TrumpLeaks general! - Keep spamming edition


Wew...apparently CTR created a site to gather possible compromising material to strike Trump's campaign.

Make me proud, lads!

>no captcha
>no anti-spam of any kind
>no limit nigga

Other urls found in this thread:

Requesting Donald having breakfast in a diner copypasta





Cold And Alone In November

She stepped out of the shower and shuffled toward the bathroom mirror. 9:00 PM, one week after she lost it all.

Hillary wiped the fog off her vanity, moving her hand slowly in clockwise circles. Her hands were shaking. They never stopped shaking these days. She coughed and looked at her reflection.

She was wrapped in a plain white towel. She looked at her skin, sagging and pruny from the warm shower. Cold air blew in the window.

She looked at her body and her aging face. No make-up, no hair product, no little American flag pendant on her chest. She met her gaze in the mirror.

For the first time, Hillary felt truly alone. Her eyes grew red, and the tears began welling up. She could call Bill, but he was asleep. She could call Chelsea, but she was off doing work for the Foundation...or what was left of it.

For the first time, Hillary saw only Hillary. Not the first female president. Not the first lady of the 90's. Not the female Senator from New York, or the secretary of state who once spent her days, weeks, months jet-setting around the world.

She was none of that. It was as if she never was. She saw a 68 year old woman staring back at her. She cried. Her whole life seemed to be building to a triumphant end and now she was nothing.

She was simply an old woman. A woman who had never truly loved. She married a man who slept around and never felt passion for their marriage. A man who was too caught up in his own power plays and affairs to really look at her and say "My dear, you look beautiful tonight."

She had never really lived her life. She let her life pass her by.

Yes, for the first time in a very, very long time, Hillary felt alone. Hillary felt powerless. Hillary felt meaningless and her life did too. Hillary felt old.

She sat down on the edge of her shower, and buried her face into her hands. For the first time in years, she cried.

The cold November wind whistled softly by the open window. And she cried.

Additional Resources:

Copy n paste it for us retard we ain't gonna type that shit out

A Crisp Evening in November

He looked out the window at the traffic on the streets below. 9:00 PM, one week after he won it all.

He had just stepped out of the shower. Moving slowly but deliberately he straightened the soap dispenser on the sink, grabbed a hand towel from the rack, and cleared the fog from his vanity.

Donald caught his gaze in the mirror. He saw an old man looking back at him. Wrapped in a plain white towel, red from the hot shower, he took in his reflection.

He was weary. After days, weeks, months jet-setting around the country, speaking to Americans from all walks of life, he finally had a few days to gather his thoughts. As he looked in the mirror, he asked himself, "Why did you do this?"

Donald sat down to ponder for a moment while he cooled off. He looked around the bathroom. He looked past all of the luxury and comforts in the bathroom. He looked past the life he had spent half a century building for himself. He looked past everything, and thought of something greater.

After a few moments of reflection, he stood up to meet his gaze in the mirror once again. He looked himself squarely in the eyes. Hair undone, no TV make-up. No tailored suit or American flag pendant, no silk tie or cufflinks. Just him. Only Donald.

He had an answer. "For my father. For my family." He stood back, and squinted into the mirror. He cocked his head to the side and said softly, "For my country."

The sounds of the bustling city below rang through the cracked window. A cool breeze ran through the room, clearing out the steam.

"Honey, are you coming to bed?" Melania said gently, from the other room.

"Not tonight, dear." President Trump looked in the mirror once more. "It's time to get to work."

Anyone here recognize this game?? >: )

Trump filler text if you need some:

>My placeholder text, I think, is going to end up being very good with women. If Trump Ipsum weren’t my own words, perhaps I’d be dating it. My text is long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my website. An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that Lorem Ipsum's birth certificate is a fraud.


Youre right i apologize
Vince foster
Ron brown
Jerry parks
Paul tulley
Ed willey
James wilson
Kathy ferguson
Suzanne coleman
Barry Seal
These are just some of many more names.



Repost from this morning

this is an 8mb output log of nothing but text from a spaceship video game

have fun


You guts should consider less trollzy names, emails, and phone numbers so they will actually get fooled into reading it.

The Trumpet in the Chart at the time of the SpaceX explosion corresponds to US Presidential candidate Donald Trump(et). The Chart contains a family configuration on the Ascendant in Virgo beside the New Moon in Leo, where Leo corresponds to the king (or President) and Washington, DC. The pairs of planets in the Chart correspond to the flood from landfall of Hurricane Hermine later in the day as well as the flood of immigrants into the US. Trump gave a speech in Phoenix, Arizona the night before promising to fix the immigration problem. Hurricane Hermine was characterized by defying prediction as it crossed the Caribbean. As the storm continued to fall short of predictions, the forecasters became quite frustrated. Then during the home stretch in the last 12 hours, the storm followed the models precisely. The impulsive storm was the mirror image of Trump as he ran the race, changed course in a meeting with the Mexican President on August 31, and then drove forward with a head of steam in his immigration speech in Phoenix.

Hurricane Hermine made landfall at Alligator Point, Florida before crossing through Wakulla County. Alligator Point is in Franklin County, which is Florida County #59, for Simeon criminality and Scorpius, corresponding to Louisiana. The Cuban Revolution was in 1959. The US just resumed commercial flights to Cuba on August 31. The SpaceX explosion on Launch Complex 40 was the worst since 1959.

So, in summary the Trumpet in the Chart of the SpaceX explosion and the course of Hurricane Hermine both symbolized the impulsive, capricious, unpredictable Donald Trump. Angels and demons make human history whether an explosion, a hurricane, or a president. People do not make themselves, but God creates them and uses the angels and demons to shape their destiny.

Dear God


this site:

>chillin' out marxin

Someone just start finding those chuck Norris facts and start posting them.

welly well well
this is where i sign up to shitpost on 4chins?

replace chuck norrice with donald trump

use this for name generating:

It's too late now. The meme train has left the station.

What is that

pepe is so cute

You.. you guys know they're b8ing righ??
Right guys?


' or 1=1;--

You have my undivided attention, user.

This is too funny, these people are clueless on how to internet and are in for a world of hurt. I wish I could see what the submissions inbox looks like right now.

An old man stretching his asshole open.
AKA Goatse

Our enemies were woefully unprepared for memetic warfare

Ohh shit Marianas trench lol

>Yfw there is no limits because it goes nowhere
>Yfw CTR has tricked you into wasting time playing with a honeypot that logs all your ip's

I started off that way but after realizing that they have literally thousands of these coming in, it's safe to say they have no way to read these

They will probably do something like

Select * from Leaks where messageBody like '%nigger%'

then send selections of those emails to news outlets

same people who think their browbeating Sup Forums with vague threats of losing social approval if they support trump will work

>We're here to stop the right-wing attacks
Christ, this election is divisive as fuck. I wonder if the 1860 election was like this.

>mfw no text limit
>mfw spamming them with the Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf and this


>over 1000 URLs

Anyone spamming pepe ascii art?

>Yfw CTR has tricked you into wasting time playing with a honeypot that logs all your ip's
>implying we are not using proxies

Oh my god. I can't breathe.

Holy shit I was wondering if anyone was going to bring that up. I like the sjw twist.

Das gud

They could have found ten times worse shit by just going to Sup Forums

Even if they are baiting, who the fuck cares that they produced absolutely no dirt and only gigs of vulgar shitposts? People will think it was funny.

they need to work on their css


Made an alt email and put in a random FL number, I hope they'll respond!


This is my favorite webm of the whole election...



I'm dumping incest stories from Literotica.

Good times. Hopefully a CTR intern gets a good fap.


so apparently they actually have a fucking captcha, but they just haven't set it up

she can't suicide all of us. she's only got 2 months

i did that aswell lol

Plain text if anyone wants it:
Now, this is a story all about how
My record got corrected upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became an intern of a company called CTR

In west California born and raised
On the cuckshed is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out marxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some semen outside of the bull
When a couple of goys
Who were up to no good
Started plantin' Trump signs in ma neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got triggered
She said 'You're movin' with your wife's son, he's a nigger'

I pegged and bleeded with her day after day
But she checked my privilege and sent me on my way
She gave me a prep and then she called me a bigot
I put my buttplug on and said 'I might fuck a midget'

Worker class, yo this is bad
Drinking black cock seed out of a champagne glass.
Is this what the people of CTR livin like?
Hmmmmmmm really makes you think.

I whistled for a Jeb! and when it came near
The licence plate said 'KEK' and it had a leaf in the mirror
If anything I thought this pepe was rare
But I thought 'Nah forget it' - 'My check, to welfare'

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Black Lives Matter'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To correct the record
as Intern of CTR



praise kek


Yes, but we were here. Now we're there.
Giving them exactly what they want.
Z alt-->

Junior engineer: "I've got it all set up, just need to do the captcha"
Manager: "Don't worry about it, we'll roll it out like this, shouldn't get too much traffic"

teach us newfags pls

I'm surprised nobody has started botting it by now, as it has no captcha

Has anyone made a bot or should I make one?

What a genius

Revenge feels good, man.

Welp nevermind!

theres already a thread open you stupid gypsy

They'll use the shit you send them as proof Trump supporters are racist, cap this



open atom or whatever pleb txt editor you have
paste code from that pastebin
save as
open a bash terminal (terminal on mac, putty on windows, terminal or whatever on linux)
use cd command to go to where you saved file (ie: cd desktop)
make sure you are in the directory where you saved the .sh file
now type: ./
vape a bit u know
come back and change some part of each input value

he's running a bash script on the OP
easy as copy pasta

not going to work in windows

Computer, generate NUDE TRUMP

hwo do you know, are you a hacvker?

thx senpai made some edits


RIP Eliot

This guy..

> CTR hacked hacked

I really wish I could see what it looked like on the other end for CTR. Anyone know any shills?

Thanks, anons

I'm making one anyway. Does anyone where I can get a bunch of pastas?


How do I run this shit
Edited the code to generate random words and send them. That way they won't be able to filter spam.

I´m an idiot in bash though, so if someone can check if its correct.


post new script?
