Total Lifetime Grosses
So it just barely broke even in Burgerland. I hate my country so fucking much... I really do.
Total Lifetime Grosses
So it just barely broke even in Burgerland. I hate my country so fucking much... I really do.
It hasn't broken even yet. That's not how gross works.
OK then educate me. How does gross work?
>waaah why won't you watch more sequels???
Please stop killing cinema
Who cares. We got the kino we wanted, and it'll be remembered fondly.
If it made a fuckload of money we'd be getting shitty commercialized sequel cash grabs rather than art.
>barely broke even
if you ignore its marketing budget, the interest on the funds the studio borrowed to make the film, and assuming all the theatres in its wide release gave 100% of their revenue of the film back to the studio
In the real world, its far from breaking even (a target of $400m)
"Production budget" doesn't include all of the tertiary elements of the actual budget. All it includes is the cost of the movie itself, not the millions spent on marketing. The rule of thumb is that a movie needs to make twice its budget to break even
For it to break it even the belief is that it needs to make twice its production budget (accounting for the marketing). BR2049 had a production budget of 185 million.
Try again, kiddo.
Just tell me
So will there be a sequel?
I want K to live so fucking much
No chance in hell, unless it does insanely well in Asia
Probably not which is shit because this movie could bring back good sci fi.
>broke even
god damn the state of this board
BASED America not watching some shitty cash in sequel
They like cyberpunk in japan don't they?
Marketing budget can be anywhere upto 100% of the Production Budget (honestly). Im guessing $100m
Studio also borrow the money to make a film, so have interest payments. 3% of $150m over a production time of 2 years is $9m.
The Cinemas keep roughly a third of the box office.
So: $150m production + $9m interest + $100m marketing = $259m.
The box office for the studio to receive $259m (because the theatres keep a third) is $392m.
So $392m is the break even point.
You honestly sound like a kid that got grounded and had his xbox taken away because you cursed at God in front of your parents.
You can't be much older than 15.
But it did
No matter the grosses
There will be a lot of movies like this
I want to believe
>why is Disney complaining? John Carter made money!
2049 was not made with a sequel in mind. There is still the chance of a sequel the studios see the cult appeal, especially if 2049 gets some awards, but neither Villeneuve or Gosling have ever worked on a sequel to their films.
I'm not so much worried about sequels or spinoffs in the BR universe. My concern is the financial viability of future adult-themed sci-fi. I want to see big budget adaptations of things like Dune, Hyperion, The Forever War, Neuromancer, The Stars My Destination, etc.
If you'd seen the movie, you'd know except for Harrison Fords dumb cameo, it could have been a stand alone movie in the blade runner universe.
Japan and China releases are coming 27th oct.
>Cinemas keep roughly a third of the box office
Source? I thought it was more like 5%-10%, if not less
Marketing was almost non existential.
As far as i know.
BR2049's success will determine the difference between a future of quality cinema or more Marvel committee made junkfood movies.
I would like to believe that user but the cold hard truth is that only movies and in general genres get new movies if they make money.
I hope based denis will still be making dune.
>tfw one of your favorite sci-fi books could finally be turned into a good movie
>tfw denis' directing style is perfect for a book like dune
Are you kidding? I saw trailers for it here almost every day. It was all over youtube
Not him, but here there were barely any, except in some cable channels.
A lot of people keep seeing tho.
a leaked profit and loss for a harry potter movie
It seems marvel and dc won, fuck this gay earth.
Well atleast in Europe I didn't see any banners or trailers in public.
Youtube marketing is cheap.
It'll do well in China. The Chinese will literally watch anything.
more like 280 million
Please that paper is only for tax evasion and moneywashing.
Marvel won. Sad.
well its the best we have to go from, other than pure speculation.
He's dead Jim. If we get another Blade Runner, it'd probably suck anyway.
as a matter of fact Alcod has stated that the film has to make 400mil to break even
K is dead as fuck if he returns it will be in a new body or something.
do you really believe this shit?
are you really this much of a fucking pleb?
>What is accounting tricks
thats fine if you wanna dispute it but gotta back it up with something else.
$0.05 has been deposited to your account
Waaah why won't people see a 3 hour film that wasn't marketed well!
I'm not memeing, do you really believe that shit?
do you seriously think fucking blade runner is some sort of mark in film making? do you think capeshit will end if it goes well in the box office?
>So $392m is the break even point.
But then the rebates, tax credits and creative hollywood accounting kick in. This is how box office bombs still result in sequels.
It will definitely show studios that you don't need ""blockbuster elements"" to succeed in today's world. And yes it was the one of the best sci-fi movie of some 2000s
>people still had hopes in hollywood
fucking hell
>I want to see big budget adaptations of things like Dune, Hyperion, The Forever War, Neuromancer, The Stars My Destination, etc.
Nope. You are getting Ready Player One. The rest of those will be lucky to get a miniseries on the sci-fi channel.
Are you fucking retarded. Denis Villeneuve was given full creative control. And it shows. BR2049 wasn't shown to focus groups every few weeks and then reshooting the bits they didn't like.
Itll rake in 200mm easily in China.
No, you've got it backwards. It won't affect comic book movies. But if BR doesn't do well financially it will definitely make studios more reticent to make adult-themed science fiction films with big budgets. So if you like those kinds of films the financial fate of BR2049 should give you some pause.
>cinematic universe
yep it's cancer
Based chinkos
Why the fuck are yall so desperate for a sequel? BR2049 is excellent and doesn't need one.
If of the quality of the original and 2049, I would be happy with a conclusive movie that is a sort of a soft remake of Metropolis, exploring more the political and less the personal themes of BR, assuming that is without SJW bullshit as the other two movies are.
I'm desperate for good movies, not neccesarily a sequel.
>blade runner universe
The absolute state of Sup Forums
China saves it from disaster, but it won't be a hit by any means.
Sci-fi is in danger (and no, I don't count Star Wars as sci-fi, it's fantasy with bleeping things):
Star Trek Beyond did poorly
Ghost in the Shell bombed
Life did poorly
Alien Covenant did poorly
Valerian bombed
Bladerunner 2049 did poorly
ghost in the shell was pretty shit to be honest, story was a bit quick
All of those ranged from shit to meh except Blade Runner 2049.
We want good sci fi not the next sci fi.
Wew meant star wars.
>250 million
for literally what?
green fucking walls are not that expensive
Sorry that we don't like boring artschool projects. Between this overrated garbage and capeshit there's nothing decent at the theatre.
But maybe if you buy 30 tickets youll get a sequel?
They'll fuck up the forever war whether this does good or not. Just wait
>Star Trek Beyond did poorly
>Ghost in the Shell bombed
>Life did poorly
>Alien Covenant did poorly
>Valerian bombed
Good. All these films were fucking awful.
How about a movie set in the same universe, but with a different name?
>for literally what?
The salaries of the staff.
>Youtube marketing is cheap
Yeah, that retard actually thinks uploading videos for free costs millions of dollars.
Atleast he got to drive. Soon, all those moments will be lost..
Asian patrician taste, what do you expect?
>tfw no Kurt Russell cameo
Fuck Harrison Ford
I don't care if it doesn't succeeds. This is the kind of movie that will inspire future and present film makers for years to come.
You mean the asian taste that gobbles up capeshit?
I don't really think the chinks will save it.
>ready player one
Sounds like something id say before going on a rampage
If it doesn't do well movies like that won't get the funding they need.
Hollywood will crash in two or three years. We will see who gets the last laugh.
why do reddit shits care so much about how much a movie makes?
unless you invested in the movie, no one cares>.
it needs 400mil minimum
Marketing guys needs to be all fired. They are the worst plague in modern Hollywood. The fuckers don't know if anything they do even works.
Don't know about you guys but there are 2 reasons why i'm not going to see Blade Runner in theater
1. Theater isn't very immersive. Lots of people making noise, snickering, talking to each other, potentially ruining the entire experience. Sometimes theres even fucktards who start using their phone in the middle of the film, distracting everyone with the bright fucking light.
2. The movie is almost 3 hours long. There's no way i'm gonna last that long without having to take a piss at some point. And i really, really don't like missing parts of films. Leaving the screening to take a piss ruins films for me.
Well, there is a really low chance i'm gonna go see it the last week of its theatrical run, when the theaters are mostly empty, but the chances are low.
It passed my piss test. Few, much shorter, movies have ever passed.
the first time i watched it was kino. very comfy and theater was almost empty. watched it a week later and an entire row of drunk chads and staceys sat right behind me, and would not fucking shut up the entire movie.
i even tried glancing their way and telling them to shut the fuck up with simple gestures but they were oblivious.
SciFi often does better on the secondary market (TV/Netflix & BD) than they do at the box office. Many box office bombs had cult followings and countless direct to video sequels because that is where the money is.
The original blade runner was a perfect example of this. It was a box office bomb that was saved by the rapidly growing VHS market.
nah, 280 - 300
some of that extra is for "tax purposes"
>There's no way i'm gonna last that long without having to take a piss at some point
Either you have the bladder of a 13 year old girl, or you are on your second 32oz cola that day.
What do you mean passed your piss test.
You didn't have to piss, or you had to piss?
wtf? I don't want a sequel - couldn't have asked for a more perfect ending. I want more blade runner, but leave K and Deckard out
Anime sequel maybe?
I don't drink soda.
I just drink a lot of water over the day, like 3-4 litres maybe. If you stay really hydrated you have to piss every 30 minutes. Of course i'd drink less during the film/before that, but it's still unlikely that i won't have to piss even once.
No and there shouldn't be.
In most movies, I have an urge to piss when watching a movie sooner or later. Not for this one and it is a far longer one than usual.
>So will there be a sequel?
Give it 30 years.
Don't drink anything for an hour before you go in, and take a piss during the commercials / trailers. I have a microbladder but this worked for me, I didn't have to pee the whole movie.
Why does everyone like stupid fucking capeshit made for children AAAAAAAA people are so dumb and they have the shittiest tastes in everything
as has been said multiple times in this thread studios don't pony up big budgets for future sci-fi films if they don't do well at the box office. that's why some of us care how much blade runner makes. if movies like blade runner 2049 flop then we get no more movies like this in the future. it really isn't a difficult concept to grasp.