Will the Hollywood virtue signal train ever end?
Will the Hollywood virtue signal train ever end?
literally who
What a cunty thing to do use Woodys film to promote yourself and stab him in the back after you are done. Im sure directors are lining up for such a brave soul.
Worst bait I've ever seen, good lord.
I bet that little cakeboi gave Woody's wood a little bit of da succ in his brief filming period.
>it's Sup Forums's fault this literal who took the money then went on twitter to act the martyr
whatever you say
>muh Sup Forums
cry harder
if you say so
>I need to get this off my chest
Wow. I'm surprised he had to courage to say such controversial things.
Lolol fagboi
>virtue signal train
is that not twitter?
facebook even?
its pathetic, its hollow and its obvious
its called a cult
using the term virtue signalling is just a way for Sup Forumstards to virtue signal to other Sup Forumstards who are triggered by what they consider virtue signalling
you know that, dont you?
boy this nigga loves breaking things down into threes
cry harder
>when he yelled cut to end the scene i noticed he had his penis in a child
How the fuck would he tell he's a child abuser for acting in one of his films? Hope this fat retard gets sued.
This has to be bait
>reddit spacing
If you believe the term virtue signallimg was invented by Sup Forums it outs you as a genuine fucking brainlet. Read a book
I'll take stupid shit 20 year old millenials that think they're wise say for 200 Alex
>Will the Hollywood virtue signal train ever end?
it would have to be, otherwise you would be a hilariously pathetic hypocrite
i can't read, im not the intellectual juggernaut that you are
as respected as you are in both you personal and professional li-pfftthahahAHAHAHAHAHA
I don't see where he said Sup Forums invented the phrase. Are you acting willfully dense? Are you trying to pretend it's not a phrase that has had a recent surge in popularity on Sup Forums? Is this because you know he's right?
Although I'm sad that these unsupported allegations against Allen are reemerging (there's literally no evidence against him and every reason to disbelieve the allegations), I am always happy when literally-whos end their careers over virtue signaling.
Can you imagine hiring this person? If something entirely unrelated happens in the media, he will throw you under the bus for decades-old unproven allegations that you weren't even tried for, much less convicted of. This guy is going to be 100% blacklisted.
assblasted shitskin detected
outed yourself famalam.
cry harder
it's not recent, i've seen it used for years
oh for sure, also i must be a cuck and a sjw feminazi
Typical Jew York cuck. He should kill himself.
no but i'd guess you're in highschool by your tone
>let me passive aggressively type out a list of questions this arguing style never fails on tumblr
Yawn. Virtue signalling was an expression before Sup Forums even existed my mental midget friend. Read a book.
>cry and shitpost all over the thread
Cool story bro but why were you redditspacing senpai?
actually i couldnt get into highschool, not smart like you guys
sorry my friend, didnt mean to trigger you
>this arguing style never fails on tumblr
>um sweetie xDD
Must suck realizing you type like a high school girl.
if he didnt say anything nobody would have ever cared
Who cares. USA is a fucking circus
>has no rebuttal
>projects hard
Every time. How's the cheerleader squad treating you snookums?
>the reply's not even minute old and he's triggered
I got you good, sweetie?
Kate Winslet was trending on twitter for like the entire day when everyone had their claws out for hollywood because she's in Woody Allen's newest film and thus is as bad - if not worse - than he is in their eyes.
He probably saw all of this and already felt guilty for taking the role so he just bit the bullet and was honest about it before the inevitable outrage started.
I'll never understand this board. When someone apologizes after something comes out, it's an empty apology and they're only apologizing because people found out. But when someone apologizes before something comes out, they're virtue signalling? Even though most of his tweets are him saying he fucked up. Is it because he donated his entire salary to RAINN? Because that's more than any other actor would do in this situation.
Pick your battles Sup Forums. Bryan Singer is already getting namedropped by famous actresses who have been outspoken during the last week on Twitter.
Kate Winslet is popular though, this guy is a total nobody and was only in one scene
Do you see anyone going after the fucking extras in the movies? He was just trying to ride this thing to some extent of popularity
Everyone's known Woody Allen was a chomo for years though? I wasn't allowed to see his movies as a kid because of it. Not that I was missing out on much, in my opinion. But, still. A pervert that everyone let get away with it because of reasons.
>famous women are speaking out to save boy's assholes.
Huh. I'll be damned. I thought they only cared about women's issues. Good on them.
If you ever space like that ever i will fuck u up m8
well then why do you care? Just ignore him instead of posting in what's so far the third thread about this today.
And you realize no one gets hired for films because they're politically correct on twitter? If anything this would damage his career since directors would see that he'd take the job and trash the film afterwards. It happened to Shia after he talked shit about Indy 4 and that was the biggest point in his career but he blew it and is still recovering.
>wah wah why do you care leave me alone
t. griffin
>has no rebuttal
>trues to play it off
Awwww sweetie. Why don't you tell me how Sup Forums invented the term virtue signalling you poor little brainlet. At least you're pretty.
yeah and its not like this is the first time griffin newman has trashed other big names in hollywood including other directors. He does it all the fucking time. He has a podcast thats dedicated to talking about directors filmographies and him and his cohost don't hold back or sugarcoat their opinions. In fact griffin is best known for being Colin Trevorrows #1 hater, he's open about how much he fucking hates him to the point where if you google griffin newman, colin trevorrow gets suggested as one of the auto fill ins.
the point being he's not being a dishonest opportunist, this is how he is. he doesnt wait for lib approval to trash anybody like most other people jumping on the harvey weinstein bandwagon are doing.
I like rape
I'm a married US vet who goes on /pol everyday during work.
I wish I never served. Faggot liberals and trannnies like yourself need drafted at gun point to fight. Fuck democracy, the Constitution and fuck you.
Any questions nigger lover?
Virtue signaling is the male equivalent of sucking cock for a role
I thought the male equivalent of sucking cock for a role was sucking cock for a role
sure you are m8. Sure you are.
Male sexuality isn't a commodity like it is with women, even for gay men
The protypical nu-male cuck, and a nobody to boot. Who the fuck a) follows him on Twitter or b) gives a sliver of a fuck about this.
Nobody cares about this literal-who nu-male.