This is the worst Star Trek series
I don't see how people can complain so much about STD when this exists
This is the worst Star Trek series
I don't see how people can complain so much about STD when this exists
man, std shills are really desperate huh
Have you watched it?
It's their love of Mars bars klingons
When Enterprise gets good it gets really good though. It took them a long time to find their stride. STD won't even get another season.
they have been shitting on every old Trek since it started airing
Yes, its indefinably not good in comparison to TOS, TNG & DS9 (VOY is debatable) but its an actual fucking Star Trek show, unlike sexually transmitted disease.
imo it's the second best after DS9
What were they thinking?
Season 1 took a while but finally got established.
Season 2 was pretty damn good.
Season 3 was one of the best seasons of any trek.
>Loved the Xindi story line
Season 4 was meh for whatever reason, probably knew they were getting cancelled.
You're a dumbass. Objectively,
TNG/TOS (personal taste allows preference here)>DS9/VOY (again personal preference)>STD/ENT (both equally shit for different reasons)
>you are not allowed to hate something shit when there is something else just as shit
TOS sucks and so does 3/4ths of TNG.
The biggest problem is that it cemented the fact that Rick Berman and Brannon Braga have no idea how to write a character with any substance
ENT isnt shit, and should only be considered weak because it only had 4 Seasons. It ended on sich a weird note.
The characters/chemistry alone made it great. Xindi arc was one of the best in all of trek.
The only truly shit thing about ENT was that theme song, which is so bad its hilarious now.
>Season 4 was meh for whatever reason, probably knew they were getting cancelled.
Season 4 was great because they knew they were getting cancelled so they were just having fun with crazy adventures and stuff. One of the biggest problems with Enterprise from the start was that it was way too serious and pretentious. It only started getting good when they started having fun and tying it more to overall Star Trek lore.
Except the Borg episode. That was unnecessary.
I loved the characters, wanna fight aboudit?
Here's your challenge all, can you describe the traits of the following characters:
Still wish they went with a design that was closer to this instead of an Akira ripoff.
Just the way the NX-01 doesn't have a proper star drive already gives me the fucking chip.
They are only vectors for the plot, the fact that they were written in a post DS9 world is shocking
Fuck off RLM
Angry Human Supremecist,
Angry Vulcan Supremecist
Horny Human Womanizer, sometimes an engineer
Space Boomer
Cowardly Lion
Combat medic
Yea i agree it got better when they loosened up, i guess my problem was it seemed like they crammed too many ideas together/got incoherent. I think they were doing time war/romulans/klingons all at the same time, and the show ended with their take on the mirror/evil universe. Its like how farscape ended, just not quite as bad.
Its been a while since i watched it, i just remember loving show, and feeling it deserved atleast two more seasons.
I have no idea why they insist on making everything a prequel but fucking around with the design
Alien Isolation is the only prequel/sequel thing in recent memory that manages to keep the spirit the original design alive
I hate to say it, but T'Pol might have been the best character on that show. At least she had something of a character arc.
The next season was Coalition-Romulan Galactic War.
Also Full time Shran shenanigans. We missed out on a lot. Also T'pol finding out she's half rommie.
Please try to describe Ensign Mayweather
It's literally impossible
They had good chemistry and i felt that fit early star trek universe well.
I always thoigh the romulan arc was going to be good, wish we could have got that. Didnt realize t'pol would have been half rom, can see it happening thothough
Oh yea Shran, he was so great. He really helped make the show. I loved shran/archer dynamics.
Inquisitive and adventurous young man.
Imagine a world where Shran was the sub commander from the start
It sucks that of all the prequel Trekshit coming out, not ONE of them could ever touch on the Earth-Romulan War or Federation-Klingon conflict more in-depth.
ENT gets cancelled before it can get to all out war with the Romulans, JJTrek foreshadows a conflict with the Klingons but then drops it by Beyond, and STD is finally about it but now both Klingons and the Federation are basically unrecognizable.
It's fucking money in bank and all they have to do is deliver it. Just like AVP could work if they just put Aliens+Predators+Colonial Marines but no movie studio wants to make it happen. It just baffles me, just completely baffles me that the ONE THING that will get the biggest audience never gets fucking done.
Easy, Black Wesley. Weakest character tbf
Honestly most of the improvements to Klingons are positive ones, they seem much more alien and culturally distinct now. The only thing that's reaaaally triggered me is them not eating living food.
Fuck you its really good.
>black wesley
insult to wesley
not him, I was thinking insult to ensign mayweather.
>STD comes out
>suddenly everyone loves ENT
Wesley was irritating but Mayweather was boring.
They could have done much more with him. Dunno if it's the writers or the actors fault, probably both
its like the star wars prequels and VII all over again
ENT's always been divisive, there's never been a hivemind about it. STD is as well, me and a lot of people are enjoying it, we just get drowned out in all of the kiddie spam.
Damn it this.
I remember thinking after watch jj's first reboot "oooh he teased klingons, we'll surely get klingon conflict in star trek 2!"
And we get fucking kahn. In an "alternate" timeline no less.
But yep money in the bank and they wont touch it. Sucks cause the cgi does make it look even if the substamce g moee often than not
>Alien Isolation is the only prequel/sequel thing in recent memory that manages to keep the spirit the original design alive
Probably because it's not American, they're the ones who love to tamper with things even their classic media.
There wasn't a significant amount of dislike for the prequels here until the RLM reviews caught on in the early '10s. In the old days people would crack jokes about anakin and jar jar but the movies were generally enjoyed.
Hate bandwagons are a more recent thing.
I don't like that they can't really emote. The designs would work better if they didn't look like masks that actors are struggling just to talk through. If they were going in that direction, might as well make them partly CGI.
I don't mind Klingons looking more alien, hell make them look more like giant space scarabs if you want. But at least sell me on them and make them look like something that's actually alive.
Just as an aside, I'm really loving what STO is doing with the Romulan aesthetic. Makes me want to see a Trek told entirely from their perspective. They're basically Eldar now.
I think that would have also been first time we got a full time andorian on screen too right?
The idea was going to be T'pol's dad was secretly a rommie agent and since she had also worked for vulcan intelligence services that it ran in family kind of thing.
Which would make t'pol and trip's kids like three different bloodlines in one kid. Trippy. vulcan, romulan, and human. Though if romulans and vulcan's can still have kids that would mean they're still the same species and just have different facial characteristics.
I'm kind of glad they didn't. Archer needed someone who you could see him listening to and they needed to work on his hating vulcans theme, which allowed her to be the wise one but also still grow and learn from archer as well as bring relations between vulcans and humans closer through their deeds kind of schtick.
andorians don't really fit that theme.
Into Darkness set it up and they were already talking about how the Vengeance was needed for an upcoming war with the Klingons, which was all but inevitable. Then Beyond just drops that plot thread for a random romp on a planet. Which isn't necessarily bad but it's not what they should've been going for with the third movie.
Third movie was when they should've raised the stakes. I wanted to see more than just 1v1 ship engagements for fuck's sake. Tell people the third movie would've been about all out Federation-Klingon war and I guarantee you that movie would've outgrossed all the previous Treks.
>a fucking videogame is truer to the spirit of the original alien than ANY of the sequels
fucking embarrassment
You fucking casual. Ent has been getting more and more love for years before STD was even a gleem in the eye.
The reason ENT got popular years ago on here and nowhere else, is because TNG/DS9 fags would destroy threads shitflinging at eachother so then they started using ENT to create nonshitposting threads and since some people already liked ENT they started talking about it, which made other people give it a try and found they liked it too.
It's not 'new'
nah they were widely acknowledged as plain embarrassing
after the first, all I heard was the second will better, that comes out, then it's nothing but the third will be better, it wasn't and essentially killed the franchise till Disney revived its corpse for profit
Jar jar was the scapegoat for old school fans venting their frustration but all of the films were a mess
I see, just people wanting to be different. The Star Trek version of the centrist meme fags
I believe so, ENT was the only show andorians had much of any presence i think. Full time shran would have been awesome.
And thanks for that, i had no clue they were going to do that would have ben pretty interesting to see her deal with that on top of her addiction.
Probably the best romance trek ever achieved, too.
Well yea thats right, i forgot, admiral whats his face unleashed kahn trying to prepare for his inevitable war, yadda yadda, i can see that and the 3rd in a "trilogy" would be the perfect way to cap, with this climatic war movie.
Beyond was out of no where plot wise. it was decent, just felt like a 2 hour episode
Oh well.
I watched a lot of TNG/TOS/VOY when it was on TV, I caught bits and pieces of DS9 and ENT when they aired but had no real love for them
In the wake of streaming I ploughed through both DS9 and ENT to see what I missed
Watching ENT was truly a chore, DS9 got better as it went on
ENT feels like TES: Oblivion, it tries to appeal to the mainstream but just alienated a lot of old fans and failed to woo any of the average viewers they were going for
No it has nothing to do with centrism newfag. The TNGfags and DS9fags were fanatically militant in their views. If centrism is a vacuum where less shitposting happened, then that I guess is a new way of describing it.
That is where support for show came from because I always loved ENT but every time I checked out a random thread, I'm talking back in 2009/2010 and 2011 before all night moderation. Much like RLM bandwagon, That show was hated here, hated.
various factions fighting eachother gave it space to grow. Since neither side had a strong opinion about it. That's literally it.
Also to clarify to other newfags, prequels have always been liked here to some degree, the OTfags that hated them have always been here too and usually drowned them out with RLM style shitposting. After full night moderation kicked out the wall to wall kiddy porn that filled up Sup Forums after midnight, the OTfags went to different pastures. Which gave room for prequelfags to start talking about it, then memes happened like Lucas selling starwars, which gave people time to hate disney.
But best piece Lucas gave was giving palpatine a first name. which jumped on backs of baneposting and created sheevposting.
And that's why prequel criticism got dented but is still more thoroughly talked about than any other part of starwars movie universe.
>ENT shitposters whining about other trekfags being "fanatically militant"
Okay, you score one point because the anti-liberal guy always posts his copypasta now, but that guy is relatively new. So lets be honest. Time goes well beyond a few months user.
>the same people who make the total war games made alien isolation
I was surprised tbqh.
Y'know, I really enjoyed ENT, especially the Xindi arc and the Mirror Universe stuff. Exploring Andorian culture was cool too. I was genuinely disappointed when it got cancelled.
People don't remember that we had new Trek every season since 87, it was a huge loss to the tv landscape, and still is thanks to CBS.
STD is worse but ENT is not very good.
STD is a pile of shit.
You must be a retard to even consider enjoying this kind of dog shit.
Can't we stop making this female leadership meme happening ?
I fucking hate nowdays when we see a female knocking out a gorilla twice their size. I FUCKIN HATE how they are trying to push their agenda down our throats. How the fuck can they talk about race war in 2017. it's okay to be racist when you're a black alien what the fuck is that
I loved ENT, I watched it every week alongside Andromeda, it was on the time Starship Troopers Chronicles and Farscape was also broadcasted (or by re runs), those were some fun tv times in my youth.
Now with STD everything went backwards.
Gene Roddenberry's vision was that humanity abandoned the accumulation of wealth in pursuit of knowledge after the WWIII and vulcans arriving once Cochrane invented/discovered warp drive, which ended capitalism since it was infantile. Now on STD tey not only have hairless lizard klingons, they have business man in a klingon cell who got there because his creditors chased him to klingon space and says starfleet are a bunch of arrogant people that never look on the little guy.
That shit would have never happened in Roddenberry's universe, it truly is STD
>that theme song
It grows on you.
>Just the way the NX-01 doesn't have a proper star drive already gives me the fucking chip.
There was going to be a refit in season 5 where they attack the lower half with the deflector dish with a warp 7 engine or something.
Looks pretty cool.
indefinably? I'll define it for you.
all of the characters are completely forgettable. where is the picard? where is the warf? where is the data? where is the sisko? archer doesn't even begin to fill the gap. the rest of them (who were they again?) range from uninteresting to you-have-no-fucking-clue-how-a-vulcan-should-act. that stupid bitch, who?, is the most emotional character on the show and she thinks she's not because she speaks in monotone. that's not a fucking vulcan. couldn't watch beyond about 15 episodes even though i REALLY REALLY wanted to because that period of the star trek timeline is the most interesting to me.
>This character was invented to live or die based on whether a fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise was given the go-ahead or not. While the episode "Terra Prime" was in development, Manny Coto had the idea that, if another season was indeed approved, the baby would live, but if the series was canceled, the child would die. The writers hoped the baby would live, as they expected it would make for "a great storyline." However, the death of Baby Elizabeth echoes the fact that Enterprise was canceled at the end of its fourth season.
That's coldblooded
>we just get drowned out in all of the criticism.
Fixed. STD, at best, is a flawed space soap opera that barely resembles Star Trek. Uninteresting characters, horrible writing, total disregard to lore despite it supposedly being Prime, and more problems.
I hate how true this is.
Andromeda... now that show is criminally underrated.
The song they play over thd end credits (Archer's theme) was supposed to be the main title. It actually works really well played over the intro, except the guitar riff I guess.
nice b8 m8
My average rating per episode /10 for ENT is 6.61.
For VOY it's 6.08.
For the first four episodes of DIS, it's 5.25.
Probably worth mentioning, though, for the first four episodes of VOY it was only 5 so it's definitely possible for DIS to improve.
Enterprise and The Motion Picture are the two greatest Trek pleb-filters.
Voyager is worse
I think it was a different version of archer's theme they intended for the intro.
Second best after Voyager desu
>My average rating per episode /10 for ENT is 6.61.
>For VOY it's 6.08.
>For the first four episodes of DIS, it's 5.25.
that seems eerily accurate
how do you rate?
She always acts as though she is working hard to confine her intense emotions rather than that she has truly mastered them, like a good vulcan. She is literally the most emotionally intense person on the show and for that to be a vulcan in star trek is just wrong.
I try and take everything into consideration.
Plot, dialogue, performances, music, special effects, design (specifically the alien species being encountered that week), direction, and then I also give or take a little depending on whether they do anything especially clever in an allegorical sense, and whether they respect the overall themes of Trek.
Honestly, Voyager was worse. When the captain itself is bad, you know the show is fucked from the start.
You know nothing about Vulcans. Throughout the series it has been stated that Vulcans were naturally intensely emotional beings, who only avoided exterminating themselves by employing logic to suppress their emotions. Your view of Vulcans is a simplistic interpretation of their character that you got from only half listening.
>Throughout the series
To be clear, I should have said throughout the various series' or throughout the entire franchise.
I riked the finale
That would have been stupid, and ruined his character. Shran was always best utilized as an ancillary character who would come and go when needed.
Imagine having this terrible a taste in sci-fi. Imagine being someone who prefers FEDARAYSHUN WAARRRRR GOOORREEEE with INTERACIAL GAYS AND STRONK BLACK WOMYN to the fun adventures of Archer, Temporal Wars, and QT as fuck T'Pol.
What a sad and pathetic experience they'd have watching TV. Like holy shit, legitimately feel bad for you.
>She always acts as though she is working hard to confine her intense emotions
This is exactly how Nimoy played spock though, and every other man cast vulcan has taken from his cue. Just look at Tuvok's constant irritation bubbling right under the surface.
Vulcan's had intense emotions (stronger than humans) but they have a religion of sorts dedicated to not acting on emotions.
He was supposed to join the crew in season 5. More based Combes is always welcomed to be honest.
I wish Gowron was a cereal mascot.
Fuckin kek
It's budget tier. At the same time, if you compare it to STD, writing is miles better.
Good thing it didn't happen then. It would have ruined the show.
I don't know about that. With each season they were getting exponentially better.
So is this /trek/ then?
Why do STDfaggots need three threads
>So is this /trek/ then?
No. Fuck off with your cancerous generals.
Ahaha the state of newfaggotry, Sup Forums is pro-generals you dumb dipshit