn I saved it but I can't find it
Dean u don't understand, it was done for the greater good
Dean take care of your brother when I'm gone
dean look after sam or i will kill u
Why did we get a whole season of drama when we could have had sociopath mark of Cain dean fun.
Fucking fujoshits.
Now I have an excuse to post these
music user I challenge thee
why did they kill the deaf hunter qt
>when sam reads the letter
I actually felt something in that scene and I'm a 1-5 fag
Why wont they just bring back Adam? Are they saving Michael for something later? They should use him. I mean they used Lucifer again. COME ON!!
Adams spirit would be melted goo by now, wouldn't resemble, well anything, he's been in the cage too long
what are you basing this on?
What the fuck this doesn't solve anything why the fuck would you do that now your only solution is to literally make things worse for literally everyone
God fucking damn I'm so glad that I'm marathoning this and don't have to wait otherwise I would have dropped the show right here.
Michael is a gibbering wreck and he's an archangel, Sams soul was in there for a year and was nearly gone
Adams soul has been in there for 8 years now, which is what 800 years in hell time?
Ruby best girl.
I stopped watching this show at season 5. Seemed like season 5 was an appropriate ending, is it worth watching further?
I liked season 8 better than season 7. The bunker is really cool.
The longrunning plot about closing the doors of hell, I like it better than trying to stop the Leviathan.
The Impala is back.
Garth [?] is cute.
Yes and no. Some parts good, even great, some absolute shit. Hard to say honestly.
What happened to the antichrist kid anyway
what happened to sam's superdemon arc
Wait until the season 8 finale and the 1st half of nine, easily worst parts of show to me
is there still some comfit monster of the week episode in the first half of season 9 to make it bearable ?
theres a really good episode early in 9, has flashbacks
Might be another not sure but I really enjoyed 9 ep 11 onwards
Were the early Loki episodes as good as tv gets?
They killed Zeus. ;_;
I hope they will never killed my god-husbando Appollo.
>13 Seasons of this goddamn show
>not a single succubus episode
There was a siren episode.
in season 8 it was a bit nice to see Dean stopping with his antimonster racism and be less manichean.
And that amazonian woman episode that got knocked up by Dean with sped up pregnancy too.
>"'oi deen let me smack yer gob n pull yer dik in me pussey"
When did this show start to go wrong? I can remember it being quite a comfy show to watch back when I was in high school.
the MOTW episodes are still really confit up to season 8. 5I havent watched it after that)
The ending of the seasons were always boring to me.
Who wins?
Sam as a juiced up demon or Mark of Cain Dean?
The last shot of Season 5 when the creator finished the story he wanted to tell and the fanfiction started
Probably Marked Dean.
requesting that sweatingtowelman dean image
Yeah the MOTW episodes are the best part about this show and are still the bits worth watching in the more recent seasons.
This, for the main story arc season 1 to 5 are what you need to watch. If you want to carry on after that only watch the MOTW episodes as the main story arcs after 1-5 are a bit meh.
Sad they killed her, she was probably the best character on the show in forever. Didn't help that she was ridiculously sexy with her ancient-scottish-redhead thing.
He fucked off to fuck hot demon bitches with his god powers.
>What happened to the antichrist kid anyway
Probably smeared across Australia by Raphael the moment Lucifer was not juicing his powers.
so sam is now going to be "baby" omen's dad? time to add fuel to those incest ships
Dr dean , I'm apocalypse
writers have no consistence when it comes to that. I guess it been years and views change but I still remember the qt kitsune
no. keep going if you want to hate it and replace love with memes
Are you talking about some other kid or did you not watch the recent ep?
yellow eyes shit?
One of my favorite episode.
Too bad Loki or whatever is dead.
some otherkid, I guess. This dudes not an anti-christ, however, hes a nephalem (A fucking jacked nephalem) cause hes lucys kid which means hes an angel baby and not a demon baby
dean i'm blood thirsty
thats over now.
The Trickster was great, the first episode they come across him is a good one as well. Pretty much any episode with him it in it is guaranteed to be good.
Its not the same, its not the same. at this point I suspect all demons are black smoke and their are no other classes
Crowley was red.
logic says Dean but did he ever learn any powers? all he could do was stab like an idiot so sam could keep wall throwing him
Why? even Lucifer is black
He can't be, he's an angel, not a demon.
Worst song choice yet. I thought they were only going to limit themselves to the songs of the 80's. Then again Nirvana's album "Nevermind" is 26 years old, and can be considered "classic rock".
from a certain point of view all demons are angels
Not in Supernatural they aren't. They are tortured human souls who turn evil.
This was so bullshit. Season's 8,9,10 were a mistake. Season 11 is where they completely jumped the Shark.
Sam >> Dean
Im sure we have seen his out of body form.
When he left vince?
true but only because Dean has no arc's
>le evil British
also whenever show does a nazi plot you know they have hit rock bottom.
I didn't mind the British Men of letters, but WTF they all just got killed by some American rednecks? They actually doing a great job of killing off all the monsters though.
He has that arc where he visits other people's personal heavens, (in heaven). And that other arc where he get's a woman and a child. Not to mention that time where he was a ghost in the hospital.
I can't remember ever seeing him leaving or entering a body.
No Lucifer doesn't have a black smoke form, he is a angel.
I don't mind them but they would have been a fitting antagonist for season 3 or 4. When you stopped the end of the world at least 3 times, some uptight bitch "telling you how its going to be" is not scary.