What was the best moment of this film?
Blade Runner 2049
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when it finished.
Being serious here, but to me its when Luv stomping JOI.
Its the catalys that prompted K to realize that he has to face the truth. No more holographic delusions of a happy relationship.
Movie was good, just too long for me. The ending was the best moment just like in the original.
cheers to strangers
The sex scene
the sea wall fight scene. The light illuminating the background and the overall intensity made it great. Honestly if that scene was made by any other team it would've looked like shit.
Elvis Presley fight scene, or the failed baseline test
K's realization when he sees the Joi ad.
Is it just me or did all the best scenes unironically center around Joi
and this and this
and this
Indeed, there is so many good scenes. Hell even the birthday cake scene is masterwork.
Jesus I love cuba now
K vs giant JOI
It feels like the lowest point for K. Fucking visceral.
>Think scene is for the trailer and a minor throwaway scene.
>Turns out to be the emotional climax of movie
>Luv will never axe kick you and call you a bad dog
The better question is what was the worst scene?
It's a fucking slap to the face. It's like "lol, your waifu is not real!"
Giga Joi
K becoming a real human bean
Wallace gutting the replicant
I'd go with the resistance scene. It was ok I guess but in comparison to how smart the rest of the movie was it felt like a scene from fucking Top Secret with ValKilmer.
I agree. It just felt like it was thrown in at the last second.
The one where she tells the sex workers to check out k or the one where she tells k He's actually a fake boy
The ending really did it for me.
>be a replicant bladerunner
>humans hate you for being different
>other replicants get nervous by you because of your job
>only attachments you have is to your fake holo waifu
>get the idea that you might be the one replicant who is different than the rest
>appearantly you aren't you're just another mass produced slave
>your holo waifu get destroyed
>only thing you have left is bringing a father and daughter together
>get heavily injured while accomplishing that
>have nothing left to live for after that
>just find a nice spot to die
Actually both, but the latter is worse. Could've been done better.
Literally French resistance from Allo Allo.
Where the fuck were they taking Deckard at the end anyway before K saved him?
The flashbacks were the only thing that slightly bothered me
I kinda felt it was okay since I thought it was a french speaker doing a homage to Allo Allo
for me it was the sea wall, large Joi, birthday memory creation
To the airport and then off-world
Oh yeah this for me too. It just felt like he needed to spoonfeed the audience but it was a long film for some so maybe some actually forgot it by that part.
The elvis scene where Deckard fights K was great, visually. However, I didn't like the fight itself. Frankly, I didn't enjoy any of the fights; I know it's not an action movie, but I expected intense, carefully choreographed shootouts.
I really loved the gunplay in the sea wall sequence. Felt very fast, no-nonsense and violent as hell as K approached Luv's spinner
Lel, watch Equilibrium then pleb xD
when Luv was bombing the san diego peasants while getting her nails done
this was dumb
I think this is the reason, it's over 2 and a half hours so it's sorta forgivable.
*sound of splashing water*
Whole firefight must have been 3 seconds onscreen but it made a big impact
Actually all the gunplay was great.
K really felt like a killing machine when was oneshotting people left and right.
Anyone have any stills that are 1920x1080 wallpaper material?
K was turboautist then. I think his Joi developed real emotions and loved him for real. She told him to delete her from his home terminal so her creators couldnt get acces to his memories and she actively opposed Luv (kind of her creators rep or someshit) when she tried to kill K, sacrificing herself in process. If it wasnt real love then it was close enough for me anyway.
I mean, entire fucking premise of blade runner is AI developing emotions.
Much like Sicario really. Tons of tensions and then 4-5 seconds of violence.
I meant something like the intensity of the fight between Chigurh and Moss in No Country for Old Men. The fight between K and Deckard didn't feel really powerful because I already knew Deckard wasn't going to kill K at any point or really hurt him.
Love is self sacrifice. She loved him even if she was programmed to
The seawall was technically impressive, but I thought it was really lacking compared to the Roy Batty cat-and-mouse game in the original. There was a point to everything Roy did in that scene. He was showing Deckard what it was like to be hunted, and then he saves him at the end, completing both their arcs. K vs Luv just felt like good robot vs bad, and was really long and unpleasant to watch. Maybe I just missed something.
There is so many little things.
when I watched it a 2nd time
Did you buy a present for the person you love?
Within cells interlinked.
Why dont you say that three times?
Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.
then they tell him he on baseline.
>YFW he uses the bonus to buy a present for the person he loves.
Pic related without question for me..
I saw it for the second time yesterday and that scene fucked me up even more this time.
You know it's coming, she tells him that "someone lived this" and you fully expect it to happen, but the shot of him contemplating his entire existence goes for so uncomfortably long that the built up emotions are at peak for about 15 second straight, similar to the furnace scene but instead of a cut this time we finally get the first emotional release from K that comes out in the form of a bonechilling existential vocal outburst.
Superb execution and delivery.
The fact that they took 30+ seconds to reveal the horse was amazing
Fucking this. I go in thinking it's just fluff to show off how sci-fi the world is and instead I get a fucking punch right to the gut.
Him going into the orphanage's heat cellar or whatever the fuck and getting the horse through the vent.
The music and buildup to that was amazing.
I smell a movie spinoff
>Rain scene
>K finds the horse and his reaction
>memory girl's monologue
>sex scene
>Elvis fight scene
>tears in the snow
sorry, which scene reveal is this?
Him unwrapping the horse.
I think they should have used fear more in the K x Deckard fight. Clearly a lot of what was motivating Deckard in that scene was fear. Its why he was basically hiding in the first place.
I think really showing that more would have contributed. The emotions he showed in the scene just make it seem like he's doing a job or something.
End credits.
More traps would be great.
It's my belief the horse was a unicorn with the horn broken off but I realize there's no definitive proof. And if it was originally a unicorn I kinda love the choice by Fancher or Villeneuve or whoever to have it appear as just a horse so as to blunt any heavy-handed Ana Stelline = rarest unicorn symbolism.
For me? It was also this.
It does look like it lost something
The fight scene at night on the beach. Hands down one of my favorite scenes of any movie, ever. Something about it was just so enjoyable.
The credits
That's what I thought too.
Baseline test
I loved the song in this part
The build up of K walking to find the wooden horse in the furnace.
That moment filled me with a greater sense of dread than any horror movie has in the past twenty years.
This. The movie teases us to feel sympathy for JOI and consider it a real love story, yet when Luv stomps it there's no tragedy here. No life lost. Just an usb stick of sorts getting stomped on. Cold shit
From the time K gets inexplicably left behind, alive, after they abduct Deckard up to (but not including) the Joi scene is not only the worst part of the movie but significantly impacted my enjoyment of the film as a whole. It was still great but that whole sequence felt so out of place and rushed and I was literally wondering out loud wait why would they just leave him there as soon as I realized they did.
We all knew it was coming tho. Predictable and simple, all the way to who would actually kill Joi.
It still hurt.
Oh dog that's easy:
>the way suddenly all those replicants appear. It's the resistance.
Fuck that, that scene should have never been there. It would be just fine if the leader told K there was a resistance composed of thousands.
Pretty sure the posts would then be like
>that one eyed replicant says there are thousands of them and there is literally no one lmao where did the budget go it's all just empty lmaooo"
The crash landing scene
Probably, yeah.
this scene was seriously underrated. the music, atmosphere, tone, goose's performance. i seriously love that he was denis's one and only choice for playing k. he was absolutely made for this role.
the absolute despair he felt when he found the horse, to the hopelessness after the memory maker told him that it was real.
brainlet reaction
Disagree. I think at the end, K rejects the notion that both his and his waifu's personality can be reduced to their base code, and affirms that his relationship with JOI was real. He cannot get her back because she was a truly unique and real person. He therefore disobeys the replicant rebels by saving Deckard's life and allowing him to meet his daughter, so that they can have the love that he lost.
The introduction to the Dream Dr.
>Movie up until then has a dreadful dystopian aesthetic.
>Hard cut to green trees and sunshine.
When Ryan Gosling literally chokes the matriarchy to death
I think I made myself clear. I'm not opposed to the rebellion leader existing or the rebellion itself existing at all. I'm just opposed to that scene where a bunch of them come out of the dark. Totally unnecessary capeshit-like scene, even if it only lasts a few seconds.
Not a bad take.
That scene was fucking intense, that and when Rachel showed up when Wallace was talking to Deckard had me filled with so much dread. 10/10 movie
Definitely the second baseline test.
threesome scene.
poor k wants to feel human touch but can only afford that shitty imagery.
pure loneliness
holy shit I never realised this, absolute genius
>Did you buy a present for the person you love?
>Within cells interlinked.
wtf are you talking about this never happened
Or during the flashback when he's taking Joshi about his memory. He has hair, but all the boys have shaved heads. Then when he gets to the actual orphanage you see that all the boys have shaved heads while all the girls don't.
Damn that's good, lad.
The furnace scene was easily the best for me.
You knew what was coming the entire fucking time just because of the music. Almost four minutes of pure existential dread, and it was a dude walking through a hallway and picking up a horse. Fucking brilliant.
This desu
Don't remember it happening.
I really liked the Frank Sinatra hologram closeup
Consider the visual motifs referencing both Birth and Death -- the spinner somewhat resembles a uterus in the ocean, and K and Deckard make their way to the beach as profoundly changed men, reborn.
Such a flawed film that its so close to being a masterpiece. Shouldbhave focused on K more. No rebellion, no Harrison Ford. More about K, his waifu and it means to be alive or have a soul. Also some more action sequences wouldn't have hurt.
But Harrisok Ford threw the movie out of wack. This movie is like a beautiful grandfathers clock but someone forgot to tighten all the screws.
The fight from Los Angeles to the orphanage when they go along the Sea Wall and see the spaceship.
>yfw Luv actually tells "I hope you enjoyed our product" to JOI and not K
Top 3
>the failed baseline test
This desu
>tfw you're not even close to baseline
This one. The most emotional.
that one when she's on screen