Bald men can't be attrac-
Bald men can't be attrac-
user you do know women love baldies right?
just noticed he's a poor man's patrick stewert
if patrick turned down the role he could've been professor x
baldie detected
there is nothing more sexier than a "seasoned" confident male with rocking pecs and chest hair.
prove me wrong.
He's way too macho to be Professor X. If Stewart turned it down it probably would've been Ben Kingsley.
Cool story bro. You know head hair growth is caused by estrogen? It's why women's hair stays so long until the menopause then shortens immediately. It's why men go bald. And it's why teenage boys can grow long hair because their bodies have only just started producing test.
Yeah Skinner's prime daddy material
No it's mostly just having good genes. Dont be so defensive about it. Balding sucks (I'm starting to experience it myself), but noone like a triggered autist.
>I'm underage
oh boy.
Yeah, what do I know. I'm only practicing medicine for the pop up books.
>Bald men aren't attractive they said
Cool story bro. You should get a refund on that stufent loan if they are telling you baldness has nothing to do with hormones. Let's play a game though and pretend it's genetic. You know that fucks you right? Your position is done is you believe that.
Kys fucker this site was made by an underage who could copy paste.
quiet down child, you have school in the morning.
You're saying baldness has nothing to to with genetics so you're even more retarded.
Here's a site made by an adult
Guess what faggot? I said women love baldies then you started crying about muh genetics. If a gene is surviving and being passed on for thousands of years what does that mean you fucking retard? Get a refund on your """education""" and learn what test does to the body. dyel fag?
I'd correct and insult you, but
>I'm underage
so why bother
If he's so attractive why doesn't he have a loyal, loving wife that doesn't make a living sucking dicks?
>this baby crying trying to prove himself right when he actually owned up he is a child
>i give up
Thought so. For a guy pretending to be in college your understanding of genetic sexual selection is fucking embarrassing.
>replies increase
>post count stays the same
back 2 reddit famalam
>spends his youth on Sup Forums
lmao hello virgin DUDE TRUMP RIGHT?
You're either baiting or merely pretending to be retarded. Either way, not worth our time.
Yeah that's why estrogenic nu-males are all balding right? Keep making excuses baldboi
Fucking idiot.
>spends his adult life on Sup Forums
dude lol IT WAS HER TURN amirite? Go out and get drunk. I can't what are you doing here loser?
Na bro it's why the lamest fags you'll ever see have long flowing hair. Post a picture of a boxer or a UFC fighter with long hair. I'll wait.
Can you queers stay on your faggot board?
>pretends to be college educated
>doesn't understand sexual selection
I'd be bailing too baldy.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing
Well we know dudes find bakd men attractive
Skinman is the one exception.
>Well we know dudes find bakd men attractive
Faggots leave.
>cab drivers
fuck off mentioning boxers in the same sentence as those fags
on a related note, Skinner looks 20 years younger than Mulder in the new trailer.
post handsome bald men
Roughly half of all men go bald during their lifetime, while roughly half keep most of their hair. This seems to suggest that hair isn't a big factor for women, since neither baldies nor hairies have died out, and male pattern baldness is almost entirely genetic. Women do care about looks, but they care more about physical characteristics that indicate strength. Hair doesn't factor into this.
I think UFC is basically gay porn tier but it's pretty popular among the millenial generation who just lovevto see two sweaty men rubbing up against each other. As user is probably far more comfortable watching that I gave him an out. You're completely correct anyone who can actually fight dominates their specific discipline.
>Na bro it's why the lamest fags you'll ever see have long flowing hair.
So like the majority of males before the 1900's?
>when the average male height was 5' 1
you're destroying your own argument. you do realize all military men stretching back to roman times were buzzcut?
>why doesn't he have a loyal, loving wife
>a loyal, loving wife
>friendly reminder half of Hollywood's actors is balding
Plugs and styling conceal a lot lads. Dont worry too much about losing your locks.
ITT: Millenials again out themselves by obsessing about other men
> you do realize all military men stretching back to roman times were buzzcut?
vikings, samurai, cossacks, mongols and so on ...
Why shouldn't I worry, when even the most successful men in the world worry about it?
I don't remember
Because it's inevitable. Most men will suffer hairloss. Gotta suck it up.
Opinion discarded. Also read about your examples training regimes you fucking idiot you literally proved my point.
>about hair
You mean nu-males.
the samurai style is literraly a top knot.
vikings were known for their long ass hair that they would brush.
Elias Theodorou
Benson Henderson
Clay Guida
these two plus many more
Guess what samurai and viking wore into battle bro? You'll be literally amazed.
These things need to be removed from society.
provided they don't have a weird shaped skull, attractive men will be attractive or without hair
uggos will be uggos just the same
shaved head looks more rugged though
>literal who's that take beatings off proper men
great examples post more nu-male punching bags.
yes they would put away their hair.
but that wasnt the conversation. you said the buzzcut was the only style. they didnt buzz their hair, they just put it away.
you know like UFC fighters with long hair do.
the annoying greek cunt
You've spent so much time here that you actually think "nu-male" is scientific term and not just a word used to describe an unfit american white male.
Estrogen keeps your hair on your head though. There is this theory brewing up about hobos, alcohol and hairloss.
Hobos always drink, which makes their estrogen level higher than regular man. They start to grow a pair of man boobs and they start to sit like women, you can see it everywhere, they hold their legs like they'd crush their balls completely.
Also, you never see a bald hobo. Never. Their hair is almost always strong looking. Thats the estrogen, keeping the hobos warm with long hair
>defending hippie hair
>literally admitting when you need to be a man you put the girls haircut away
I'm sorry you based your haircut on One Direction bro they get mad pussy because they are rich as fuck.
go away baldie, you make everyone barf
I always thought he was fat, but he turned out to be pretty swole.
>girls don't like baldies
>baldness gene passed down for centuries
Hey 1-D fan how's the girls haircut working out?
David is pretty ripped, himself.
>>baldness gene passed down for centuries
You realise they are passed from the mothers side, you insecure balding brainlet.
lol i've got widows peak myself, its just fun to fuck with baldies. Can't really ridicule anyone when I'm sporting julius caesar hairstyle, furiously ordering every hair to the front