Would any of these women be complaining about Weinstein if he was as good looking as Brad Pitt?

Would any of these women be complaining about Weinstein if he was as good looking as Brad Pitt?

I highly doubt it.

Chad wins again.

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You are right
Weinstein not even with all the money anda contacts in the world could have his woman stfu

>the virgin contact agent
>the Chad actor

You clearly do not understand pathology. People that look like brad pitt never develop into predators in the way a harvey does.

You need ostracization to feed on violence of leverage and coercion. It's not the sex you need to focus on, it's the power. Everything about him from his company, to role of producer, to holding things over people and then forcing himself on others and getting away with it.

That is predation. Peacocks don't need to predate. They have beautiful feathers to attract mates.

Apparently ted danson was charming as fuck

this desu

>ted danson
Kek idk why I typed danson. I mean ted bundy

I'm a virgin at 27 and I haven't used my vast, vast power as a shift manager at pizza hut to molest anyone.

Being gatekeeper to fame and wealth=/=Shift manager in service industry.

Scale difference and desirability of goods in question.

If you had key to giving women back their youth, you'd have women lined up around the door waiting for you to run trains on them and you could be ugliest jew in existence.

Ted Danson was probably pretty charming too desu

>reddit spacing
>teenagers attempt at psychology


I've never been able to see whatever you're supposed to see in this.

The hell you didn't, Jeff. I fucking saw you corner that bitch in the pepperoni cold storage room you sick fuck.


Hi. This is what the apex human male looked like in the year 1975.

>pepperoni cold storage room
no such thing

>corner that bitch in the cold storage room
unlikely because it's very wide

>saw you in the cold storage room
if you saw me i would have saw you, you need to open the door to get in and there's no cameras in there

also there are no attractive women that work there.

>Be young actress eager for fortune and fame
>Give Harvey Weinstein a blowjob for a career-starting movie role
>Say he raped you 20 years later
>Bang 1000 Chads along the way with no regret

Women huh

What about Binyameen ibn al-Afflecki? He's a chad and he's been accused too.

Yeah but to a much, much lesser extent and I'm pretty sure he's getting out of it unscathed

al'ficki hasn't been a chad since he got alpha'd by ben harris.

They're just spastics who almost no girls say no to, so they start assuming that the 1% or whatever don't say no, and then they make mistakes.

Harvey could literally fuck 99% of the women in the world but he fucked up by discovering the 1% who weren't that keen on having their reputation ruined as a Harvey Girl.

Being rich doesn't make you smart, it's usually just luck and consistent effort, but lots of unlucky consistent effort people exist.

I'm still lost. Assuming you're talking about "not seeing the forest for the trees"

his victim said she was okay with the touching at the time, so it wasn't forced. but it was inappropriate because he was the boss in the situation or something to that effect. his thing was a dumb morality bullshit as opposed to rape or harassment.

it's like sleeping with your secretary even though she wants it and is a willing participant the company can still fire you.

The worst evidence against him was tickling video in 03' and she publicly came out and defended him.

He also cheated on his wife. Those handful of things can easily derail a career. on top of alcoholism/drug use. All other shit he's been going through and he's still chugging along.

it was suggested he helped protect a serial rapist and drama has mostly passed him by. The worst thing in some clickbait articles taking random twitter posts and turning it into a thing to get him off batman.

And if you know anything about the writing industry. Shit like 'Freedom through writing' which feeds Buzzfeed and these other clickbait liberal sites, are 300 bucks a pop article sourcers. Meaning the most damage he's taken is a bunch of poorfags trying to make a dime off of his supposed behavior.

oh no, whatever will he do. He apologized for his supposed inappropriate behavior, and this scandal will pass him by.

Hell cheating thing should have done a lot more damage and he somehow made it out of that with very little problems, I have no clue how he kept his ex-wife from running him through the cleaners.

all the woman who actually got a boost arent saying shit

>no such thing
Don't lie to me, Jeff.

>unlikely because it's very wide
Yeah wide like the holes in your alibi.

>if you saw me i would have saw you, you need to open the door to get in and there's no cameras in there
That's what I WANTED you to think.

>People that look like brad pitt never develop into predators
I know where you're coming from but it's not entirely true.

Chads can be predators too, it comes from automatically getting what you want all the time, you feel entitled to it and then when a girl says no, you either are offended because NOBODY DOES THAT TO ME!!!!1! or you 'misinterpret' the no as just needing some convincing and go full speed ahead because until now, 'no' has always just meant that they're shy and need some warming up.

But in general, you're more or less right.

>also there are no attractive women that work there.
Probably true but desu, fast food managers have been using shifts and hours to get teen pussy for years.

Probably riskier these days when every teen girl has a phone that can record everything you do and say around her.

>cheating in Hollywood...
There's a reason why that's not in the news and it's got nothing to do with jews, it's because it's boring.