Can we please wordfilter "Kino" to "I'm a fucking idiot"?
I'm getting sick of all these underage posters and their pathetic Sup Forumseddit memes.
Can we please wordfilter "Kino" to "I'm a fucking idiot"?
I'm getting sick of all these underage posters and their pathetic Sup Forumseddit memes.
None of these stupid fucks are over 25 and it's painfully obvious
What did he mean by this?
kino was always cringey
is this thread kino
I think it is.
top kino thread op
It's bad but I can't stop saying it because of you cunts only when talking to myself. Not around normies obviously
was it I'm a fucking idiot?
What should we filter it to?
I love threads like those, though. It's the perfect confluence of stereotypical nerdy bullshit, it's the average Sup Forumsedditor, relatively new to the site, who goes to all the big boards on the site and shits them all up equally with his narrow knowledge and experience with various artistic mediums. He knows mainstream video games, he knows mainstream movies, he knows mainstream cartoons (especially those from the 90s and early 00s), and he knows only the biggest comic book characters. And he feels marginalized by society because of how much of a shut in he is, so he'll have the most shallow Sup Forums opinions and tastes. He'll prattle on endlessly about cucks and interracial porn, but he isn't informed or even cares about international political issues and happenings. It's just a slight veneer of memeracism and memesogyny and the rejection of anything that could be considered "degenerate."
And the cross poster signals all of this to his other cross posters with the word "kino." It's like those hobo chalk signs. You slap it on a thread so other cross posters know it's safe to come out of the woodwork.
It's like a sociological study seeing these threads.
I don't think it upsets the mods enough like the last set of words that were filtered.
"I'm a faggot please rape my face."
>it's the average Sup Forumsedditor
Sup Forums > Sup Forums
You literally have game of thrones generals ffs, lol
Meanwhile, Sup Forums's generals were so fucking cancerous they had to be banished to /vg/
Think before you post newfag
You can filter words yourself user, it's called 4chanx.
No the generals were not cancerous, the mods created /vg/ because Sup Forums is 4x more popular than Sup Forums has ever been and the creation of generals were limiting the use of Sup Forums and generals were dying before they could hit bump limit.
Sup Forums has very few generals and they're quite slow in comparison to /vg/ generals
>OP just said he's sick of the word kino
>guys let's keep using that word!
What the fuck.
>No the generals were not cancerous
You call things cancerous, while giving cancerous replies.
I'm sure the irony is lost on you.
>just seen MOVIE_TITLE. Is it Bane Sup Forums?
can see it totally working
Whats a good kino about butthurt reditors
Dubs for Sneed
Good thread, OP. Unfortunately kino is a legitimate word on this board now. Better luck next time.
y do they hate t.b.h. s.m.h. & f.a.m
you can filter and hide "kino" in [settings], newfag
You don't deserve anything better than shitposts for your shit opinion
Sup Forums is trash but Sup Forums might as well be Sup Forums - Viral Marketing & Weebs
Presumably they didn't like how people were constantly talking like black people on twitter.
What a wonderful opinion, well formed and non bias.
I have used both boards for longer than you've used big boy underpants
The very fact that you wrote that Sup Forums's generals were "not cancerous" tells me that you don't actually remember a time before /vg/ at all
There was a general for hentai games. On a blue board. That was constantly bumped to the front page.
t. His favorite movie isn't Kino
I've been on this site for well over 10 years, I sincerely doubt you can attempt to pull rank on me by time spent here.
Yes, generals are not exactly high quality, but to say they are cancerous merely advertises how utterly clueless you are to what actual "cancer" threads are.
Let's ask them since you're only posting on this board today because of them if you started using Sup Forums after 2012
Is drive >picrelated ?
>tfw you dont like video games and never understand when people talk about Sup Forums being on Sup Forums since you never go there
i am to dumb to get the Sup Forums memes
i thought kino was a Sup Forums meme
if trips hiro makes it happen
>I sincerely doubt you can attempt to pull rank on me by time spent here.
Sadly enough I believe I can
If you don't think that making a general out of a thread that essentially openly invites porn onto a blue board qualifies as spreading cancer then you are severely fucked in the head
Maybe you're mad that Sup Forums mods managed to clamp down on the interracial porn spam
Not mad about the moderation at all.
Although I will agree that "some" generals attract tripfags and discord drama into threads, I'd hardly use this experience as a blanket term to say all generals are shit/cancer
Fucking niggers always ruining everything
And yet you come here every day trying to be part of it
just kidding here are the actual trips
Stay mad, OP faggot.
I use both. I like both. I would argue both are enjoyable boards.
One however is of slightly higher quality than the other (in my opinion)
god dammit
I'm not him you fag
All generals attract tripfags
All tripfags attract drama
Everybody who joins Sup Forums discord groups should be gassed, as should all tripfags
There are very, very few exceptions to the above
this is some kino levels of newfaggotry
>All generals attract tripfags
>All tripfags attract drama
>Everybody who joins Sup Forums discord groups should be gassed, as should all tripfags
Everybody no. Tripfags yes.
As you said, there are exceptions.
>Everybody who joins Sup Forums discord groups should be gassed
Fucking this. I could probably tolerate people who browse r/Sup Forums more
There are exceptions but they are so few and far between that they are statistically insignificant
Discord and Sup Forums don't mix, this isn't a social network despite what the viral marketers think
You're acting like a child
>Discord and Sup Forums don't mix
On this, we agree.
The very nature of what makes this place unique is the anonymous nature of it.
No reputation tied to your post, no face to save. Nothing other than your unrestrained honest opinion (or bait)
Shit... sorry I didn't mean it
t. redditourist
Ok but never imply Sup Forums offers any form of value ever again
i've never used the word kino. shit!
Value is too strong a word. I merely implied it is of more entertainment/use than Sup Forums.
Sadly, where else do you talk to people about stuff you want to talk about; but the board is incapable of doing so? I agree the vast majority of Discord users are insufferable cunts, but the worst? The mods of those discords. Either way, it's at least easier to deal with cunts on Discord than it is on Sup Forums. I can block people on Discord for being cunts, the Board Raid discord group shitposters who organise raids on boards and the newest shitpost? I cannot block them on Sup Forums.
See Do not insult your ancestors
enough with this anime shit
If you want to talk to people about stuff without any retarded memes or cancerous shitposters, go to reddit. Not kidding, and I don't subscribe to that idiotic tribalism about it.
It's a great site for getting the correct answer to a genuine question or an earnest discussion about a specific topic, so go there when you want that
When you want nigh-unfiltered spontaneity and honesty that's loosely related to a certain topic, then Sup Forums's your guy. That's part of the problem with generals and especially tripfags - they bring about permanency and that forces people to think about the consequences of their posts, which is what keeps reddit relatively clean but the antithesis of what makes Sup Forums great
I can't honestly think of anything I would dislike more than joining a discord group full of other anons
baka desu senpai
fucking animes ruined everything
there was a kid on Sup Forums and he admitted he was 13 and didn't get banned cause he was funny
changing t b h was the best think ever because both the brainless shitposters and the anti-weebs were salty for weeks
Being pro-weeb is not something to be proud of
Imagine what your dad would say
I only care about what your mother says
She says you're tiny and couldn't get it up so she called you a little faggot, took your money and left
it never fails to make people butthurt and get me (You)s
daddy would be proud
I just say tbqh
I win
You are a fine example of why a father needs to make sure he is around to raise his son right
>yfw some autists can't understand it's the same meaning for flick/film/kino/movie/motion picture and argue for a stupid word since like forever
>if you call your own mother a prostitute you win
I never said she was a prostitute
She just robbed some limp-dick fag
i take it english isn't your first language?
stop replying to me
>OP just said he's sick of the word kino
Who gives a shit
Newfaggots on this stupid ass nuChan are so obsessed with who's been here longest, who knows the right memes, or who talks like what. It occurs to me if you really want a site that keeps track of all that, MAYBE Sup Forums isn't for you? Someone needs to make a reddit where you aren't banned for saying nigger so all these retards can re-migrate. Hey, maybe if you beg you can take your old post karma with you!
t. newfag
That's right bitch, fresh off the boat from r Sup Forums, what the fuck do you think you're gonna do? Give me another reply? Sad!
Yeah, sure. Since you asked nicely.
How you finding the boards? Got any favourites?
Protip if you're new: You can go to the bottom right of the page and click settings to mess around with some stuff. I suggest turning legacy capture on, its less buggy and will let you post with greater efficiency and less annoyance.
That post was perfect English, minus a full stop and with a slightly colloquial use of "right". If you struggled to read it, that's on you.
Your use of the past participle ("would") when describing your father implied heavily that he is either dead or an absent figure in your life, thus explaining the anime fixation and irritating attitude unbefitting of a well-adjusted adult human.
Its an actual term you underage pleb. Go watch your Marvel movies.
>not exclusively using Tomorrow
Well, the ones I have only have a few Sup Forums users, so it's not le memes 24/7. As for Reddit? The problem is there that if you don't subscribe to a thought process, you're downvoted and there's lots of other problems. I won't say what I discuss, but Reddit isn't a good choice for that particular topic. Sup Forums used to be brilliant for it, but sadly GamerGate forced people to that board and they stayed. Entire place is now cancer incarnate.
How's it feel to be triggered by words?
Make this happen, Samurai moot!
Flick post 2bh
Every triggered tumblrette can go back to their safespace now.
We need this thread reserved for another Bane/Sneed thread.
Streisand Effect
OP is either new or baiting