Lars Von Trier sexually harassed Bjork, apparently

thoughts on this?

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Lars Von Trier, that filmmaker.

maybe he'll livestream his suicide

He already made a statement in Danish radio or something. It's nonsense, producer of the film also. Bjork is literally an insane woman.

don't blame him desu
also the film ended up really good so whatever he did it worked out well

>Bjork is literally an insane woman.

danes are literally jews so i'm not surprised


Based LVT.

Bjork may be insane, but directors being creep taking advantage of their actresses is painfully common in the rotten cinema business.

Why would she continue with the film? I can see why, with other actresses, because their careers may be on the line, but Bjork isn't an actress. By the time this movie was made, Bjork was at the peak of her popularity as a music artist.

Women are basically stupid and let themselves be abused, only to regret it later on.

insane, or just jumping on the bandwagon? you know, go that extra mile for attention just in time for her new album

also, note how despite ostensibly accusing von trier of something she doesn't actually say anything specific, which indicates that she's hedging her bets with obfuscation

she refused him and from what I understood he badmouthed her to the rest of the filming team out of spite.

Her story is believable.

>implying you wouldn't

The guy who directed The Drive and Hunted

The difference in these threads when the accused person is non-Jewish is hilarious. This board really is full of paid neo-nazi and/or Islamic shills.

i definitely would

Why write this in response to my post? I wasn't arguing the believably of her story.

she was holding out for the seed of a chad

>Lars Von Trier
This doesn't surprise me.

Trier was raised by his stepdad who was Jewish. He later found out his bio dad was German.

Did she saw Irreversible?
If you can't handle that why even try to become an actor

Is that what caused her to make all that horrible unlistenable music?

>sexually harassing Bjork

I find it hard to believe he was that desperate.

I would too.

bjork sexually harassed bruce springsteen last i heard

the son of the actress was bullied in school because of that scene, they mocked him calling his mom "oreo".

>Those actresses with children who never think how embarrassing it can be for their kids.

>Matthew Barney
You have no idea who he is, don't you

>irreversible is somehow the standard for what an actor needs to endure

Who is crazier though


he was captain of his football team or something at school. he's a pretentious chad


t. pleb

horrendous webm

he was harrasing kirsten dunst recently

he's raped and murdered hundreds of actresses recently

>implying artists can't be chad

Von trier is sleazy creep shocker

He deserves an anthrax letter.

Yeah, that actually makes it worse, if it's calculated in that way, didn't know she had an album on the way.

>played college football
>pro model
>one of the most celebrated artists of the last two decades
>impregnated bjork
do you?

>are you proud of me mommy?


made me laugh

i don't see how that's an insult, oreos are delicious, especially the white stuff


yup, november. i'm sure it's just a coincidence

tfw no qt swan dress gf

what the fuck?

why even live desu

How badly would he have got fucked up for trying it with Nicole

I want to marry Bjork

;____________________________; fuck thats qute

what? no!

thats thomas vinterberg

No seriously

how would he react to this news?

That seems dangerous.

>Dogville is really about Lars working with Bjork


He only makes pretentious flicks. He's also an alcoholic.

What race is Bjork?

>tfw she gave made me feel funny when I was a little kid

whatever you want her to be ;)

>no ones come forward about John Kricfalusi
Maybe he isn't as bad of a guy as people claim.

Don't make the same mistake Space Ghost did.

bjork consented in this case

If anyone thought they could get any money or press from coming forward about him they would but he's irrelevant by normie standards.

Harassed is such a vague term that it can involve a spectrum of behaviors such as persistent flirtation or even complimenting a woman. Both can be perceived as such if unwanted. However, if the woman wants the guy, it's all good.

Sometimes harassment is simply mistaken amorous advances. Not all,though, obviously, there are some fucking creeps out there.


john k is a lad and bjork knows it

Literally who

nice that tite cunny wanted it just look at her at the end enjoying it

did he live?

Mongoloid (Icelandic subrace)

I thought Bork died.

>not knowing john k
please educate yourself, he's a legend

mandela effect

>calling his mom "oreo"

Lars Von Trier and the producer said she's lying and she was a huge prepotent bitch during all the production.

you just made me think of von trier sexually harassing bork. hahahaha


of course they're going to say that
i don't know who to believe really

Don't badmouth Bjork

>people honestly believe a new Björk album needs promotion
Nigga, it's like Radiohead dropping another record. People want to get their hands on that.

That didn't stop Radiohead doing that stunt about pulling out everything from Spotify and then put it back on with the new single.

the gate sucked ass

it was alright, hopefully it's a transitional song. ambitious choice for a single tho

refn said in the neon demon press conference that, "last time I saw Lars he asked my wife to have sex with him. She told him to fuck off. Then he went for some another slut"

>another slut
Refn knows he's a cuck.

denis villeneuve raped and murdered harrison ford and ryan reynolds on the set of blade runner

Bjork is a beautiful spirit and Von Triers is a dirty creepy old man. I think we can tell who's lying about the sexual harassment allegation, hmmm?

No. Vinterberg made the Pusher trilogy.

holy shit

>Women are basically stupid and let themselves be abused, only to regret it later on.
Lars v. Trier would agree to that. It is the main plot of his movies.

It's the family she comes from.
