>be watching some dumb television show
>sub plot about female characters not being fulfilled in life
>laugh because if she had followed her biological imperative and had married young and had children she wouldn't have this problem
>tfw roasties fall for the career meme
Be watching some dumb television show
>I am angry because nobody will breed with me
So you're so redpilled now that you can't watch anything aimed at normal people? Sad!
He's angry that all TV is a fucking commercial for degenerate lifestyles and ruin childrens minds.
>biological imperative
really makes you sound like one those old timey nazis
>its a putinkuk fancyposts
Sorry friends, you must be lost. Reddit is that way
sorry that i didn't validate your feelings
But it's not, don't you get it? Why are you pretending your life is pure because you haven't had sex? You haven't had sex yet because nobody wants to have sex with you.
No goy, you can't get fulfillment in life unless you become a wage slave! ""Families"" are heteronormative and should be deconstructed.
True OP here. Actually you are right. Media has told women of my age that you can be anything a man can and you shouldn't settle for less than you deserve. That its okay to take a hundred dicks until you find "mr. Right" and some of those guys won't even be white and not me until they are 40 and already have children with some other man
So yeah I am mad
I actually had sex with a "lesbian" over the weekend. She loved the D.
>"some of those guys won't even be white"
What's wrong with that?
is this what you imagined a normal person would say?
I just loved the feeling of accomplishment when she said she was straight again, and the way her eyes rolled back when I made her cum.
I'm doing my part to fight the feminist globalist agenda by laying the pipe.
lol jeez you're like a super virgin
why are you digging this hole even further
k. I know deep down inside you think that by being a cuck women will fuck you. But they want. They will hate you for being weak. Enjoy it.
>fictional characters would be so much happier if they listened to me
brain genious detected
>That its okay to take a hundred dicks until you find "mr. Right"
yet somehow you people seem to have no problem with fucking a bunch of women before you settle down
nice to see this already upset some of the redditors here
>suggesting I care what you think or need to prove anything to you.
tfw capitalism destroyed traditional gender roles and people born in the 1990s somehow think it was communism's fault
why else would you make this garbage thread?
communists, not communism
>tfw modernity destroyed traditional everything and people born whenever think it was capitalism's fault
>tfw I have no face
if you didnt feel the need to prove anything you wouldnt have replied just now, or made these posts
enjoy living in fantasy land
Sleeping around doesn't effect men's biology as much as it does women's.
The double standard exists because men and women are not the same and never will.
I didn't.
tfw the historically destructive influence of market culture on traditional social, moral and religious institutions are swept under the rug and replaced with an empty buzzword like 'modernity'
>some of those guys won't even be white
go back to Sup Forums faggot
k. why would I make up something that happened less than 48 hours ago?
Stop being a jelly numale
>if you arn't ok with your future wife/daughter fucking outside of your race you are Sup Forums
>i am a racist and complete asshole but women are the problem
Cry more retard.
i dont know, im not your therapist, go take it up with them
lies don't have a time limit mate
see the holocaust for example
>Im proud my wifes son is a mudbaby
Snowflake redditor
>triggering you because the natural order is so foreign to your tear stained eyes.
Kind of an odd insinuation, almost seems like some sort of knee-jerk projection. But I'm sure a sophisticated poster such as yourself would never be so crass.
Good catch user. Most liberal cucks do that. They wildly project and get hyperbolic to cover their own inadequacies.
>Look mom I posted it again!
>laugh because if she had followed her biological imperative and had married young and had children she wouldn't have this problem
If this was true than women wouldn't cheat.
Virgins talking about sex is the funniest shit ever. You always get a nice biology lesson from someone who's never seen a pussy.
women cheat because they are born of the seed of the forbidden fruit.
seems like a woman is more than a womb and a hole for your dick dontyathink?
they aren't
and why do men cheat? because we're incapable of not being driven by our loins?
men don't cheat
Birth control destroyed women.
...A-AEUGH! AAA! A-A-A...
It becomes forbidden fruit because they are unsatisfied with their life as a house wife.
A lot of posts real quick. Must have struck a chord with reddtor roasties.
delusional roastie, women cheat now more than ever and the family structure has been truly destroyed.
>50 uninterested posts in an hour and a half
>"haha, got im! xD"
To be honest the long term monogamous relationship structure isn't really our natural state and was only really working when we were one failed harvest away from starving.
guess we should all just start shitting in the street too then since using toilets isn't our natural state.
When you'll work, maybe one day, commie youngfag, you'll see indeed that women in the workplace are truly horrible to bear, even women admit it themselves actually.
it started with letting them vote
>dude we must secure our white children and future lmao
>*faps to trap waifu*
what a great argument, definitely not just further proof that the modern hedonistic lifestyle we all lead is unhealthy
>be watching Sup Forums
>dumb post by some autistic mra virgin
>laugh because he will never satisfy a woman
>tfw virgins think they are better than women
t. fat roastie
>women in the workplace are truly horrible to bear
When I worked at a warehouse during college we had the boss's daughter working with us during the summer. She would snitch on us to her dad all the time. Women are fucking backstabbing rats if you ever want to keep your job never never associate with them if you can help it.
What are you, Indian? Humans have always avoided shitting wherever for fear of contagions. It's a biological trait to properly dispose of excrement that is part of most mammals.
Our own brains are telling us to only be monogamous for a few years. 5 at the max.
>he will never satisfy a woman
I love how only roasties use that argument. Nobody else cares if the woman is satisfied
>waaaah waaaaaah waaaaaaaaah
>why wont women have sex with me
>waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaah
>Our own brains are telling us to only be monogamous for a few years. 5 at the max.
roasties actually believe this
let god sort them out
Fairly certain it's around 50/50% when it comes to people who work in biology fields.
what did she mean by this
>lanky semi-virgins actually think you have to be doormats to get laid
what kino is this?
>tfw virgins with superiority complexes
get the fuck over yourselves
you like video games created for fucking 13 year olds holy shit, get a real hobby
roastie is toasty lmao
You sound triggered, roastie.
>That its okay to take a hundred dicks and some of those guys won't even be white
thots are thots and will be patrolled equally. 100 white dicks is just as bad as 100 black dicks. you have racial issues as well
>your argument is invalid because you're a virgin
How to spot a female on Sup Forums 101
Why has the media told women lies? What do they gain from it?
>doesn't get his hugbox echochamber
>"G-GTFO to reddit!"
The truth is that everyone eventually feels bad about not having kids, men included.
>i totally know about sex ask me anything
>virgin btw
Not how it works, sorry. :/
It's ok Janet, you don't have to prove my point.
Meme at me all you want, I'm not the virgin here.
what do you mean you people?
The problem is society as a whole has made both men and women infantile mentally and they cant get their shit together before the body is not in prime child rearing status. This includes men, the older you are the higher chance of autism. Stack on an excruciatingly unforgiving economy and you find the only people producing children are foreigners and minorities that sap socialized handouts and are fine with not providing non-taxpayer funded opportunities to their offspring.
you are all so so so dumb & new
I really wish Sup Forums tards would fucking stay there.
Translation from pantshitter: I am a sexist shithead. Please punch me harder.
Hey, SKINHEAD, women didn't ask for your opinion or your shriveled little Jesusdick. I know you're lashing out because it's been like a month since any woman error matched your ugly ass on Tinder, but please shut the fuck up. This is a board for normal people, not the regressive fucking right.
yep, that's a leftie alright
america was a mistake