bladerunner really woke me to the fact that star trek and star wars are some very softcore shit... almost capeshit in space. Bladerunner is the true meaning of sci-fi.
Bladerunner really woke me to the fact that star trek and star wars are some very softcore shit...
star wars was never real sci-fi anyway
but it had a nice soundtrack
real scifi was fucked up shit like soylent green and planet of the apes
Under the Skin was much better and authentic, but it's too slow for the mind that governed by video games like the reddit runner2 fans
>this is the kind of people who start all these BR threads
Hi underage redditor!
But seriously, Blade Runner 2049 was capeshit cyberpunk. Get better taste, turbo pleb.
>Bladerunner is the true meaning of sci-fi.
Oh you're serious...
Star Wars is soft sci-fi but God-tier adventure.
New bladerunner was awful im sorry. Visually very good just terrible writing through and through.
Are you the OP? The one using a Sup Forums app to hide his mobile posting?
So then you're the first reply that doesn't know anything about music?
Any of you lot familiar with the Takeshi Kovacs series? I've always thought that would make for an interesting adaptation.
>planet of the apes
Dude it's happening. Altered Carbon series on Netflix. Google it. Got some good talent behind it too.
>fishing for replies
No greater pass time desu. I personally only leave reddit for this. Always nice to see a fellow traveler.
>no reply
Confirmed for the underage op using an app and posting in class
Shit, yeah, Just found an article myself. Not sure how I feel about this now. Got a feeling it could go horribly wrong.
I think he's talking about the originals which, I agree, was pretty fucked
Star Wars is a "space opera". Star Trek was sci-fi, but the JJ movies blurred the distinction - heavy on the opera, light on science. STD is going down the same route...
>but spores and shit is sci-fi
Good sci-fi is generally rooted in plausible scientific theory (even if huge liberties are sometimes taken or it's badly misinterpreted). This is why you see articles talking about things that were 'predicted' by Star Trek. STD is bad sci-fi...
That said, I enjoy STD as a half-decent space opera.
>it's an expanse rip-off reeee
The Expanse contains really good elements of sci-fi - it's way more sophisticated than STD in that respect. STD is closer to something like Firefly, i.e. a space opera TV show (which I loved).
SW was science-fantasy all along I seriously don't get why people can't see this
Blade Runner was not perfect but it was the best shit we had in ages, we need more movies like this. I can't say about this movie that it was a flick.
>Absurd strawman is X
Wow, you sure have me convinced
None of the "science" in Blade Runner is even begun to be explained it's just a fantasy that used futurism to look into philosophical questions about the nature of humanity and life in general
Is BR49 the Rick and Morty of scifi?
>Blade runner
>Real scifi
Ok op, and Harry Potter is "real fantasy"
No, the rick and morty fanbase actually believe the shit they say whereas the BR2049 fans seem to be self aware enough that they know the film wasn't actually especially intelligent.
Star Wars I believe is even marketed as fantasy I dont think it has any pretense of being sci-fi
Star Trek is just one mans propaganda (and I dont necessarily mean that in a degrading way) of what he wanted the world to be like in the future without much regard for what it WOULD be like in the future. Its still sci-if but its kinda coming from a very specific place
Fuck off normie.
Star trek before jj abrams was good though. But that jew faggot turned it into not!starwars .
How do I know that you haven't seen it?
>if you don't chain bang trannies you're a normie
The dude in that post is way more normal than new, he has so much extra money to go to a new country and bang m specialty whores. Get over yourself, normalfag
OG Star Wars was real sci-fi. Greatest sci-fi shit
Yeah space wizards are really sci fi.
its a fantasy adventure movie set in space
Sci-fi Kino coming through
>falling for such obvious bait
i endured 2 episodes, its just fucking bland and boring, not kino
>not bothering to do research
I'm talking about the 1995 film which the TV show is based on my dude, that is pure unadultered kino, recommended
even the concept art has better angles and perspective
>Star Trek
>Star Wars
>Even mentionable in the same sentence
user Star Trek movies are shit, the shows are the real Star Trek, and only TOS and TNG
The philosophical themes explored eclipse anything in BR
You mean Science Fiction. There is a difference.
That scene was actually one of the better parts of the film. Why the fuck isn't Goose writing?
Star wars was the beginning of major franchise universes, it was the original cape shit
Star Trek used to have more brains but the JJ movies were pretty much capeshit, Beyond was a better adaptation of the original TV Show's philosophical charm
Well tbf most of it it's already reality. We're making artifical wombs and neural networks that can learn on their own
No user its a piece of shit
Sup Forums finally purges redditors fucken when????
>the current state of Sup Forums
Two totally different movies. Both slow paced but with completely different purposes. Nice try, goy.
haha yeah stay WOKE am i right m'niggas
>star trek and star wars are some very softcore shit... almost capeshit in space
You didn't know this?
Yeah, a deadpan ScarJo driving around a van is such a great science-fiction movie.
And you needed Blade Runner to see that ?
Sorry but you are retarded.
>fucked over 200 women
>never got tied down in a relationship
Sounds alpha to me
The shows aren't really good, though.
TOS is just a crew of idiots jumping from planet to planet that are actually just Earth in another point in time.
TNG is a crew of idiots jumping from planet to planet and relying on soft comedy to carry the plotline.
>not knowing the '95 piece of shit was based on a 1960s french short that is actually good
>calls me a pleb
please user
not that guy but I feel like BR49's slowness was just villeneuve jerkin off.
Mostly it doesn't show anything, like the furnace scene. The audience knows what's gonna happen the whole time but there's an artificial tension still. It doesn't hit the audience like it hits the character
stay woke
If that's how you wanna put it. I mean, Star Wars is pulp science-fiction, and I don't mean that in a bad way. It's all very grandiose. The characters are larger than life, the locations are larger than life, the stakes are larger than life. There's stuff in there that you can relate to the real world and you're probably meant to but what it depicts is pretty far from out reality. It's a big, pulpy, adventure with supernatural elements. "Capeshit in space" is a bit of a cynical way to describe it but it's not wrong. It's very much born on the same pulp sensibilities that comic books and things adapted from them are rooted in.
Star Trek is something else entirely, is does have a stronger connection to our society. It envisions a space faring civilization and it uses its extraterrestrial civlization to draw comparisons to mankind. It's more character driven and more political... capeshit in space doesn't really describe it, not usually at least. It occasionally veers into some pretty pulpy stuff but it's still a lot more grounded than Star Wars.
I'm not sure if I'd call Blade Runner thematically richer than Star Trek as a whole. Not that it could be, something that's been going on for so long as Star Trek is bound to explore a lot of different themes over time. Blade Runner is certainly darker and grittier and has that kinda meditative, slow, contemplative feeling to it that lets the ideas and emotions sink in better than in something faster paced. But then, Star Trek: The Motion Picture was pretty slows and heady too.
Blade Runner owes a lot to pulp fiction (the genre, not the Tarantino movie) too, namely hard boiled detective fiction and the film noir genre that was inspired by it. And that does lend itself to something deeper, after all, what is it that a detective does if not to discover hidden connections that lie beneath the surface? But really hard Sci-Fi it's not. though they do approach some of these themes through a familiar lense of detective fiction.
On a Silver Globe
Transvestites are disgusting. Anyone who solicits them for gay sex deserves death.