What's next for this franchise?
What's next for this franchise?
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nothing now stop making new threads
it bombed twice in two separate movies
you will not see anything sequel related for AT LEAST the next 30 years
Hopefully nothing, i loved the flick but that rebelion stuff was the weakest thing and a sequel is bound to be about it.
Pulling the plug.
Prequels or miniseries maybe a videogame
But the movie had no resolution, Deckard found his daughter but Wallace will still go after the child. They'll have to go on the run again.
Hopefully none. Writers totally wrote themselves in a corner. They'd either have to write the sequel being about the upcoming Replicant war (not gonna happen, way too expensive) or they'd have to set it after them losing, which would make everything K fought for in vain.
The resolution was thet K' decided by himself to bring them together.There's no more needed, i actually would've prefered if it ended after the encounter with the giganctic Joi before the water fight.
Animated series set in 2076
Directed by Peter Chung
Aeon Flux?
Blade Runner
They all share same universe, ain't that just great?
How come they don't use replicants in Alien if it's the same universe
Alien was before Blade Runner, they use androids which are like foundation for replicant + also a different manufacturer
Hopefully nothing.
Getting Vangelis back. Seriously why does this guy get so much fucking work. The entire movie was just a drone.
Hopefully nothing.
Is this movie worth seeing in Imax ?
Vangelis' newest album was let down the guy is not what he used to be.
I hated 90% of the music in the first one. It just made everything feel so dated. Vangelis is overrated
Death, there never should have been a sequel. If there was a sequel it atleast should have been good.
Wallace has no leads and believes Deckard to be dead.
I don't know. I'm just pissed it was fucking zimmer. I didn't remember any of the music and I just checked the soundtrack and it's all just fucking drones. I enjoyed some of the noisia sounding bass sounds but it was all either that or boring as fuck drones. Why the fuck is this guy so bloody popular? You have Blade Runner and THIS is what you come up with?
Isn't the first blade runner set in 2019?
Are we sure about this?
I mean it could work but it feels as if it is something they tacked on to make all these movies more special.
This honestly. The core theme of blade runner is the inherent tradegy of self aware synthetic intelligence. The ultimate tradegy of Joi's existence is the fact that she's one of enumerable copies. The whole child arch is underfleshed and you simply don't feel for it as much as you do for the Goose and his light weight GF.
The Alien-BR connection was just an easter egg and Im still waiting for someone to find a spinner in that junk pile in Soldier.
Not the guy you're replying to but I felt more for the goose being a standard manufactured replicant just like all the others instead of a special born one. Joi was there just to show how lonely his life was.
An anime series
That would be cancerous as fuck.
Animes nowadays are either waifu fapbait or edgy shit or something in between.
they already made GitS user.
In both instances I guess we're responding same idea, a self aware disposable nothing. Bet you felt for more the goose than the memory girl reunion.
did goose dieded?
no as in that's literally happening
I guess you're right.
Only thing I found on google about it is the anime prequel about the blackout.
Don't know how that one is though it might be pretty good as its a short movie appearantly.