Why is Dark city forgotten even when contemporaries such as The matrix, Blade Runner and Brazil, all have lingering cult followings?
Why is Dark city forgotten even when contemporaries such as The matrix, Blade Runner and Brazil...
Dark City wasn't that great. The Crow was great but I think Proya lost it after that.
I saw dark city when I was a kid and it stuck in my mind well into my 20s (I'm 27 now). I loved it when I was a kid and found it intriguing, so I got it and saw it again a couple years ago and it was mediocre at best.
it's really not that great a film. feels like a film student was given a budget to turn his edgy shortfilm idea into a feature film, but that's pretty much it. the second it was over I lost all interest in it.
Dark City DOES have a cult following and it's a damned awesome movie start to finish, always has been, always will be.
I hear hipsters talking about how great this movie is all the time
because those movies are all better than Dark City
Dark City had the bad luck to have a shitty voiceover. The director's cut removes it.
Had the same lighting guy and loads of the sets from the matrix.
it's anti-semitic.
Wrong, The Matrix has a lot of the sets from Dark City, not the other way around.
Well, if we're gonne be nitpickers, they both used Australian Fox Studios sets.