What's Dan Harmon's fucking problem?
What's Dan Harmon's fucking problem?
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He doesn't know Christ. Same with Roiland.
His ego is more fragile than a nitroglycerin.
No one over 25 should have a twitter desu.
he's a manbaby who lives in a bubble and surrounds himself with yesmen
the irony. Trump's ego is more fragile. yet you faggots overlook it. cognitive dissonance
As much as I agree, what the fuck does trump have to do with this?
what did he mean by this
wtf does Trump have to do with this?
that was just rude
t. late night talk show host
The guy is insulting his work to his face, you think he should just take it like a little cuck?
No, that's what the Virgin Screenwriter would do. The Chad Screenwriter would publicly mock this cretin on social media.
He's getting tired of his fans. Harmontown is going to be mostly home shows from now on partly because of this.
I think he's pointing out the fact that a lot of Sup Forums think it's alpha and btfo:ing when Trump does literally the exact same pitty shit that Harmon does. You can't really deny this.
How obsessed are you? No one mentioned trump you idiotic buffoon.
I bet all the shitty emotional and dramatic stuff in Rick and Morty was his fault. Have you guys seen Justin Roiland's animations he made before the show? The guys hysterical.
I bet all the goofy shit is Dan Harmon's fault, remember the Rick dance from season 1? Shit made my skin crawl.
Season 6 was a lazy soulless hunk of shit. The guy had balls to admit it to the creator in the most humble of ways while still saying he loved the show. What gives this prick the right to mock him as if all the fame and money in his life isn't enough so he had to insult some fan who doesn't even have a profile picture. All he had to do was ignore it and move on.
Lol no they don't. Don't mistake Sup Forums for Sup Forums
Don't try to understand his retarded point of you.
Good. Now everytime I feel like a needy whore, I'll mention Trump negatively on Sup Forums.
living in your head rent free
Not if you're banned first for shitposting.
Anyone else dislike community?
It had some funny stuff, like Chang.
But the general feel of the show was very man child and outputting.
I understand what he was implying and I don't deny that trump is a petty shit-head.
However, nobody was talking about anything related to politics until he brought it up.
Been on Sup Forums too long, son. Most of Sup Forums came here when Moot fucked their board a couple of years ago. While some may have gone back alot of people stayed.
House of Cosbys was great.
Its sad cos if Justin had more sway and name recognition he'd have more control and the show itself would likely be funnier.
Also it would have been too manic for most audiences so the fanbase wouldn't have descended into turbo-plebs trying force every line of dialogue into being a catch phrase.
he's a fat miserable fuck
All christkillers have brain problems
Thankfully he only has mommy issues, not "shitting on naked toddlers and killing them for moloch" issues
The guy could have kept his thoughts to himself, why does he feel entitled to shit all over Harmon's show to his face?
Typical millennial.
I mean arent we talking about a guy who made a show about DnD and let his Ex-whatever in on it even though she wasn't funny at all and all she could do is say "muh barbarian rage ouity touity"
Mind you a majority of the guest women were funny.
Stop making twitter threads you dumb cunt.
How sad are you? You should probably check that TDS before it fucks with your head harder.
I turned myself into a dishevelled liberal faggot Morty.
>banned for shitposting
I wonder how often this happens here.
The inability to take criticism is precisely the reason the show turned to shit.
i laughed
I love a good Harmon tweet and the following butthurt thread on tv.
jesus christ you fucking losers are deranged
Kill yourself
Trump is on everyone's minds most of the time and at this point he's basically trademarked "angry guy on twitter" so it's not crazy that someone might bring him up.
does tv hate harmon? asking because im new here.
You are part of the fucking problem. Twitter should be for institutions and press releases.
It may not be crazy, but that doesn't mean it's not obnoxious and unnecessary.
If harmons tweet was lambasting trump, fine talk about trump. If the show/movie has a political message, fine talk about politics.
is that a vizsla puppy? when did they get so popular?
DRÉMFP. But seriously we can't let him have the nuclear codes. #Bernie2012
Dan Harmon has liberal views, also he really hates Trump, so majority hate him.
but he's made community which i think anyone would agree is at least a decent show no? why do his political opinions have to cause so much anger and butthurt on a Sup Forums board?
Reminder that Harmon is right about this
He's also overly preachy and complains about literally fucking everything. It makes him very unlikable which is a shame because fat guys with beards are usually likable people
Hi there,
First of all, welcome. I consider myself something of a Sup Forums "oldfag". Oldfag is a term used by Sup Forums users to denote a sufficient amount of time has been spent "lurkin" (browsing) and you are aware of Sup Forums lore. It's not necessarily directed at homosexuals, just a little bit of banter (free speech yall). Sup Forums does seem to enjoy the works of Dan Harmon but there are a few dedicated posters from the worst Sup Forums board Sup Forums which is a racist, hate-filled place. Similar to a few of the more distasteful subreddits you might have heard of which I won't mention here (don't want to give them any more exposure). Just jump in and try and enjoy the lively discussion and don't take anything too personally.
See you around! (I hope).
How embarrassing he sees himself as Rick but is actually Jerry.
That's not why I hate him.
I share those views but I think Harmon is a spineless cunt who is responsible for one of the worst shows/fanbases to ever taint the earth
Can you give a nonbiased rundown?
I really REALLY don't want to listen to him talk
Go fuck off then. What are you even doing in this thread
thanks dude.
came here and opened this thread because i've been watching community and think it's a pretty solid show but was surprised to see so much vitriol against the creator. (I guess his involvement in rick and morty and political views might have been a catalyst).
>rent free
Talking shit about harmon and reading his tweets.
thanks for turning this thread into a political shitfest
I think it's retarded how people randomly call human beings Nazis (and believe it) despite how literally almost everyone on this planet are not that. It's sickening how over this past year people have been using it to insult others despite it being the most nonsensical thing you could possibly call someone. As if these people have Swastikas all over there house and are waiting for the day for the attack all the Jews. A sane human being shouldn't have to say they aren't a Nazi and having to defend yourself from someone calling you that is one of the most condescending things you as a person could do. Obviously Trump despite all the shit he does is not a fucking Nazi. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know something as simple as that nor should he have to say he's not that because not only is it retarded like I said before, but it makes him look defensive and it would make it easier for more people to attack him.
Basically Dan is a fucking idiot.
>Admits his own show is shit
It's five minutes and it's not even pointless stammering just watch it
He made a low-effort, brainless show that just preys on every instinct of low-attention-span american adolescents. Now he's out of ideas and the show irrevocably turns to shit as all he can do is repeat the same shit over and over, and he's butthurt about it
He is specifically referring to neo nazis though and those ppl explicitly considering themselves fascists.
I believe you are the idiot.
>implying people could sit through more than 2 minutes of that rant.
You have no idea who Dan Harmon is and what he's doing and has done, do you?
It only happens when you start shitposting threads. I wonder what would happen if you were also banned for posting in them.
Every time I read the word "Trump" online I lose a brain cell
So this is the power of intellectual writing (skip 30 seconds in):
Sorry if you have ADHD
You have a better chance of people sitting through a 30 minute video of Tommy Wiseau talking about the meaning of life.
You guys mean off topic low-level political meme spouting?
Truly the president we deserve
America is fucked desu
How can anyone whose not an illegal not like the guy, hes got so much charisma.
Back over the wall Pedro
>free slaves
>ruin america
>start civil rights movement
>ruin america
>kick out mexicans
>buy america a few more years
you need a high IQ to understand Trump
human reddit incarnate
alcoholism mostly
>wants slaves but not cheap labor
Magapede logic.
Do you even know who Dan Harmon is?
There's a difference between criticism and shitting on someone.
>Trump's shitposts will be quoted for generations
Go put a gun to your mouth and pull the trigger.
Trump is a disguised blessing, democrats will never ever lose the presidential election again.Unless Shillary tries yet again.
>Being this upset about a pretty civil piece of (most likely not even unfriendly) banter
And you wonder why you guys are considered the tumblerinas and angry sjws of right wingers
thanks for the political derail, reddit
Don't refer to me by that, I'm a proud pede and Kekistani, reddit is merely a tool in our arsenal.
>posting Harmon
>Expecting this thread to not go political
Go fuck right off
I think its just a mutt thats kinda similar to a vizsla.
What do you mean popular? How do you pronounce vizsla?
>What's Dan Harmon's fucking problem?
He likes banter?
>bernie can still win you guys
As all Naziphobes he is actually a closet Nazi