Of course they had to inject an interracial gay couple into the show. As if they wouldn't have long-since cured homosexuality by then. No wonder they named it STD.
I think I have to drop it now.
Of course they had to inject an interracial gay couple into the show. As if they wouldn't have long-since cured homosexuality by then. No wonder they named it STD.
I think I have to drop it now.
>I think I have to drop it now
no one is stopping you sweaty
This is the best shill that STD can afford
I didn't say anyone was, sweetie.
Leave your basement and join the rest of us.
I'm no leftist but Star Trak has always been about pushing boundaries and featuring minorities as main characters.
That's why its so weird seeing people say that having a black woman as the MC is 'so brave' when they did that shit back in the 90's and the 60's - its not new. If they really wanted to be brave they would have a tranny or sand negress as the lead.
Imagine being intimidated by people who embrace their sexuality. Something you want to admit kiddo?
I hate faggots.
hello shill
this, but unironically
>I was ok with the shit writing, terrible characters and horrible effects before but now I have to drop it because the same horrible characters are just a little more horrible
>neither are young and handsome
feh. if they given us two young and handsome guys instead of those two then i would be interested.
OP itsok to come out. No one gives a fuck if you like other men
OP itsok to come out. No one gives a fuck if you like other men. I myself am straight, married abd have kids but fuck a transgender woman once a month or so. Its 2017 and its time to embrace your sexuality
> ohh, those damn faggots pounding each other, moaning, sucking cumming everywhere, I hate then so much I picture that all the time next n stop even when I masturbate!
> Why did the jews make me constantly think about gay men fuckibg each other?
How homophobic of you to assume fags are so self-hating, bigot
>TNG/DS9/VOY do gay characters subtly and with actual care
>STD just throws stereotypically gay people at the audience
> I hare gays so much I cant stop thinking about them
Its ok user, people sometimes struggle with their sexuality in high school
this, but ironically
Imagine being so insecure about your fag lust that you have developed argumentation against accusations.
I rage quit.
All representations in the older treks weren't the driving traits behind the character. They were their own characters who were also x.
STD; "I'm x and that's all there really is to me"
What gets to me about modern day rehashed material is the cultural retcon of if there is a straight white man, he is a villain.
You must despise yourself.
Why are Sup Forumstards such whiny little bitches?
I know, he had obviously had that statement on deck because people often ask him if he is gay.
>TNG/DS9/VOY do gay characters subtly and with actual care
who are the gay characters in these? i thought newSulu is the first gay character in trek.
I have the solutions to all your problems OP
Considering you're fag-bashing, that must mean you're a closeted fruit too, right?
Well he might be biseuxal
I hate militant Islam. Tell me how I'm in ISIS.
Something you want to talk about sweetie?
Will you fucking learn what inspect element is you retarded cunt?
Because they are loses. Imagine being such a failure in life that the one thing you can take pride in is skin color, which is impossible to fail at.
Imagine simultaneously spamming WE WUZ while at the same time claiming things other whites did hundreds or thousands of years ago makes you better than others even though your average pol user is a fat inc who barely graduated high school
>it's the archive fag
Hey reddit
>i've been on Sup Forums for eighteen hours straight
he's not the joke bro. go outside. it's the weekend.
Star Trek is multicultural? WHAT THE FUCK
Gene Roddenberry must be rolling in his grave
>Imagine simultaneously spamming WE WUZ...
I can't even comprehend how pathetic that is
Because we dont have reams of data showing hating Isis makes you want to join them but we have data showing your average gay basher loves the cock
>>Of course they had to inject an interracial gay couple into the show.
The CW's new show Dynasty is even worse. They made the son gay, of course being ever show has to have a guy dude now. Then the main daughter no only get's blacked with in 5min of the show starting, she then cuck him with another black dude by the end. I don't understand why they push an agenda into a show when it doesn't help the story lines.
I can't, but I can tell you how you most likely support other militant ideologies.
Uhh, I just got here bro. You seem upset? You okay?
Is there a group of people easier to offend than Sup Forums?
>The CW's new show Dynasty
WTF you doing watching Dynasty? You a 40 year old house wife?
Hey there, poor white trash.
What a qt3.14!
This soooo much! #resist
If Roddenberry had his way there wouldve been gays in Star Trek back in the 80s. He even implied that Kirk and Spock casually fucked.
>reams of data
I'd like to see that as I am a member of the Ku Klux Klan who actually really admires niggers.
>i can't work the archive
Top fucking kek lad. Good job outing yourself I'm done with you.
I know this is going to be difficult for you to empathize with for obvious reasons, but straight men aren't triggered by people accusing them of being a butt pirate.
Hey reddit whatchu crying about?
>Of course they had to inject an interracial gay couple into the show
The Fable of the Ducks & the Hens
But it's a NEW and FRESH take on the series! It's not your grandma's Dinasty! It's EDGY and BOLD and SAUCY and CURRENT!!!
It's ripped from today's headlines! It's about present day issues! It's YOUNG, it's HIP. it'contemporary!
Yeah keep spamming your shitty video Sup Forumstard
You can't really say stamets has nothing else to him besides being gay can you? He's probably the one of the better developed characters so far. He's a peace loving scientist obsessed with mushrooms pissed about what the federation is doing and how he has to be a part of it. AND he follows orders more than Burnham anyway.
No but seriously, see a therapist
Nope, They actually believe they are a super important political movement that will found a white ethno state so when you bust their balls they collapse into hysterics
They are the new SJWs
>Complaining LGBT plots in Star Trek
Commies hate both reddit and liberals, kill yourself.
What does that image have to do with anything? I dont give a fuck about any of that. For a member of the "master race" you sure are a dumb cocksucker.
>when you are so destroyed by a term you desperately try to repurpose it to usevl against others
I might aswell let you know now this is a non-starter. As if Sup Forums gave a flying fuck about social justice.
Wow, so you are telling me most jews actually work hard and end up at prestigious positions? Maybe you smart fellows from Sup Forums should try doing the same.
That's the only thing STD has done right so far. The rest of it doesn't feel like Trek.
Imagine wasting your life making this stupid shit. Out of the million thing you could be doing, you choose to make this weird nazi porg shit. I mean WTF? This is a new level of pathetic.
People that are secure with their sexuality also don't go around calling other people gay for not liking gays.
I know you're fucking around. If you're really that bored then you desperately need to find a more constructive hobby
Cool story bro. Noticed you couldn't refute a single thing and went straight to insults but I'm sure that makes an """"intelligent"""" man like you feel very smart
>look ma i posted it again
Is that how they are selling it?
normalising the abnormal is harmful to society
> muh jooz are the reason Im not a winner
No, thats because you didn't get an education
> false equivalency
Heterosexual people dont really spend time thinking of wants to defend themselves from people saying they are gay. The fact you keep responding sorta leads me to believe that you have this conversation frequebtly
And you went with a shitty image that you didn't make which implies literally all opponents of Sup Forums are discord communists, such a fool you are.
oh. those are just fan-shipping. i thought there were actual gay characters like newSulu.
Garak being gay is pretty much canon, he was written as that.
I think you are harmful for society, please remove yourself.
>posts an image over a thousand times
>starts crying when he is found out
Beautiful pottery
What argumebt? An image that had nothing to do with what I said because you couldnt refute my statement that only failures have to resort to racial pride for a feeling of success?
Here, let me describe you: "smart but lazy" High school education, over weight, long term single and you blame some other group of people( jesws, hispanics) for the fact you have failed at being a man.
>blacks, asians and campy sodomites are equivalent
too true
You're fooling nobody.
>if i call people who dislike gays gay i will win
That is one sad defense mechanism. Anyway show me your "reams of data" and stop trying to change the subject.
But typical pol tard behavior like living with your parents, unemployment, obesity and live of fascism is normal, right?
>can't refute anything
>pretends it doesn't exist
>let me project
*breathes in*
Goddam so many libruls invading :((
Well any sex scenes?
What's live of fascism is thus some new political movement I haven't heard of?
>the autism wars
Why are they even bothering with this.