What will be the nostalgic teen movie that depicts the 2010s? Like Dazed and Confused or Grease?
What will be the nostalgic teen movie that depicts the 2010s? Like Dazed and Confused or Grease?
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stranger things
>Stranger Things
it came out in 2016 dumbshit
Yeah, and Dazed and Confused came out in the 70s.
It takes place in the 80's.
OP means in the future, what will movies be like when there is nostalgia for the 2010's?
shitpost simulator: the movie
20TEENS ffs brainlet
Kek no
OP here, I meant 2000s (typo), but yeah that poster is a retard.
Stay in school.
Mean Girls was the 2000's
What the could possibly be nostalgic about the 2010s besides maybe some movies or music?
I think Superbad is still relevant for this decade
im a shitposting different fag actually
Spring Breakers
I've honestly had an idea in my head for a while now and I wish i could make it
It would feature people becoming increasingly anti-social and thin skinned, while losing their shit over Myspace, Facebook, and smart phones. It would lack character.
Also, It.
>needing things spelled out for you
American Vandal has a great depiction
No. You're just that dumb.
recommend me something to fap righ now pls
That's one of the biggest piles of shit I've ever seen; I'm talking about the subjects of the movie.
They stay the same age
Stranger things probably
lol meant to include him also
No. That's 80s nostalgia.
It's called Project X you dumbfuck
Grease/Dazed depicted eras two decades previous to the ones in which they were released. The 2010s nostalgia movie will come out over a decade from now.
I wouldn't say Superbad is as much of a period piece as D&C is
Well, like someone said earlier Mean Girls depicted 00's pretty well and came out in that decade. I don't think there is one yet though.
The emoji movie
paper towns, fault in our stars, Easy A?
Where's our That 90's Show?
Basically My So-Called Life with a laughtrack
Hasn't been made yet. All the 2010's teen movies suck. The best modern coming of age film is Raw and I wouldn't describe it as nostalgic
That's all that's left.
The 2010s have no essence to be nostalgic for. The 2010s are at best an amalgam of reminiscences held together by the vagaries of late capital.
how can you be nostalgic for a show made last year
That 90's Show is Pete & Pete
Project x xD
Heathers, Clueless, and Mean Girls were great time capsules for their decades.
NBC's newest sit-com: White Privilege!
That's not a movie for one, and other shows depict his generation better like even It's Always Sunny.
There won't be one because there's no originality the movies from the 2010s. Everything a remake of a remake,nothing is real or even remotely honest anymore, everything is trying to be something rather than just being what it is. Those iconic movies stood on their own. 2010s movies are "its [insert famous movie] meets [insert famous movie]' . The lack of originality means that nothing s real, but then again neither ar the peopl going to see this swill. Yeah, they might play the role and pretend some movies is "the defining film of a generation", but the only way a film could accomplish this is in the backhanded way of being as fake and full of complete bullshit as the poser wanna be millennial filth that would go to see these cinematic abortions.
Perhaps the 2010s may be capsulized by nostalgia for other generations... maybe it could ONLY be cynical, showing the proliferation of remakes, 80s nostalgia, the rush-forward of new iterations of things which are beloved for a moment and then are discarded as obsolete or ephemeral.
this thread is making me sad
Who knows I'll be dead by then
Guys I think Spiderman homecoming is the best we got yet
>yfw you realized humanity is in the final stages of history before thermodynamic oil collapse
Just find a nice wife and raise a family and avoid public life, that's all you can do at this point.
>everything is trying to be something rather than just being what it is
this is so real for every film that was praised in the last 10 years
Something as gay and symbolic as this is for how willing people are to pretend that things can be impacting or game-changers, beautiful in this era, and for its pandering to nostalgia of an era which no one gives a fuck about.
This is the quintessential 2010s pick that sums it all up
>raise a family
>avoid public life
choose one, unless you want texas chain saw massacre family
>thermodynamic oil collapse
what is that
It's happening
The only thing you can do is start homesteading, find a wife, avoid public life, and have children(you will need them to work on the farm)
tl;dr? I'll read that later
LEna Dunham
>Perhaps the 2010s may be capsulized by nostalgia for other generations
that was 80s movies too dipshit...jesus fucking christ how dumb are you? where do you think all the spielberg and lucas films come from? it's all just shit from the 50s serials/films. That's what Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Nostalgia for those times.
back to the future, and 80s movie that's just an 50s wankfest. American Graffiti 60s wankfest. Grease, Peggy Sue Got Married, The Outsiders etc I could go and on. It's just film directors who grew up in these times that are nostalgic for these times. Stranger Things....oh it's some two dumbfucks that grew up in the 80s and were like "member riding on bikes, member d&D"
that's what this is. you're going to see in the future directors...member vine, member JAKE PAUL? memba h3h3? i memba watching youtube videos, wish we could turn back time, to the GOOD OL DAYSSS kids these days they don't know they don't knwo !
Nostalgia Critic: The Movie