>Tfw we have witnessed a miracle...
Other urls found in this thread:
>does every replicant have the wooden horse memory or did he just happen to have that memory and be the one to discover the tree carving?
>why did they take Gosling's gun but let him keep his flying armed police car?
>how did Drive find the convoy that was carrying Han Solo?
>wouldn't the bad guys search the shallow water the car sunk into and realize Ford wasn't in the car? literally a plane scene level plothole
>why didn't anyone just track Gosling's police car?
>why did Leto need to take Deckard offworld to torture him?
>why are there no security cameras anywhere in this world? how did the same woman that murdered someone and stole evidence from a police station the day before walk back into the same police station and murder the police chief without being caught
>why did the people who captured Deckard let Gosling live for no reason even after he shot 2 of them and witnessed the capture?
is the 3D version any good?
I usually hate 3D shit but if I'm gonna see it again, I might try something new.
imagine being this fucking stupid yet act like you're some sort huge brain mr plinket
It's mostly the same. The Holographs scene was better in 3D. I can't say anything was much worse in 3D, it was subtle
>mr pllinket
>huge brain
i think these are fair observations and possibly were left open for a sequel to answer.
do you guys think the dog with deckard was a wink at deckard's role in the first blade runner? upon my second viewing, it seemed like they were trying to give us a metaphor for whether deckard was a replicant or not.
>Is it real?
>i don't know, ask him
Is Gooseposting back? Have we started the fire?
perfect noir
>>does every replicant have the wooden horse memory or did he just happen to have that memory and be the one to discover the tree carving?
Others have it as well, Mariette(the prostitute) reckognizes the horse from her dreams.
They are not really fair observations but retarded autism. Yes some stuff were left open (not for the sequel to answer but because it didn't matter), other stuff you can deduce from the enviroments/dialogue
>does every replicant have the wooden horse memory or did he just happen to have that memory and be the one to discover the tree carving?
its implied the memory was used by the corporation because it was made by Deckards's daughter and she was the best at it, its not mentioned if EVERY replicant has it, but implied that many do because of the replicant rebels scene
>why did they take Gosling's gun but let him keep his flying armed police car?
how else would he leave and hide? his boss let him keep it so he wouldn't just die
>how did Drive find the convoy that was carrying Han Solo?
he was a cop, a good one, you could assume he waited outside the headquarters and waited for a convoy
>wouldn't the bad guys search the shallow water the car sunk into and realize Ford wasn't in the car? literally a plane scene level plothole
who said it was shallow?
they were at the shore of the damn, those things just carry shit away very violently, its not a river.
>why didn't anyone just track Gosling's police car?
they did, how do you think the found him at harrison's ford place
>why did Leto need to take Deckard offworld to torture him?
he completely owned the offworld colonies, earth was not completely under his control, not just from authority, but also from rebels, terrorists or competition
>why are there no security cameras anywhere in this world? how did the same woman that murdered someone and stole evidence from a police station the day before walk back into the same police station and murder the police chief without being caught
the cops were obviously corrupted, and she accessed the chief's computer, she could have deleted evidence of killing her in cold murder
>why did the people who captured Deckard let Gosling live for no reason even after he shot 2 of them and witnessed the capture?
so the plot could continue obviously.
I think its because replicants don't like to kill other replicants
>, its not mentioned if EVERY replicant has it, but implied that many do because of the replicant rebels scene
This scene does not imply this in every way.
>every rogue replicant has horse memory
It's the most retarded theory ever to come out
Only the goose had it or if others did there were none that could do anything about it.
The chief allowed him to run away because he did such good work before and he ran away with his car.
He probably tracked them with his scanner.
They might or might not search it, if they find out that deckard still lives it could be the start of a sequel.
How would a private company track a police car and how would they know which one is his?
It's probably safer for wallace to keep him off-world.
Luv probably disabled the cameras before doing what she did, also in this setting mega corps are more powerful in resources than the actual government.
Also they either thought that he died or was dying or they didn't care about him as they already had deckard.
>Mfw listening to this and the feels hit all over again
no you nigger, its mentioned that deckard's daughter was the best at making dreams, so the corporation most have user hers the most, which ended all over the replicants at random, most of which could not do anything because they did not have the clearance of a cop, so the Goose is the first replicant with the dream (of many, throughout many years) to actually venture outside the city and go find the horse, then once the goose is with the other rogue replicants in that basement scene they mention it how they all have the dream because they thought they were the ONE
Mariette has the memory, watch the morning after scene.
I think the memory serves as a dream, once Deckard's daughter unveils herself replicants will realize the dream was real.It would cement her position as their leader.
>>why did the people who captured Deckard let Gosling live for no reason even after he shot 2 of them and witnessed the capture?
>so the plot could continue obviously.
>I think its because replicants don't like to kill other replicants
Replicants are dehumanized and dont give a fuck. It was Luv's orders to not kill K, she was obviously interested in him because she saw herself in him, specifically she saw he was sharing her pain of isolation.
They might be dehumanized but they how a clear affection or camaraderie towards other replicants, at least in the sense of survival of their species
American or just female?
>hen once the goose is with the other rogue replicants in that basement scene they mention it how they all have the dream because they thought they were the ONE
The most retarded theory ever to come out. They never thought they were the one, nothing implies this. How can you people misunderstand a scene so baddly.
The lady says
>We all want to be her,that's why we believe
This does not imply anything of what you're saying becuase it makes the plot fucking stupid
The funny thing is, next thread the retard will ask the same questions all over again.
Nothing in the movie implies this is true. Only the rebel faction showed signs of camraderie.
>Mariette has the memory, watch the morning after scene.
No she doesn't. She's interested in the horsey because it's real wood and it's something usual to have. She never looks under the horse to see the date she would know she's there if she had the memory. Her only reaction to that was "huh real wood", then Joi chases her away before she can do anymore snooping
>not mesa
you dun goofed
nah, this one is the second best, actually.
>The most retarded theory ever to come out. They never thought they were the one, nothing implies this. How can you people misunderstand a scene so baddly.
I don't remember the exact quote, but once the lady missing an eye mentions the offspring of Rachel is a she, and the goose gets all sad, she mentions specifically they all thought they were the special one just like the goose did, unless I'm retarded and completely making shit up, they clearly state it if I recall correctly.
>she mentions specifically they all thought they were the special one
No they didn't. This is what you heard. She said
>We all want to be her
>we all thought we were her
Which would be a stupid thing to say
>No she doesn't. She's interested in the horsey because it's real wood and it's something usual to have
Shoo troll, she clearly says she can remember it from her dreams.
>whole movie is replicants killing each other
>a black replicant is exploiting and abusing kid replicants
>main character is a replicant hunter
Are you retarded? Replicant have no more empathy towards each other than humans do.
are you 100% sure?
I can't check the cam right now to check
It's the Fury Road of 2017. Prove me wrong.
It's the Dark Souls of cinema. Don't even try to prove me wrong.
They all want to be her because they want to have a mother and be born instead of being made in a factory.
Isn't it the same thing in this context though?
"We all wanted to be her"
Because "we thought we were her" at some point.
Point is, they all had the dream, maybe not ALL replicants, but all the rogue ones did.
dark souls sells tho
No it's not the same thing...
>"We all wanted to be her"
Fuck off, Dark Souls is just memes, this is true kino.
how did you think they came together tho?
It happened one by one until the group grew.
>Point is, they all had the dream, maybe not ALL replicants, but all the rogue ones did.
This is the most retarded theory that makes the movie had little sense. They were rogue replicants because they were hidden old models or because the leader managed to turn them with a story of a replicant child and a better future.
Goose was just a normal replicant who did his job even with that memory. He had no problem killing replicants, had no dreams he was special or anything. He only became that way when he got involved in the case.
>Don't even try to prove me wrong.
gee I do wonder why
Because the leader got them together? She worked several decades on it...? And told them the stories of a jesus replicant and a better future?
What the fuck is this retarded theory of yours, that they all had that memory and saw the tree at some point?
except that having that dream meant you were special in some way, because it wasn't not a fake dream, it was a real memory
They didn't see the tree, that's what made the goose the most special and the one that went further than all of them ever.
They just had the dream that felt real, more real than anything else, so it made them think they were special.
The Batista replicant in the beginning was part of the resistance right? Because I find it weird when people say that the rebellion plotline felt out of place and rushed when I figured from minute 1 that there was always some rebel activity going on and since the movie subverted that altogether and only used it as a way to reveal K's delusion and a way to present him with a choice I don't feel like the "rebellion plotline" felt unresolved like some seem to think.
Damn son. I wonder how long did it take to write all of it
>except that having that dream meant you were special in some way,
Why..? It was just a memory, K was perfectly normal replicant who did this duties with that memory in him. There was nothing special about the memory different than any other emotional memory. There must be more real memories out there.
>They just had the dream that felt real, more real than anything else, so it made them think they were special.
False, nothing ever implies this, it's retarded fan theory born of autism to "bring everything together" not realizing that it makes the movie a lot more retarded
>that's what made the goose the most special and the one that went further than all of them ever.
Yes he was. When he goes back to his car Sapper is shown to be part of the resistance leader's team.
Yes, they also show the one-eyed woman mid movie.
But don't say it too loud or the brainlets will REEEEE
He was part of older model fugitive replicants. He was like Deckard,hiding himself from information.
We don't really know if all the rebellion replicants were old models or some were new.
>how else would he leave and hide? his boss let him keep it so he wouldn't just die
This, people don't get that the Lt. is like.
"You did awsome at your job, I like you, and my job got you off baseline. I will give you 48 hours to run."
Can you guys post the visually best looking scenes of the movie?
but it was with the purple waifu
It was clear to me that some where newer (the prost for example)
That's from the trailer.
So what do you think K's realization was in this scene?
I don't think it's "your waifu isn't real", because that would just make him mad; instead he goes on to reunited Deckard with his daughter. I think it's that: just as replicants can't be reduced to their base genetic code, neither can waifu-JOI be reduced to her base code; his waifu was real and this scene was meant to destroy him, make him realize his lack of individuality / freedom; but instead he defies this by choosing to believe that his JOI was real, and so chooses to give Deckard and his daughter the chance to know/love one and other.
The fact that they had the cop Lieutenant not be a bad guy was also a nice touch now that I think about it in retrospect. She has sympathy for K and argues that maybe they're not that different, but seeing the potential for the replicants to slaughter humans if this baby-thing comes true she still puts humanity first, without her turning into the badguy, I kind of like that.
Walking through the Wallace fascilities and the memory creation and the giant hologram comes to mind. Drone striking while getting your nails painted was pure style also.
Explain her character / motivation.
Dude you don't have a soul lmao
>To Luv and be Luved
>Attain the child to be able to get pregnant and give birth
so what the fuck does the "we all wanted to be her" even mean in any context?
how would they know she existed?
it was kept as a super sekrit, is it implied that she was part of the coverup?
It rather clear that a lot had that memory.
K wasn't special in that regard. Wasn't the real boy, wasn't the only one with that memory.
>so what the fuck does the "we all wanted to be her" even mean in any context?
They all wanted to be special
>how would they know she existed?
They started recruiting by telling other replicants about her I guess. It gives them hope.
>It rather clear that a lot had that memory
By what? It's not clear. Maybe from production sense it doesn't make much sense for every replicant to have different memories, but it doesn't in any way imply that every replicant who rebelled had the same memory.
>"we all wanted to be her"
ITS "WE ALL WANT TO BE HER" WANT, NOT WANTED. They want to be her because they want to have a mother and free will and be special, and not be assembled in a factory for slave labor.
>how would they know she existed?
Because replicant jesus is a prime recruitment pitch to joining some underground rebellion.
why would they know about her tho?
she was kept as a super sekrit by deckard and the OG replicants many fucking years ago, why would they even mention "her", part of the plan to conceal it was even hiding the identity in the first place, see my theory might be retarded and shit but at least it doesn't leave a plot hole, and how does the "WE ALL WANTED to be her" even translate to a recruitment process?
>when my friend gets hung up on the fact of "HOW THE FUCK DO REPLICANTS WORK THEY AREN'T ROBOTS"
>doesn't realize the whole point is that they just aren't human
>Because replicant jesus is a prime recruitment pitch to joining some underground rebellion.
what a way to recruit while at the same time ruining everything deckard and the other replicants worked so hard to hide...
>"WE ALL WANTED to be her"
>she was kept as a super sekrit by deckard and the OG replicants many fucking years ago, why would they even mention "her", part of the plan to conceal it was even hiding the identity in the first place
Because replicant baby was a gamebreaker and they had to tell them something for them to join the rebellion. Only the leader knew exactly who she was.
First layer is a secretary/murderbot.
Second layer is a good girl that does all Wallace said.
Third layer is a seed of humanity creeping out and making her longing for contact, as an example with K.
She feels rejected by K, kills her rival, goes back to be the good girl, "the best one".
She dies for that.
Possibly, an hint that she has her own agenda about replicant freedom, but this does not affect the third layer (is personal) or the second (she has to play it cool with Wallace)
To sit on my face.
doesn't change the fact that by giving away information about her, it could end up with wallace finding her and using her as his personal breeding machine to conquer the universe and keep replicants as slaves forever, what a dumbfuck way to recruit, keeping her gender a secret was so goddamn important, but they just fucking don't give a fuck about this?
So how does her crying at seeing the newborn replicant mutilated fit into this scheme?
>By what? It's not clear. Maybe from production sense it doesn't make much sense for every replicant to have different memories, but it doesn't in any way imply that every replicant who rebelled had the same memory.
No, as Nexus-8s predate that memory. However it is heavily implied that hte nexus-9s who are part of the rebellion like the whore have K memory.
But of course if you can't see that, even if it was heavy handed, I don't know what to say.
>This is what Chris Nolan did to an entire generation of lads
> what a dumbfuck way to recruit,
There was no other way to recruit, the movie is perfectly fucking clear how important this is and how it changes things even though it may not seem like a big deal to you. In this universe everyone thinks it's important . She didn't tell them who the baby is or any information that might lead to her, only that it's a her I suppose since she said it outloud.
Consider the retardation of what you're proposing though.
Third layer (humanity creeping in).
If you believe to the additional possibility (agenda) this can give you a motivation.
I blame CinemaSins for this
I thought only K had the horse memory, because he was the male clone with the same genetics used to cover up the real baby's identity.
Not him but that'd be the her human side pushing forwardI would think. She wants to be Wallace's good girl and be the best replicant yet she also feels emotions and sympathy for all the replicants getting rekt by Wallace
>However it is heavily implied that hte nexus-9s who are part of the rebellion like the whore have K memory.
But it's fucking not. Your only "implication' of this is a quote you misheard and you still are convincing yourself that it's wrong because you can't deal with the fact that you're wrong
I call it nerdpicking. Nitpicking by nerds.
I am not that fucking dude. I seen the movie twice, and when watching it it clear that the prost and some of the others had hte same damn memory.
It fucking silly to think that K is the only one with that memory.
How can someone feel smart doing this, is beyond me.
>It fucking silly to think that K is the only one with that memory.
Why? When he looks at the gene files, he finds matching genetic code for two orphans raised in the same orphanage: one male, other female. I thought that K was the male cover-up.
It's not clear at all that they have the same memory you retard.
I saw it yesterday. You need to watch it again
her only reaction to the wooder horse was "real wood" she was suprised because it's supposed to be valuable. If she had this memory her reaction would be different/more emotional, she would at least look under the horse to check for a date which she never did
Fucking autists
>There was no other way to recruit
says who?
>this is so important so we're gonna give out critical information about the most important being in the universe with a mega corporation breathing right under our necks with infinite power and control over entire govermints
RETARDED, this never happened, they all came together recruiting themselves by a memory, thinking they were special only to find out they were not special just like the protagonist, and banding together to find this special being to finally become more human and transcend
>w-why do movies need to make sense?
>this might have been even more quintessential Goose than Drive. It's like Drive on steroids with a little Lars and the Real Girl thrown in.
It's licorice green the most kino of jacket colors? Aragorn had one. So did K.
>It's not clear at all that they have the same memory you retard.
>I saw it yesterday. You need to watch it again
I will
Also I been clear that I didn't say all of them had the memory, just some.
Joi stops her as she about to flip it over
>RETARDED, this never happened, they all came together recruiting themselves by a memory, thinking they were special only to find out they were not special just like the protagonist, and banding together to find this special being to finally become more human and transcend
oh my fucking god just read what you wrote and then kill yourself
except she said the horse is from her dreams
>plot matters
The mark of an absolute pleb. You can fly a Boeing through the plot holes in Shakespeare's best play
Picking up major fallacies or character motivation inconsistencies is more than fine - is being logical.
But none of these questions are better than baseless nitpicking.
Also, they came out like 10 times these days, people answered properly and he keeps posting.
This means the dude is not interested in any true discussion.
And is WAY less smart than he thinks.
>is a ranger
>has no bow, only a sword in the books
explain this
>Joi stops her as she about to flip it over
She can still flip it over in a second if she wanted too, if this is a horse from her memory she would have an emotional reaction, not just suprised that something is real wood.
It's not clear at all from this scene that she has that memory, and it's not clear at all from the sewer scene that all the other replicants thought they were her BECAUSE YOU RETARDS MISUNDERSTOOD THE QUOTE
she never found the tree, she would not have known about the digits
only the horse
for all we know all those replicants have carved their own wooden horses for the memes, I mean why would only the goose have the memory?
>except she said the horse is from her dreams
Except it never happend and you are making dumb shit up