North Dakota Pipeline Tribes

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Bump. Where the fuck were you when natives started the revolution? No media on this?

we have to deal with that shit everyday here

we are golden. we are stardust. we are billion year old carbon.

Bump where is CNN?

That's a picture from Woodstock in 1969, retards.

Those hashtags gave me cancer.

Largest gathering of tribes in more than 150 yrs. Celebrities and other high profile people joining up. Hawaiian tribes have joined. Yet not one drop of media coverage.

WE WUZ HIPPIES blackout is pretty hysterical. Any prime sjw outrage going on about this? Or do they not act unless told to?

literally a picture of woodstock you stupid nigger saged

Someone told me this is woodstock

Who gives a shit? They will fucking lose because no one gives a flying fuck about retard savages.

It's because that pipeline would give jobs.

Sounds like we need Action Jackson back.

I do.

so btfo! /rekt.

they only act if they see it on the news lmao

whats even the deal with this pipeline shit? i keep hearing it memed but i don't know a damn thing

I support the natives on this one. clean water is the base element for all human life

It's all about money, not water.
Indians who have all the power didn't get enough money out of the deal, so they whipped up the dumb populace about clean water etc.

Is that picture actually from this protest? It honestly looks like it was taken 20 years ago at a concert festival or something.

not many sites to gather info from. Huge black out. the few videos on you tube show natives on horses along with the crowd.