Do comedy in America

>do comedy in America
>can't make a joke

>The British actor, comedian and TV host was heard quipping: "This is a beautiful room. It's a beautiful night here in LA. So beautiful, Harvey Weinstein has already asked tonight up to his hotel to give him a massage."

>The jokes received a backlash on social media from several high profile figures including Rose McGowan, who alleges that Weinstein raped her. "You motherf***ing piglet," she tweeted with a clip of Corden making his speech.
>Asia Argento, who also claims she was assaulted by Weinstein, shared a clip of Corden's speech on Twitter and wrote: "Shame on this pig and everyone who grunted with him #amfARLosAngeles."

Other urls found in this thread:

T-that's fat-shaming!

This is why Trump won.

>be unfunny turd
>somehow have a career

So this is the power of """"""""""""British Banter""""""""""""

>You motherf***ing piglet
that's pretty funny

I hate it when they apologise, own what you fucking said you pussies, you'll get more respect that way. The people you offended are never going to accept you again so why fuckinf bother. Pussy

Mind you, I absolutely HATE that Fat untalented Corden fuck, so I'm glad he's in trouble

I had no idea we had exported that twat over to you guys

Remember when Tina Fey made a Bill Cosby rape joke and no one cared?

Actually no, have a link?

Thanks to cunts like those 2, the general public will soon be disgusted and will stop resenting Weinstein and Hollywood's silence.

That's Occupy Wall Street all over again: SJWs spoil everything they touch.

>Asia Argento
Sounds like a pornstar's name tbqh

We are pussies


Big fucking mistake.


She is much funnier than James Corden

>mock and ridicule a rapist
>people get upset
Are they autistic?

>This is a beautiful room. It's a beautiful night here in LA. So beautiful, Harvey Weinstein has already asked tonight up to his hotel to give him a massage.
what's the joke?

You shut your goddamn mouth about the spawn of the greatest Italian filmmaker of all time

Yanks always seem to get the dregs of our entertainers. No wonder they think Brits are a bunch of unfunny pricks.

>This is a beautiful room. It's a beautiful night here in LA. So beautiful, Harvey Weinstein has already asked tonight up to his hotel to give him a massage
I can't stand James Corden but that's pretty funny.

Fuck, I'd watch a RMcG stand-up special.

>Harvey Weinstein wanted to come tonight, but hell settle for whatever potted plant is closest,

LOL fuck em

It's okay because he's black

I saw people tweeting stuff like 'it wasn't even a joke, it was just a weird reference'. I can't stand Corden but it clearly WAS a joke, if not very funny, and it was clearly in the frame of a joke.

"I'm sorry for going off script and making a joke about an actual sexual predator that just happens to be a Democrat. It was tasteless, insensitive, and completely out of line. We'll be sure to be more vigilant in future in concentrating all our jokes around Donald Trump, his wife, and children. We can only pray for your forgiveness and tolerance."


It's Rose McGowen. She just wants attention. It's more and more obvious every time she posts.

i can never tell if these posts are serious or just dedicated shitposting

You can make fun of murders, blacks, asians the president but when a big fat jew sexually assualts 100s if not 1000s of women over decades, you cant talk about it

They did ask Ricky Gervais back a few times to host the Golden Globes, he pushed things much further than Corden.


I still can't get over the sound of his annoying voice saying 'this is a beautiful room'

Ricky didn't joke about women having consensual sex to further their careers which they then regretted and therefore just called flat-out rape though.

>making personal attacks because you can't handle the banter
It's almost as though these thots deserved it.

>This is a beautiful room. It's a beautiful night here in LA. So beautiful, Harvey Weinstein has already asked tonight up to his hotel to give him a massage
That was a weak joke thats my only problem with it,if you gona do a Weinstein one , you should go hard, this is going light

>woman doesn't understand comedy

Is anyone even surprised by this?

that's all james corden can do though, bland, tame, low hanging fruit.

it's why he's suited to being a talk show host in america and not the uk.

it literally upset the americans so much they had a worse meltdown than drump and his small orange hands

because tina fey and amy poehler are prime wife material

I want to hera what Bill Burr has to say about all this shit



>"This is a beautiful room. It's a beautiful night here in LA. So beautiful, Harvey Weinstein has already asked tonight up to his hotel to give him a massage."
its a piss poor joke but whats so offensive about it?

When you have an audience of brainwashed liberals, making a joke about a liberal doesn't go over so well.

Gotta fuel the dying fire somehow.

I fucking hate Americans so much

didn't south park do an entire episode on weinstein?

Its vague but it was about aliens, I didn't really know who weinstein was up until now but this episode keeps popping into my mind

Fuck one, marry one. Fair warning: there is only one correct answer.

He should be careful saying shit like that. If he didn't apologize there would be 100 threads here all calling him /ourguy/ or some other shit.

considering we've ignored all of trumps sexual assaults and rapes, why are we demonizing the jew for it?

surely, as a jew, he outranks the president and should be fully pardoned?

>be american
>get shamed for it
>go to america as a non american
>get shamed for anything you say
Shamefur dispray

Manufacturing outrage is how the political establishment controls you without making it look like they are pushing your shit in

If (((independent))) actors and celebrities as well as corporations who are COMPLETELY detached from politics, obviously, say you should legalise pedophilia it MUST be the public perception and not a big establishment push from industries which are chained together and want to enslave you

Finance, the media, politics, entertainment - they are all together and they want to fuck you. Republicans and Democrats are the same shit and the system is designed that way to make it look like you can make a difference

Its okay bud !!! You gave your best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>TV host said he was not trying to make light of disgraced film mogul's behaviour

But thats exactly what he was doing

>considering we've ignored all of trumps sexual assaults and rapes,
Sure thing Hillary

and the correct answer is polygamy

>Victim-Mindset SJWs
Thats like saying Laurie Penny represents England.


has he been fired or arrested for any of them, which he fully admits?

I've been bested.

>high profile

>be american
>freedom person of the land of the free
>use my freedom of free speech
>say freedom thing about very rich and powerful person that coincidentally is jewish
>get attacked by a mob of freedom liberals because I abused my freedom of free speech
>use my freedom to freely clap at my own social doom
>get fired by employer using his freedom to freely fire me (he also happens to be jewish)
>get shot by free gun obtained by a black youth with his freedom rights



Fucking idiots, comedy is where you can actually roast these guys

Any comedian with balls wouldn't have apologized

her actuall name is: Aria Asia Anna Maria Vittoria Rossa Argento

Dr. Luke seemed too retarded to be a rapist.
If he actually raped Kesha though then good for him.

But he has no balls. That's the point. That's why he hosts late night TV and gay shit like that.

And with her Twiiter's Tourette she's ruining it for those who really care about the topic. It'd time someone call her out about her bullshit.

I one watched this. Jesus christ it looks so staged, cringy, and unnatural. Americans like this ?

Twitter did, she got suspended

She got blocked for a few hours because she was sharing phone numbers, which is a big no-no.

Which just makes the twitter boycott even more stupid.

>"You motherf***ing piglet,"
Based Rose.

It sucks for Rose and Asia, but they come across as batshit insane. I mean, it was merely a joke referencing an ongoing news item. The joke wasn't good and the connection was loose, but Harvey was the punchline, not the actresses he manipulated.

If he were any good at teh bantz he would have stayed in the UK. As such his continued lack of insightful quippage saw him exiled to the land of the unfunny.

>not the actresses he manipulated
you are a cuck

And you a virgin.