This movie honestly shouldnt exist. Its the exact opposite problem that the prequels had. Its actually pretty good as a movie itself, but it contributes to the franchise in practically no way at all. I guess the biggest addition the movie made was K2SO, but even he should have just been cannibalized and moved onto the Last Jedi since the idea was clearly inspired by HK47 anyways and would have worked better in a series that now has a gap where Han might have been.
This movie honestly shouldnt exist. Its the exact opposite problem that the prequels had...
this movie was actually good unlike TFA
>Its actually pretty good as a movie itself, but it contributes to the franchise in practically no way at all
isn't this the point of a spin-off?
Then why spend so much time trying to connect to ANH? I mean the ending leads straight into the opening of ANH which has been fucked up now and what the opening was supposed to tell the audience. The Empire are assholes that will pick on anyone over the vaguest of assumptions. Now they've made it look like the Empire is justified in attacking Leia's ship as it played an actual part in an attack on one of their facilities. Leia's remarks about her being a diplomatic mission of peace comes off as retarded cause Vader and everyone else knows this to be bullshit and Vader's remarks about the ship receiving several transmissions (which obviously were supposed to be the Death Star plans) also sounds retarded because he knows that the plans were on a physical disk he saw one of her men take on the ship.
Because of what RO showed, the conversation should have went like this:
Leia: We are on a diplomatic mission of peace
Vader: I literally saw your ship at Scariff and I saw one of your men board this ship with the plans to the death star. Why are you even lying about this?
It contributed this glorious ass
>it contributes to the franchise in practically no way at all.
...and the prequels did?
>Then why spend so much time trying to connect to ANH?
Because the way they handled it was fun
>The Empire are assholes that will pick on anyone over the vaguest of assumptions.
That was never the case though. We never see the empire randomly hunting down innocents.
>Now they've made it look like the Empire is justified in attacking Leia's ship as it played an actual part in an attack on one of their facilities.
Yes, and they always were. Since when is continuity bad?
>Leia's remarks about her being a diplomatic mission of peace comes off as retarded cause Vader and everyone else knows this to be bullshit and Vader's remarks about the ship receiving several transmissions (which obviously were supposed to be the Death Star plans) also sounds retarded because he knows that the plans were on a physical disk he saw one of her men take on the ship.
He clearly didn't, otherwise he would have snatched it. Vader, at the end of R1, knew that the Mon Cal ship had received transmissions, and since it was disabled, it made sense to go to its docks and block the escaping of information.
>Because of what RO showed, the conversation should have went like this:
>Leia: We are on a diplomatic mission of peace
>Vader: I literally saw your ship at Scariff and I saw one of your men board this ship with the plans to the death star. Why are you even lying about this?
You are legitimately autistic. Movies never talk legalese. Vader's line "then where is the ambassador" as well as his ruthlessness in taking down the crew and taking Leia hostage make it pretty clear he knows they are full of shit.
>...and the prequels did?
are you retarded?
>TFA is bad because of nostalgia pandering and being too much like the originals
>but 2 hours of star wars fan service porn with no good characters or story is somehow good
I will never understand this opinion
>I will never understand this opinion
It's easy. You're watching a fucking form of entertainment.
I'm not a Star Wars fan and I really, really enjoyed Rogue One. It's the only SW film that I can rewatch several times.
im watching this garbage movie for the first time and we've been to 5 planets in the space of 13 minutes, what the fuck?
this gringo cunts acting HHAAHHA
Name one thing the prequels added to the franchise story-wise besides new alien races to sell toys
Name one enjoyable scene and explain what makes it enjoyable
How fucking retarded are you? The prequels fucking added the entire republic era, clones, droids/the trade federation, the jedi council, maul, dooku, planets like kamino/mustafar etc etc
Do you know what "story wise" means?
Let me put it this way
Name one thing, besides things that include Qui Gon, that we learned from the prequels but didn't know just by watching the OT
So youre just retarded then? You fucking learned who darth vader was, you learned that the skywalker line was born out of nothing, how the jedi order fell and why, how palpatine became the emperor etc etc
Not really it was boring as shit, TFA at least had its moments
The only part of the movie that wasnt shit was the redditbot which admittedly I found hilarious
How an evil fuck like Palpatine gained control of an entire Galaxy, for one. His fear mongering and gaining power through political corruption was necessary to establish.
>everyone is shooting
>noone closes their left eye
>You fucking learned who darth vader was
Knew that from the OT
>You learned that the skywalker line was born out of nothing
Irrelevant story-wise
>how the jedi order fell and why, how palpatine became the emperor
Google "the idiot plot"
Exactly. One thing. And that was muddied by the Jedi's incompetence (they literally sat on their asses for 2.5 movies) and Yoda half assing Anakin's therapy sessions and his fight with Palpatine
Point is, the prequels failed on many levels and one was having no coherent story axis. Ep. 1 should have been Obi Wan's and Anakin's origin (it sort of was but lost too much focus on tertiary stuff like the whole Naboo subplot), ep. 2 should have been Palpatine's rise to power (same criticism as 1) and ep. 3 should have been Anakin's fall to the dark side (failed miserably to convince)
They failed on many levels but there were parts that had a point to have an origin story for like the point I mentioned. R1 really had no business existing, since Ep.2 established the death star was a Confederate weapon and we see it being built at the end of Ep.3. It's not like we need to actually physically see the rebels get the plans. The need for that is as high as the need to witness every last Jedi getting executed by clones. We can assume 99% died in the scene in Ep.3 where we see the council fall across the Galaxy.
>It's not like we need to actually physically see the rebels get the plans
By the same logic we don't need to see Anakin become Darth Vader, which is supposed to be the biggest plot point of the prequels,since we were told in ep. 5
Rogue one was a fanservice film that had 3 jobs and did them right
1) fix the exhaust port plothole
2) show the rebels getting the plans (no really, why did hey have them?) - the last 5-10 minutes of the movie were the best fanservice I've seen in my life (from the moment they started transmitting to the end)
3) help pass the time between TFA and TALK
Bonus) the prequels didn't add anything to the force mythos: Jedi, sith, pleb. R1 added Chirrut.
The empire were always the good guys, the rebels are terrorists
I'm not saying you're wrong, and I actually liked R1. I just have a gripe with it because it's paving the way for spinoffs every other year. Of all the spinoffs, R1 is the only one worth a movie. And K2 was my favorite character, it's funny how the only one with some semblance of depth and a personal arch (Jyn trusting him with a blaster in the end and his sacrifice) is the Droid.
>pretty good as a movie itself
its really not
So, I'm not the only one who thought the beginning was sloppy as fuck.
That whole movie was worth it just to see Vader going apeshit and murdering scores of rebels in cold blood.
it's not cold blood if they're shooting at you
its a bad movie with a bad script with bad nonexistent characters you don't care about but it looked pretty with a pretty space battles and a ton of fan service
manchildren star wars fans like it so much cause they think it is a gritty grown up star wars movie because darth vader kills people but they are the kind of cunts who don't think the prequels are bad
R1 is unironically one of the worst and most joyless romps I've ever sat through in a theater. Did they not sit down and watch it before releasing it? It's a fucking mess.
This movie revealed that even in space the French exist. I don't want this future
remember in the first one he just let his lackeys do the dirty work and then just walks in and is like sup
god damn a new hope sucked!
Yeah, I don't think he was going to negotiate peacefully if they held their fire.
I think that the prequels were long winded. That was the weakest point. They also didn't give much character developemt. I didn't appreciate AotC and RotS until I watched the animated clone wars series. It makes the third prequel make much more sense.
>but it contributes to the franchise in practically no way at all.
Yea, that's how a franchise works. Have you not seen the marvel movies? Movies have always (usually) been designed to stand alone, even sequels.
retard, the point is that it brings nothing new to star wars
The point was that it's supposed to bring in revenue, not something new to star wars. Just like the marvel movies.