Didn't know BLADE RUNNER was a nazi
Didn't know BLADE RUNNER was a nazi
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back to POLE gnatzee
>Autistic and doesnt like real women.
What the fuck do you think.
Awesome movie!
Check out
Apart from the monologue in the cafe, this movie was a let down.
Officer KKK
why would the Jews allow this in one of their kinos?
Did you watch the film.
He is a jew.
The Believer is good movie.
really made me think
no. But that video is essentially a paraphrased Hitler speech
>the scene where Gosling is dressed like an SS soldier
>and bayonets a jewish baby
Sam Raimi being an executive producer is no surprise.
pffff, it's like a non ironical post on Sup Forums.
Anyway, it's not a bad movie, but I got pretty hype to watch it after watching this scene, don't even remember where I saw it. The movie simply does not deliver and it's predictable. I also think it's one of Gosling's better performances.
They used the same trick they used in American History X. He says something rational and then freaks out and acts irrational so he looks like a madman.
The character is based on a real person. They completely changed the ending though.
Why do nazi larpers wear suspenders? It's really giving off a gay vibe.
belts are a jewish meme to fuck you up inside
it's telling of how much dumber future generations are getting when alt-right babbies actually believe American History X was pro right
M-maybe if it was the "original" ending,
they might have a leg to stand on
>when alt-right babbies actually believe American History X was pro right
Judging by the ending, it wasn't pro-left.
What MDE is this from?