>Enjoy something popular
Get called reddit
>Enjoy something more obscure
Get called pretentious
>Enjoy something popular
Get called reddit
>Enjoy something more obscure
Get called pretentious
Nothing, this is TEA fucking VEE
You are not allowed to enjoy anything except your own misery. Welcome to Sup Forums, enjoy your stay. And remember...
You're here forever.
dude you're meant to hide the fact you're from reddit. fucking spotted, better luck next time.
Rick and Morty is the only allowed viewing this tv season
be patrician by liking good shit
Oh shut up, Reddit and Sup Forums are essentially the same thing and you all know own it
>space out my post so it is easy to read and not just a block of text
Reddit spacing
I want to kill somebody
maybe you should go back if you dont like it here, but I dont see why you wouldnt considering you're all closeted fucking redditors except for me i bet you cucks have facebooks and twitters
enjoying things is about as reddit as it gets
kill yourself there is a fundamental difference and if this isnt abundantly clear to you then you dont understand why reddit is so fucking trash in the first place.
Go on then, what is the difference?
t. reddit
>I need validation and recognition!
Fuck off twitter.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Reddit
There's a major difference in attitude
Redditors seem to want to one-up each other with quirky quips and circlejerking.
Sup Forums posters do try to one-up each other but in a more aggressive manner, and quirky quippers get shit on hard.
Like whatever you want, because there's always some self righteous NEET with his hands pink from Vaseline and Cheeto dust ready to tell you your taste is shit so he can feel good about himself after pussing out on buying that SS uniform he reeeeaaaaally wants. Again.
Go on reddit and try to say the word kike or nigger and you'll figure it out fairly quickly.
oh idk anonymous, maybe you should ask anonymous how to downvote my post oh wait you cant because Sup Forums isnt a collective conciousness aggravator equivalent to a wikipedia article with a comment section with user profiles that encourage popularity contests and restraint whereas Sup Forums allows a person to vent how they truly feel without any monetary, social, or political gain. Sup Forums is a chat with your friends late at night, reddit is a watercooler chat at the office.
Go back to the office
t. reddit
Where's the upvote in this website so I can give you an upvote! How can I gild here? Lmao! MODS get your arses up and moving on these important website functions!
mods deleting comments
the downvote system
the application of looking up anyones history and arguing with them on the sake of that
the demographic
the absolute bias towards news
every top comment ever
the absolute hivemind
the absolute pointlessness of posting anything close to against the grain
the ugly fucking interface
nice one JIDF everyone that disagrees with me is a nazi lol upboat
Yeah. Now Sup Forums isn't a hive mind at all. I love the diversity of opinions here.
Truly a huge difference worth obsessing over. One place quips another memes. One place you can freely say rudypoo and the other you'll get downvoted for it. Such distinct differences.
Sup Forums is the most reddit board of all. I would know, when I escaped from there, this is the place where I took refuge first.
What a nigger response.
>enjoying things
stupid cunt read a book
The ability to commit social suicide by showing what a racist asshole you are thanks to you not being able to hide behind anonymity?
>you cant because Sup Forums isnt a collective conciousness aggravator
*inhales* HAHAHA top kek user were all individuals here right user? Except those dirty kikes. BRAAAAP. What did he mean by this? Did you mean this unironically? Literally what did I just watch?
I didn't say Sup Forums didn't have problems
but you can't read
so reddit seems perfect for you
Fuck off faggot
oh boy another redditor being intentionally obtuse about shit that is abundantly distinct.
Rick and Morty sucks amirite?
>taking the bait
>latching onto that one particular part of the post
>replying by calling the poster a Jew
Jesus Christ, user
Hey reddit. Upset freedom of speech doesn't exist on your hugbox?
yeah except replace your deliberately narrow and topicable example and replace it with literally any situation where you'd like to speak your mind without having to fear for your social status or get buried under hivemind, so it basically creates an entirely different culture on a macro scale, but lets not let the big picture get in the way of your incredibly relevant and quippy "trash talk"
>see there's mean people on this site being mean!
Get out Hillary before I start posting pepe images.
Dont like something, get called a contrarian.
Like something, get called a shill.
oh look my post and your post arent in any way treated differently by the website, we're on equal terms no matter what and nobody can change that, which is why you can be so utterly torn apart post after post and still keep posting and getting attention. So in a way, youre proving our point. also neither of our lives will be affected by this so we can both speak our minds, youre probably not used to being free so you havent committed to actually doing that yet.
that's such a reddit thing to say
lol this your first day sport?
>implying lelddit bothers to browse this shitty excuse of a board
No wonder Sup Forums is worst board by far.
It's almost as if nobody likes you here
For you!
feminine penises and anime
The Thing (1982)
Tarkovsky films
Stargate SG-1
Babylon 5
I see the value in being uncaged from having what you post tied to who you are, and I understand that reddit is a sanitized with more obvious emphasis on majority opinion, but I'm sick of wading through fetish topics to get to actual discussions and "faggot this, nigger that, kikes etc etc" posts to get to actual opinions. I still almost never lurk Reddit, but if I'm looking for a real discussion, I know I'm more likely to find it there. Sup Forums is more predictable than Reddit I'm finding. I sometimes still wonder why I only lurk here.
>i want "real," "serious" discussion about my hack movies made by hacks who fondle children because theres such deep and meaningful discussion to be had with my patrician "film buff" chat room friends like my favorite children's comic book heroes standing in front of a green screen #263 such fascinating ground being broken omg this place is so mean and uncultured they dont even spout generic movie trivia in the place of actual commentary where am i suppose to practice my talking points to impress my normie friends?
Reddit is just as obnoxious as any forum with an "in-group", avatars and signatures that you need to scroll down for years to pass and power hungry moderators. You people have always been the absolute cancer of the internet you megalomaniacs and sycophants.
Which site are you referring to now?
Woah buddy, you're making a lot of assumptions here. I'm just a working guy who can't sleep and wanted to read what people thought about Bladerunner
Everyone just seems too fucking nice to each other on reddit. I don't know if this site has made me a cynical asshole or what, but everyone here just seems so much more grounded in reality and can call out the faults in everything for what they are.
Is telling people to kill themselves over movie taste being 'grounded in reality'?
redditors aren't people. they're the p-zombies you were warned about
This place is full of dumb fuck manchildren
It's more grounded in reality than a 20 person comment chain about puns.
I guess im not talking about just this board in specific, and maybe its because I hate myself that I prefer this site
then go to the website designed for discussing your corporately-sponsored pseudo-intellectual arthouse circlejerk for the kind of discussion that you're looking for, because Sup Forums isnt it. If I wanted to talk about a manufactured sci-fi story designed to appeal to reddit, I'd be in a doctor who thread
>caring about what people think
Like whatever you want, why would you take what a bunch of retards say seriously
because he's reddit and he's waiting for us to tell him how to think and talk so he can regurgitate it to his friends
Ignoring the shitstorm of reddit /Sup Forums pedantry, you obviously are gonna have people hating from both sides no matter what. Ignore whichever side seems to be making the least sense at the time. Also if you are looking for the most accepting threads for discussing and movie recommendation, look for /comfy/ threads everyone is chill there.
Because it's comfy.
Nobody irl has ever approved of my opinions or my taste so internet autists are my last resort
Oh Jesus's Christ, listen to yourself
whats the matter, not used to somebody shooting you straight? Sup Forums is never about finding what you want to talk about, redditors try to force Sup Forums to bend to what they want, but this just provokes noncompliance. They dont get it
>where's muh thread for muh thing i wanna talk about with muh people that also like muh thing right when i want it!
no faggot youre doing it wrong. The best Sup Forums experienced happen spontaneously, you're never actually looking for it when you find the charm, thats whats so good about it. A good thread is the spark that creates fire, you want it to be streamlined and manufactured like the rest of your regimented life but what you dont understand is that the spark cant be forced or rushed. Youre just another faggot mad that you couldnt catch a wave.
You seem very passionate about this place, I admire that.
You're right, we should actually be appreciating the spontaneity of the same creep-ass fetish threads every day about 14 year olds instead of trying to find discussions about movies on the fucking movie board. I completely get it now.
Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums isn't for discussion, only shitposting and forced memes
Why do the donald users, bash reddit so much yet come from there? Newfags who have barely been here a year or two think they understand this website is always funny.
>upset about cunny
Great to know those threads are still doing their job.
you know that isn't a valid response but you posted it anyway. You're frustrated, flustered even, sorry! You're not going to get the discussion you want because it's you asking for it
>word for word what he was told to say
find something new this isn't working.
>a thread full of people arguing isn't a diversity of opinion
Get over it
>have any opinion on anything that isn't up to the status quo of Sup Forums
>get called reddit
Baneposting. Only Baneposting.
>if I call him mad, I don't have to explain what all my nonsensical bullshit about "spontomaeity" and the "spark that makes the flame" meant and I can still pretend this board isn't for discussing movies and TV
> Sup Forums and reddit end at the same time
what would happen?
This is the indisputable truth
Nu-Chan users are also fairly indistinguishable from tumblr users at this point
>never actually refutes any differing opinions/views
>just responds with some whiny bullshit
>tumblr snowflakes tell people to go to Sup Forums
>reddit snowflakes tell people to go to the_donald
>Sup Forums snowflakes tell people to go to reddit
This is the cancer that is killing Sup Forums and it should be a bannable offense to be a whiny bitch that shills for reddit
Sometimes my turds are dark brown
Sometimes they're a bit more yellow
Either way, it's just a different shade of shit
cool greentext; what was that about discussing movies and TV in a deliberately meta thread that is deliberately not about those things? Also I love that you don't understand the "spark" comment it's pretty fundamental to why you don't fit in here in the first place.
The issue with reddit isn't reddit itself, it's its userbase, which is cut from the same cloth as Sup Forums newfags that think Sup Forums is an exclusive club and tumblrinas who want to think they're unique
You forgot about moralfags. It's the main difference between here and there desu
> This is the indisputable truth
This "1-upping" complex has bothered me for a long time. I do it. Redditors do it to justify their groupthink as superior to 4channers. Anons do it to subvert anyone they suspect to be a redditor. And both reddit and Sup Forums have their own ways of seeing themselves as superior to "normies". I struggle with it because I want there to be an objective high ground even though it's impossible
>Nobody is new and i'm just a shill
This is why people laugh at you, you guys should at least try to pretend you aren't so new. Browsing Sup Forums is impossible now too thanks to the migration.
Can you refute this image in anyway newfriend?
Anyone who has been on Sup Forums longer than 2 years can see the obvious difference in the userbase. Sup Forums attracts the absolute worst of this.
thanks for posting really made me think this guy gets it consider suicide
redditors need to be validated by a numerical value that determines what is good or not. We see this in their review-aggregater-worship, in their upvote mindset, and in their incessant need to be on, as they put it, "the right side of history." They can't handle that their superiority cannot be validated by a democratic vote, that there is no outlet for social climbing. They can't handle just being another anonymous joe that has to actually be interesting in order to get attention
whatever who cares what some fags say
The issue is that everyone's still in the mentality that these websites are somehow exclusive cliques and not completely open websites that any of the billions of people on the internet can use at any given time
I've been using Sup Forums for just over a decade now, spent about 2 years using tumblr, spent some time on reddit (mostly lurking) and there's really very little difference between the users of each in terms of their general mentality
Interests/memes may vary based on the users of each site sure, but the usual attitude and response towards others with opinions that go against their own doesn't
On each site if you post "I like X, but I don't like X" where X is what the userbase likes or doesn't like respectively, the majority of users will become very hostile and have an autistic tantrum where they try to shill some other part of the web they believe you should be restricted to so that they can reside in their virtual hugbox where everyone is just like them and tells them what they want to hear
> longer than 2 years
Shit I'm getting close to that threshold. I hope I die or find the guts to leave and never come back
reddit isn't a synonym for "popular". The defining characteristics for reddit movies are
>constant nostalgia baiting
>overuse of ironic humor
>reliant on viral marketing
>implication you need to be of above average intelligence to appreciate it
Wait until it's a decade, newfriend.
That is the absolute worst thing about reddit. Not the censorship but the constant need to make shitty puns and circle jerk about them for a hundred posts.
edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
I've been here for over a decade and I've managed to never have the need to go on reddit, and even if you crossposting cunts can't see the difference, I can.
>the issue is
stop phrasing your post like a political science thesis Sup Forums has fundamental design differences that creative fundamentally different environments, saying obvious things in a lot of words doesn't make you more insightful.