Are you excited for Jigsaw?

Are you excited for Jigsaw?

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Not really

what, there will be (even) more of this?

Honestly: a little
Part nostalgia, part love for B horror movies

If Gordon isn't Jigsaw then I don't care.

The older ive become the less interested I am in gore

It's weird. I used to find it hilarious and laugh my ass off, enjoying the stupid effects

now I genuinely look away like a pussy. I don't know what happened.

dont feel bad user the same thing happened to me

>now I genuinely look away like a pussy. I don't know what happened.
hmmm, did you also vote for Hillary?

This. I don't understand why people like seeing this kind of stuff. It doesn't even have to be gore, I hate seeing stuff with any kind of violence or fighting anymore

Saw wasn't originally about gore. The first two films had almost none. It only became gory as a result of that being its reputation. The more it became about gore and the kills, the worse the series got (6 being an outlier

same question

*breathes in*

The first movie had gore here and there but it wasn't set up to be a trap based thing with 5+ people like most of the sequels

i forgot chester was in this
oh fuck

Good goys, keep drinking that tap water.

Keep casting, someone will bite eventually

I'm a leaf


What are you even trying to say with this?

The fact that you want to watch violent, bloody shit and people getting hurt says more about you and how you probably have a screw or two loose.

>you probably have a screw or two loose
oh, nooo

are you also becoming more of a communist

if he never tried to pull free of the glue it would've kept him attached to the seat and he wouldn't have flown out and died

He probably would have been impaled on the steering column or bashed his head on the dash. He wasn't going to live either way.

No user I still want to throw all communists from a chopper

>Don't tip on a carryout order
>Wake up tied to a version of the rack that is modified to have a clown/carnival theme


Satan confirmed for being Canadian



I once saw a guy step on a landmine and blow his legs off. If you can help hold a guys intestines inside so he doesn't die, gore can't really faze you anymore

Sure thing. Was sceptical at first because... Sequeeeeel.

But after the trailer and TV spot (Live or Die) I am genuinely interested if they deliver movie with quality script (they were boasting with).

I am going to see it. I hope it won't be shit, but I think that even if it is shit, it will be better shit than for example fucking Suicide Squad. What a Waste of money.

why is his intestines in his legs

>If you can help hold a guys intestines inside so he doesn't die

How the fuck would this help someone? Forcing someone's bowel into them should be the least of your worry if you're trying to keep them alive.