Why is Dark city forgotten even when contemporaries such as The matrix, Blade Runner and Brazil, all have lingering cult followings?
Why is Dark city forgotten even when contemporaries such as The matrix, Blade Runner and Brazil...
Dark City wasn't that great. The Crow was great but I think Proya lost it after that.
I saw dark city when I was a kid and it stuck in my mind well into my 20s (I'm 27 now). I loved it when I was a kid and found it intriguing, so I got it and saw it again a couple years ago and it was mediocre at best.
it's really not that great a film. feels like a film student was given a budget to turn his edgy shortfilm idea into a feature film, but that's pretty much it. the second it was over I lost all interest in it.
Dark City DOES have a cult following and it's a damned awesome movie start to finish, always has been, always will be.
I hear hipsters talking about how great this movie is all the time
because those movies are all better than Dark City
Dark City had the bad luck to have a shitty voiceover. The director's cut removes it.
Had the same lighting guy and loads of the sets from the matrix.
it's anti-semitic.
Wrong, The Matrix has a lot of the sets from Dark City, not the other way around.
Well, if we're gonne be nitpickers, they both used Australian Fox Studios sets.
It's not really that one has sets from the other, both were filmed in Sydney Australia so the streets and locations they take place in are the same.
might be
Underrated post.
Too boring, shit main character
At least one or both of those elements can be applied to the matrix, blade runner and Brazil.
Because it's shit. A garbage movie. It's the only movie I remember that I didn't finish, because it was so shit. When the main char. gained DragonBallZ powers I just shut it off.
When the antagonist is the bald guy from the fucking crystal maze then you know it's a shit film. That's why.
not an argument
The premise is excellent and deserves a remake but entire second half of the movie just sucks. Telekineses should be banned from sci-fi because it completely ruins any tension and in this case makes the ending fight scene completely underwhelming.
>because x hasn't been done well before it should be banned
Well go do something about it, user.. Write the Telekinesis story you want.
What about the telekinesis in Looper, that didn't ruin the film and it was a interesting aspect of the film's world.
I agree that this film would be a great candidate for a remake. I love the story and the atmosphere of the original is ok, but a modern version could look so much better with HD low-light photography and getting rid of the cheesy telekinesis effects.
>the matrix
>cult following
those are full-on in the main-stream collective consciousness
I'd easily put dark city on par with brazil for cult following though
Ive never watched Dark City on DXM; I need to get on that.
not everything need to be validated by the masses. the DC version of dark city is great and very enjoyable
I didn't say it should be banned, I said it should be banned from sci-fi. This isn't the 1960s anymore where such things should just be accepted.
To be honest it's a mystery why they stopped making these surreal/existential kind of films after the 90s. I'd watch the shit out of another Truman Show or Pleasantville.
But why from sci fi specifically?
Dark City is like Black Christmas and The Last Broadcast, in that it's a slightly more obscure equivalent of a much more famous thing that people who don't know how mainstream they are gravitate towards in order to feel cool. Dark City is probably the best of the three.
Unless it's Scanners-style telekinesis, I agree.
Not him, but it's a sci-fi concept. Telekinetic Western and musical characters are pretty thin on the ground.
That much more famous thing being The Matrix? Aside from the premises, I really don't see much reason to compare the two.
Because people are stupid
I remember when Ebert jizzed all over himself watching this movie. Pretty sure he called it the best film of 98
garbage movie that is only remembered due to some similarities to the matrix.
Yes. The premises are usually the link - Black Christmas isn't aesthetically much like Halloween, and The Last Broadcast is far grungier than The Blair Witch Project.
Dark City does have a cult following, though.
this woman could bring me to my knees, every time I am scrolling through Sup Forums and I see a picture I instantly feel overcome with lust and my dick begins to signal the need of attention
I'd sway with her... if you know what I mean.
Due to the open ending of The Matrix (first one) Blade Runner and Brazil.
In Dark City the grey bald men are defeated, they veil of deception is removed and Rufus Sewell walks off into the sunset with Jennifer Connelly, The End. There isnt more to be said.
In the Matrix, Neo doesnt defeat the machines or liberate humanity, that is still to be done. In Blade Runner, Deckard doesnt save all replicants and bring down the Tyrell corperation, he runs away. In Brazil, Jonathan Pryce is ultimatly defeated, but the world around him carries on.
You got to leave something to the imagination so people can spin the narrative further in their head and build around that. That doesnt work with Dark City as the ending is pretty much "Then they lived happily ever after."
That is at least, I think, one of the reasons.
Dark City does have a cult following. In fact, I'm always surprised how much love it gets, in spite of it being a somewhat forgettable movie. It lacks a lot of qualities that make the other films you mentioned, memorable:
>The Matrix
An iconic popcorn movie with a lot of action set pieces. Not that I'm a big fan, but Dark City doesn't have any of that.
>Blade Runner
Has so much going on in every aspect. There are only superficial similarities between it and something like Dark City, and even in those similarities, Blade Runner the quintessential runner.
Brazil is all Terry Gilliam. Had Dark City been directed by Terry Gilliam, it might have had more holding power, but then it would have also been a completely different film. Possibly a worse film.
Myself, I don't know why Dark City has such fervent fans who think it holds up so well.
I really liked Dark City. More so than the other 3. I was the only person in my clique, when it came out, who liked it.
>The premises are usually the link - Black Christmas isn't aesthetically much like Halloween
In that case, it's genre more than premise. Black Christmas is the first proper slasher film, and Halloween is the film that gave the genre wings.
I don't think that's much of a factor. Dark City is pretty open-ended as well - Will John use his newfound powers to try and get everyone back home? Will he try to create utopia for himself? What will happen with his wife?
Dark City just isn't as great a movie as The Matrix. Not as visually stunning, the effects don't hold up (though the city-shifting was pretty good), and the noir aspect seemed wasted to me when the viewer is simply shown the machinations of the pale spider things in the background.
Dark City has really bad acting. it kinda ruins what the movie was trying to do.
Well me personally ive never watched it but if it has pisswoman in it i guess i'm willing to give it a try
It's not
Patricians know this KINO and hope it remains obscure enough so normies don't yap about remakes or reboots or some other shit
You mean geeks.
Dark City is probably the worst movie Sup Forums tricked me into watching
Forgotten maybe by you and all the faggots like you that populate this board.
Bet you've never heard of the 13th Floor.
The movie becomes a shit show once the twist is revealed and Murdock becomes a Dragonball Z character with the powers of creation.
Also Aronofsky copied the the pier scene in Requiem for a Dream. Both are very powerful scenes.
One hack copying... whatever, a mediocre director.
>that didn't ruin the film
Yeah, total lack of sense did that even before telekinesis could have a go at it
What have you done in life, besides shitposting on a pedo board?
>it's a mystery why they stopped making these surreal/existential kind of films after the 90s
9/11. Then the counter-reaction to 9/11.
I've not made any terrible movies like Requiem or a Dream, so I at least have that.
J Connely is a goddess, very underappreciated
First Requiem for a Dream is great.
Second you have nothing to prove you exist, unlike Aronofsky, hack or not.
You should take your shit taste and leave.
Because it wasn't that good. Same reason nobody remembers The 13th Floor
Was. Before the weight loss. Now she looks like Angelina Jolie. Thinking about it Angelina Jolie went through the same transformation.
If I could pick any girl to fuck I'd probably pick young J Connelly, and I don't even like big tits.
It's boring and has no memorable moments. I couldn't make it through the entire film, fell asleep halfway through. For comparison, I made it through Synecdoche, New York.
>First Requiem for a Dream is great.
If you're a teenager who thinks he's "really into films."
>Second you have nothing to prove you exist, unlike Aronofsky, hack or not.
Not existing is preferable to being the director of Requiem or a Dream.
My taste is really good, so yeah, I probably should leave. But I like banter and I like low easy targets, like Aronofsky fanbois.
because its problematic
It was a shit movie. The writing, characters and concept were fucking stupid. I was lost at the point where the detective, who helped the character sthe entire movie - gets fucking lost in space or some shit. No one bats and eye or cares, despite the fact he gave his life for the protags. It's not even fucking referenced again, yet the main characters retarded motivation was somehow more central.
Shit fucking movie.
>prawns = whites
>Trump 2nd term
stopped reading right therein
You like Requiem for a Dream. It doesn't matter what you think.
I watched it last weel based on the high rating on imdb. I thought it was really borong and felt campy like those later Batman movies with two face.
could not finish it, too uninteresting
one of his best roles.
just looking at this pic gives me a comfy feel and makes me wanna rewatch the movie
Aronofsky copied his entire Black Swan from Perfect Blue, even buying the rights to remake said movie so he could steal shots. What a fucking hack.
>I thought it was really borong and felt campy like those later Batman movies with two face
batman returns is kino you pleb. You have to go back.
I tried to watch it but I dropped because the acting of the main character was garbage. no charm
To be honest I haven't seen it in more than 10 years in fear of not liking it anymore and conserving a good memory but I think I might still like it.
You are a pathetic, passive aggressive insecure faggot, it doesn't matter what you think.
Whats so great about Brazil?
That's Batman Forever.
Sorry my opinion hurt your feelings.
I picked it up when Redlettermedia said that it's better than Blade Runner 2049.
I think they were just fucking with me. It's not a bad movie but really nothing that got me hooked.
The lighting is really great and Jennifer Conelly is a beauty but the main character is so bold.
when people say that the DC had a spoiler by Jack Bauer in the beginning, what do they mean? I've only seen the DC and don't remember any spoilers
>I think they were just fucking with me
No, RLM just has really shitty taste.
Is is really that hard to figure out?
I know, I'm a big anime fan.
He shot the bathtub scene in Requiem. I don't think there's anything innately bad about it, though.
I already know people don't like many things I like, I'm used to it.
Brazil is shit. It's just Gilliam jerking off to yet another dystopian background with muh hapless protagonist. Twelve Monkeys is superior in every single way
>I'm a big anime fan
>calling people pathetic
RLM also said BR2049>Blade Runner
they should stick to capeshit and star wars
Considering the sloppy blowjob that Mike gave to TFA, they can't even do star wars right
Exactly. If you weren't a frustrated, pathetic faggot scared of judgement you would understand how stupid it is to bash an entire medium.
I also prefer 12 Monkeys and think that Brazil is overvalued, but you're just meming. Brazil has a lot of qualities to it.
>The Last Broadcast
What film is the more famous version of this?
I could be ok with that even after the prequel criticism (I am more in the "there are 2 and half good SW movies, in the OT, but whatever).
Is the fact that they bashed R1 while stating TFA was good.
>Brazil has a lot of qualities to it
I dont know, its certainly got more flaws than good things going for itself. Sure you might enjoy seeing it once, but after you realize it is mainly inhabited by niggers you will soon wish yourself home again
I'm not bashing the medium necessarily, just the fans of that medium.
You don't even know who I am.
By the way, Sup Forums has always made fun of stupid weebs.
It isn't that good and is more like the hipster contrarian's Matrix
because dark city is a shitty movie
its a PK Dick adaptation
you what
but Matrix is already a hipster contrarian's Matrix
It´s not that it´s been forgotten. More like masses are always shit. Things have to be streamlined, dumbed down and hit at least the x2 on the pacing or they get bored... but that´s not the movie problem, it´s the uncultured audience problem.
And it´s just getting worse. I swear to god soon kids will be going to the cinema to watch youtube and check a movie on their celphones every so often. That´s how retarded kids are these days.