Biopic fucking when?

Biopic fucking when?

Why don't you make it?
You could star in it, that way you could tell your parents and friends that you were merely method acting this entire time

Original poster BLOWN the FUCK out


I actually think this will get made at some point but it will be some god awful Lifetime movie bullshit. IIRC Law and Order (SVU I think) already did an Elliot Rodger themed episode so the intrest is there.

Get his dad to produce it

Honestly, I would like to write this. As a sort of Taxi Driver kind of film, where Roger's views himself as this badass motherfucker, but when it comes down to it, he is nothing but a child throwing a 22 year tantrum in the making.

t. never read his manifesto

Elliot was a tortured soul.

When Hollywood notices me and I can become an actor

I read it, what a pissy, whiny little shitbag, he should have just killed himself the sad little cunt.

>thirst heard about him in news reports
>they called him the virgin killer
>thought he killed virgins
>turns out he was the virgin

how though?

>Hannibal lecter, the cannibal killer
"Owo, he must've killed cannibals"

Nobody has ever called Hannibal the Cannibal Hannibal the Cannibal Killer.

I'm curious about the current state of his hot sister and mother. I assume they've quit the Internet and hide from the public eye but I really wonder how one deals with such a public embarrassment. What did they go through when they found out, what are their mindsets? Does his mother hate him or view him as a victim (as he saw himself)? Does she feel guilty or oppressed? I head the Columbine kids mother had thoughts of suicide a long time after the event but that might just be a personal thing. I guess we'll never know.

>what a pissy, whiny little shitbag,
Don't know why people like you feel such a strong need to do this performance of aggressive anger and dismissiveness. Are you afraid of something if you don't insult him?

>whiteboi thinks he gets to play a PoC
it's the current year ffs

My grandfather is full blooded Native American though

Elliot didn't want to interact with his biological mother much since he hated her (but why?). His stepmom did her very best to connect with him and he kept shunning her (although on the odd occasions that she succeeded in helping him he was actually very happy. however, whenever she'd try again he just pretended the previous positive experiences never happened). Elliot really liked his dad, even though his dad ignored him lol.

I've often thought about what his Dad thinks. Had he given up on him before this? Does he blame himself for his son's complete failure as a human? Maybe they can shift the entirety of the onus to mental illness.

fucking hell shave pls

He hated his mom for being asian and for not marrying an even richer guy.

Freshly shaven
Just for you user

I don't shave often
The little stubble I had took about a month

Probably because my grandfather is native

Shaven looks better.

Early on I listened to some youtube internet psychologist try to do a rundown on him and he mentioned (don't know where he got the info) apparently the Rodger family knew Elliot had a problem from a very early age but they could never figure out what.

It's not so apparent in his POV manifesto, but his mom was trying to set up play dates for him early on because they could tell he was touched in the head somehow and they were trying to fix it. Though other parents could tell Elliot was a weird kid and didn't want their kids to play with him.

I honestly think the fact he was born while his mom was on birth control but sick caused some sort of long term brain damage. If I were him I'd have a sort of bitter fatalism.

Seriously fuck off

Thanks mate
I'm fucking out of it & bored
So ehhhh
Don't reply and I won't
I just have nothing better to do

your lazy eye is way too noticeable. we've already got one googly eyed fuck making everyone uncomfortable on stage, quota is filled, you're redundant.

I don't have a lazy eye mate

SVU did an episode based on him. actor who played character based on him was relentlessly handsome.