>wide-set eyes
>droopy mouths
>earth-coloured skin
Why did they make all the aliens look the same?
The Force Awakens
>this is how chinks see whites
>chinks did the cgi
gee i donut
Earth colors so they are the good guys. You can easily distinguish that the bad guys are the white guys. Simple so children can understand.
kek, droopy moths and wide set eye are asian features. I'm a spic and even I know that.
they see us as themselves?
>wide set eyes
Yup you're a spic alright
This "meme" has been around for less than a week and it's forced as hell.
i don't get the point, though
probably reverse viral marketing trying to get people to disagree, i guess
i sure wish Sup Forums were a place for organic discussion and not seen as a fucking marketing resource for assholes to pour their "clever" shit into and drown out all the real users all day
like this shit is actually criminal, in an ethical sense. i have no doubt that it's legal. but likewise i have no doubt that the public will eventually get access to the panopticon (this happened with the Stasi after the wall fell) and will find out how much we were all manipulated.
then, there will be a reckoning
you might think with all the other evil in the world that the guillotines will be reserved for financiers and secret police, but nope
i will purge the marketers too
What the fuck are you talking about? This ''meme'' has been around for years
oh we're not viral marketing here, oh no, eurasia has always been at war with eastasia
>white solar panels
What is the marketing supposed to achieve here? To convince people the new movies are shit? Because that sounds like a great business move
Most of them are just variations of these 2
>Wide-set squinty eyes
>Droopy mouths
>Earth tones
So... this is the power of JJ Abrams' creature shop...
Not one memorable new creature.
Compare that to the creatures introduced in Episode I:
>Trade Federation (Neimoidians)
>Darth Maul (Zabrak)
>Watto (Toydarian)
>Sebulba (Dug)
>the other pod racers
>the Jedi Council
>The Galactic Senate
And these new creatures were mixed in among classic and familiar creatures from the Original Trilogy (Hutts, Twi'leks, Jawas, Yodas, Tuskan Raiders, Woolies, Rodians). Other than Chewbacka, a Mon Calmari, and a Sullustan, Episode VII was almost completely devoid of Original or Prequel trilogy creatures, deepening the uncanny valley of the movie's "same... but different" atmosphere. Would have killed JJ Abrams to have a Jawa on Jaku?
Is this pasta?
OT/PT confimed best toys.
did you forget rathtars?
Is it now
I actually, unironically, did.
Then I had to look them up because I couldn't remember what they were.