/STD/ General - Star Trek Discovery
>Orville won
Fuck that shit, literally.
Where is she on the autism spectrum?
What percentage of pol/the alt right are closeted homosexuals? I say 35%
>lights are always low because captain has light problems
It was inevitable to have gays on the show in 2017, but why do they have to act so gay? That's what I call tv gay. Most gay people you meet in real life are actually quite normal.
>CBS: Make sure STD is popular with the 18-29 demo.
>STD: Say no more, I give you a ship that becomes a fidget spinner.
Episode 5 is easily the best episode so far. They're actually starting to develop and feature characters who aren't Michael Burnham and have them do things and make decisions and be important. But, really, Harry Mudd stole the show this episode, and I'm looking forward to him popping up again.
Seriously, shouldn't there be a better therapy in the 23rd century than a weird painful eye injection every few hours?
Fidget spinners don't look or spin like that, Gramps.
I like the pop culture references in STD it makes the show more relatable which is why its so popular, did anyone notice last week they said Elon Musk? Im not bullshitting it was in the show that means Elon Musk is canon is now!!!
Does Elon Musk have a page at Memory Alpha yet since he is now officially part of the star trek Universe? Maybe we should make an Elon Musk page?
I just realized it spins like Spock's space octopus from ST09.
Tried getting into STD, but Orville seems alot better. The characters at least are more developed and it seems STD only has the one main character with the rest being just thrown in as plot devices not even with any personality.
He keeps the eyes as a reminder of the crew he lost.
Will Sarek succeed in destroying the Federation?
Many fans online are hoping that Sarek will destroy the federation much to mirror destroying the US government in our world but portrayed in star trek.
Notice Sarek told Michael how dangerous the Klingons are. Michael then went all out to prove sarek was right by taking out her captain and firing on the klingon ship. We then see that Michael was right and the klingons fire back proving their war like.
They're still injecting each other in the bum so no.
Don't forget they referenced the Beatles too!! How epic!
>Don't forget they referenced the Beatles too!! How epic!
GTFO I missed that when did that happen or are you just messing with me.
So what night is movie night on The Discovery?
Orville is better
what movie would they watch on discovery?
anything they do becomes canon I would like to see memory alpha pages about Planet of the Apes since there is also a comic crossover to planet of the apes but not sure if that crossover counts as canon or not.
STD is canonfluid
no everything in STD is canon the creators even said their taking great care to rewrite canon to make the show better so people will like Star Trek again since everyone was hating star trek due to how bad the movies did so they hired the movie people like Kurtzman from JJ's studio to fix the TV show too.
Honest opinions on Orville?
best star trek series out there right now.
IT's pretty good, better characters, the divorce jokes are getting old though.
Lets just say if you climbed up to her Chromosome count and then jumped down to Sup Forumss IQ you would not survive the fall.
It's alright, although the jokes are sometimes a little bit obnoxious because they keep repeating them.
>his fidget spinner only spins 2 dimensionally
its actually pretty good and more true to Star Trek than STD. The difference might be that the creators of Orville are all Trek alums and huge trek fans while the creators of STD got rid of anyone associated with previous trek tv shows, they got rid of all the special effects and makeup people who worked on previous trek shows and replaced them. This is also why the makeup and practical effects in STD look so awful.
That's the minimum estimate.
I feel like gays should stop going on about homophobia, the most venomous homophobia comes from closet homosexuals anyway.
Worse than Discovery
Earnest homage to old Star Trek. Made by Trekkies and it shows. Humor is hit or miss. Comfy.
I actually look forward to it every week unlike STD.
judging by the effects and alien designs as seen in pic related I would have to lean Orville as it seems what STD makes is literally just trying to be as edgy as possible.
>go to a restaurant
>order a pizza
>waiter brings me my fresh pizza pie
>waiter pulls out something
>wh-what is it? is that a...
Sucking my dick
Air exited my nostrils.
Comfy and a true trek formula. I still want STD to be good, but in its current state it's just horrid.
Annoying/ADHD =/= autism
>they shopped her in the promotional images
what the fuck
That ending was just too good. We gonna get some mirror universe or what?
We needed two of the same thread ?
this is so over shooped it looks nothing like her
their not the same thread, this is for discussion of the Star Trek TV series STD.
the other is some Sup Forums thread focused on hating one part of an entire series and STD is more than one part it is the sum of its parts which bring us all together because we all support Diversity and LGBTQR+ rights
That isn't the same thread. That's some whiny Sup Forums bitch thread. This is just a regular tv thread
Just finished the episode. It's like I'm really watching homosexual battlestar galactica.
>Orville's ratings are tanking
So is this episode good? Better then the others? Where does it rank? How is Mudd? Good? Bad? Is StarTrek Kino finally back on the menu boys?
Best episode since DS9
It focused on the white males so it's the best episode by default.
this is the best episode yet in STD it promotes LGBT rights which is a first for star trek.
>Star Trek
>Captain calls his subordinates Soldiers
>Lorca and Ash Tyler
>which is a first for star trek
Cool story grandpa, but I remember that guy in a skirt in the first episode of TNG.
The Virgin campy faggots
The Chad homosexual race
>not focused on robotfu
>wearing a skirt is gay
Scotty wore one in some TOS episodes too
>I'm a soldier, not a diplomat - Kirk
So now STD is ripping of the Orville. Typical
This guy gets it
>yfw MOGTOW evolved into Moclans
This show puts me off
>Male rape by a Klingon, see boys you can get raped too ,so progressive
>Homos in space, apparently homosexuality hasn't been cured yet.
>Ethnically diverse crew, and by diverse I mean a whole lot of blacks
And is the redhead supposed to be legit autistic to showcase neurodiversity? It's not clear if she's just quirky or has actual issues
>sucking a dick is gay
Scotty sucked one in some TOS episodes too
>see boys you can get raped too ,so progressive
Uhhm, have you never heard of the middle east? Or Asia? Or basic history? Boy rape is old as time itself. It's even the the bible. It has fuck all to do with your shitty notions of social progress.
>two women, one of which we know for sure was awful
The absolute state of Starfleet.
why not make a webm of them sucking on their toothbrushes in suggestive ways because the STD creators wouldnt be so bold as to have actual sex scene or intimacy other than kissing
Buttrape is, because it's humiliating. It turns the bottom into a woman. But in this he gets over his "rape" pretty quick. You just know if it had been a woman they'd have stretched the drama of her violation for a whole season.
The leader of the Alt Right, Richard Spencer, is gay. He uses thier movement to pick up boys anf even said sucking dick was a last stand of white masculinity
Observations and musings on ep5 1/?
Is Michael's dream supposed to be a vision of some sort? Telepathic? Precognitive? If so, why does she have these powers or where is it coming from?
Why does Micael try to illict the assistance of Dr. Culber? He isn't the CMO and she has no previous history with him. Does he have some sort of expertise that makes his best suited?
What kind of tests does Dr. Culber run on the creature? Its hide can't be pierced and it seems to be resistant to detection by remote sensing.
The are several diffierent kinds of aliens in the backgroud of the mess hall shots/scene, but they are heavily out of focus so its hard to distinguise much about them.
Lorca seems to be on a first name basis with one of the admirals from his briefing ("Katrina"). What history do they have together? Will we be seeing more of her and learning about her?
Katrina mentions the Michael staying on Discovery "does nothing for general morlae." Is her (temporary) assignment public knowledge? Isn't this a classified/secret ship?
How did the Klingons know about Lorca's prescense on the shuttle? How did they locate and reach the shuttle which would have had to be behind enemy lines? A manuever such as that is EXACTLY why the use of the spore drive is required by the Discovery later in the episode.
Katrina tells Discovery that the pilot was killed when Lorca was captured. How do they know this? Surely, the Klingons kept or at the least destroyed the shuttle.
Katrina also says this was a targeted abduction. How is this known? How does she even know if Lorca is still alive?
Concerning the list of "Most Decorated Captains [Ever]": All are human. 4 of the 5 are from VERY current times. It seems odd for Philippa to have been on such an antiquated ship and assigned such menial missions if she was such a valued officer.
The level of cognition and reasoning demonstrated by the computer during the scene where Saru sets up his acting captain protocol seems a bit advanced even by TNG-era level perspective.
Mudd is pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good. How much of his story about Stella is true? Is this before or after he walks out on her?
Why are they on a prison vessel when they flew right past Rura Penthe?
The Choose-Your-Pain "game" doesn't seem very Klingon. Is there more going on then we are told by Mudd (he is a very unreliable source)?
I was watching a buzzfeed video on CIA tactics and the host starts kissing a guy out of nowhere. I watched a vice video instead.
Only one of those was a woman, and she's apparently the most decorated captain because MUH PROGRESSION
If the prison ship they are on onyl has a crew of 30 to 40 that seems rather small for the D-7 that was purported to have abducted Lorca. Did he get transferred to another ship? If so, then how does the Discovery find him later?
What is Stuart? Is he intelligent? Seems kinda cool.
Why is Tilly there for the spore drive tech review? Michael and Staments being there is obvious. But, Tilly is just a Cadet and thus far her contribution to the project has been shown to be quite minor. If this is an "all-hands" meeting, then where are the other researchers?
What was Mudd's "respectable business" that got blown up in the war?
Lorca tells the Klingon Captain that her English is very good. I think this is actually a pretty big deal as its never been confirmed that English actually is the language spoken by humans in the future. Due to the UT, they really could have been speaking anything.
The Klingon captain knows Discovery was at the Corvan system and alludes to knowing about other recent activities it has been involved in. How do she know this? This is the second time this episode the Klingns have displayed a substantial level of knowledge about the actions of Starfleet, presumedly via espionage.
The hypospray of tardigrade DNA serum stuff seems to have been synthesized rather quickly. Also, how were they able to do so when its forbidden? Wouldn't that technology be restricted? Also, were any medical personel (Dr. Culber, perhaps) involved? As none of them are ever present during the related events or shown demonstrating knowledge, its unclear.
Rhys calls Saru "captain" over the intercomm. Later, when Dr. Culber is on the bridge he does the same. Why? While he may be acting captain his rank is still commander. In similiar situations in other instances, the individual is still identified by their rank or name, not their assumed role on the vessel.
i can only see 1 female name there
Because the whole crew is made out of tropes, none has actual character.
like michael burnham
How does Mudd know Lorca's name and past deeds? Why does Lorca not seem surprised or concerned by this? Mudd had to introduce himself and his backstory so obviously he and Lorca do not have a previous relationship.
When Mudd claims none of them have a soul anymore. This makes a sense of sorts in relation to both himself and Lorca (considering the bit of his past we just learned), but how does it apply to Ash Tyler and why does he make no attempt to claim otherwise?
When Saru returns to the bridge he refers to the klingon ship as a bird-of-prey when just afew moments previously Rhys calls it a battle cruiser. What sort of vessel is it?
While the design of the Klingon disrupters seems a bit odd I do appreciate the effect; greenish pulse and a sorta pop disintegration.
Why is Ash Tyler suddenly unable to walk under his own power? Why is he suddenly to not only stand but best the Klingon captain when she appears seconds later?
How does Lorca know how to fly/operate a Klingon Raider? What purpose does the sail or plumage on the Raiders serve? I like to know a whole lot more about them in general.
If the Discovery was tailing and watching the Klingon ship why did they not detect the Raiders sooner or even sense one of them firing on and destroying another of their number?
A panel refers to Staments as Chief Engineer. Why would an Astromycologist (a "space fungus scientist") be put in charge of the technical runnings of a starship? Its experimental drive aside, it still has a traditional warp core and a myriad of other technologies that he would presumedly not be equipped to properly manage.
Additionally, a crewman says Staments is in engineering but the location where we see him a moment/scene later is the experimental spore drive lab. Are they the same location? Where is the warpcore then?
michael is called michael because she's the protagonist and fuller likes to give his female leads male names
Are Decker and April some kind of references, too?
The puncture wounds and blood trails were a nice touch that I didn't expect to see. Have we seen a similiar attention to such detail previously?
What is the origin or signifigance of the "prayer" Tilly says before they release the Tardigrade? "May the sun and moon watch your coming and goings in the endless nights and days that are before you."
Why are they sure that the Tardigrade can survive in the vacuum of space?
Why are the words "See you Space Cowboy" superimposed over the Tardigrade reanimation/sporewarp scene so hilarious?
Obvious one: What the hell is up with the mirror/Staments at the end?
>he hasn't watched TAS
>he doesn't even know who matt is
where are you getting this shit from
>something something ... I know so much about rape and how people react or something something
Okay? Sorry, but I don't give a shit or care. Maybe don't think about rape so much?
>micheal burnham
>gabriel lorca
>micheal and gabriel
>they guide heaven forces against the armies of hell (the klingon)
damn, we are reaching BvS levels of depth
truly kino
Yes. april is the first captain of the Enterprise-A before Kirk and Pike. He is from TAS.
Decker is from TOS and was the captain of another Constitution class.
It has to be much higher. I'd say 60-75%
They are mine. I typed up my thoughts on my second screen while watching it. I tried to not include much of my personal feelings about the show or massively critque its writing and instead just pose questions that the show presents but doesn't provide an answer for.
I figure I'll get called autistic and sperg for it but I hoped it might at least start so sort of constructive conversation.
Oh damn, he's the planet killer dude? That's neat, didn't realize.
Part of their failure to get laid is really due tonthe fact they arent actually attracted to women. I say 50% and 30% bi. Most of the gays like Milo and Spencer are there to groom kids
it's kind of hard to start conversation with this many of these all at the same time, but:
>Additionally, a crewman says Staments is in engineering but the location where we see him a moment/scene later is the experimental spore drive lab. Are they the same location? Where is the warpcore then?
they've called this location "Engineering" from the start, no idea where the warpcore is but I guess in the back somewhere - it's not unlike TOS's Engineering
So when will there be a character named Lucifer "Lucy" Jones? If they go by Lucy it can be a dude, of course!
not anymore im reading them right now making a STD review im going to monetize. HA your BTFO!
>it's kind of hard to start conversation with this many of these all at the same time
That fair. I guess I just hoped people who wanted to discuss something would pick and choose bits or pieces. Much like you did...
>I guess in the back somewhere - it's not unlike TOS
Hmmm, I hadn't really looked at it like that. I suppose that's possible. Thanks.
Enjoy, hope it helps.
im kidding, i dun even use youtube :P
Easily 45%.