>Remake looks nothing like the original
Remake looks nothing like the original
Other urls found in this thread:
>theyll never suspect Im a hapa
Japanese sweet potato, um ok
Nope, Dandruff in both pics.
Better on the right, unironically.
Why do women always cover up their freckles?
But she was ruined when she bailed on AotS thinking she was so hot and nerd famous she had a career.
You were just fap bait bitch stay in your lane
Make up can ruin a woman's natural beauty.
>got a regular role on an HBO show, a few movie parts
>married some football faggot
I mean for a half Asian cock sleeve she's did okay. I guess.
Also Rest In Piece AOTS
I like to think that football player dumped her under false pretenses and the surgery is the real reason.
Thats dried cum.
Because freckles are ugly.
I had to Google that. What the flying fuck?
Are these two different actresses, a bad photoshop, or did Olivia Munn shave off her jaw and make her eyes rounder?
Pirates of the Caribbean
Olivia Munn shaved her jaw and made her eyes rounder.
There should be a law to protect rich women's faces from themselves.
What the fuck is wrong with women? Why did this pretty girl turn herself into a waxwork monster?
After Harvey cast her in Cinderella Man, Bridget Joness Diary, Cold Mountain, and Chicago, he dumped her and said she was ugly. Then she got plastic surgery in an attempt to win him back
Her white football boyfriend dumped her for being a half-Asian, so she got surgery to look more white
She has never been remotely liked or popular since AotS.
She even tried to be a daily show correspondent lmao. Nobodies do that ton get their start
She was the "hot one" in magic Mike you nonnormie
She thought she was a "big star" and thinks that changing herself will make her more marketable. She's also getting older. The competition in Hollywood is insane.
notice how her changes are designed to make her look less Asian and more fully European.
>She even tried to be a daily show correspondent lmao.
She bombed so bad.
why do Asian women hate Asian men?
>eat so many potatoes you become a potato
Looks more Asian to me desu
Nice meme virgin
I still can't believe this one is real. The only possible explanation is someone killed the real one and took her place using plastic surgery as the cover story.
>freckles are ugly.
Get out
Eva Lovia legit looks better than her and I can watch her getting railed whenever I want for free.
She never had a chance.
>girl, pretty?
>ha ha ha, don't be silly
>why are you saying I'm gay?
same...don't get people saying she got it to look less asian? She looks way more asian after surgery.
>Hapa munn is ugly
>all girls are ugly
Are you retarded or just female?
Jesus, I forgot this woman existed, last I heard was when lewd photos of her leaked and she was still notable in gaming circles so they were posted all over Sup Forums.
Fuck I have been in this place too long.....
Why are white people so intimidated by asians?
I know she looks completely different but I don't know what actually changed..
Nose is the same, lips are the same although her smile is different which is probably just training rather than surgery, eyes are the same., freckles are still there in second pic just under the make-up
Her face just looks thinner, but how on earth do ,they achieve that?
>this deep in denial
Stop doing this to yourself, user. Embrace your homolust, you'll be much happier.
What was he thinking?
cut off the jaw
google that pic of the Korean plastic surgery's office, where he makes a pillar out of jaws he cut out of women
>Her face just looks thinner, but how on earth do ,they achieve that?
Bone shaving.
Never denied that I might not be gay. Just want you to understand that Munn is ugly, doesnt mean I think all girls are ugly. Dumb cunt. Tits or gtfo.
>Her face just looks thinner, but how on earth do ,they achieve that?
Jaw shaving. She wants a pointier, more European style face and chin. In SK they had a display of the jaws they took off people.
She looks both whiter and uglier. I guess we know where her priorities are.
>Europeans have slim jawlines
>tfw we'll never get prime Cold Mountain Zellweger back
>about to watch Invasion of The Bodysnatchers
>see this thread
They're already here, aren't they? They were just clever enough to start their infiltration with the only class of humanity where people wouldn't question them acting or looking different.
>plastic surgery
>using it outside of extreme cases, ever
I really do hate this fucking species.
Damn (((they))) mustve scrubbed those pics off the internet too. I tried to find them for a trip down memory lane but theres nothing.
But seriously, you guys are virgins. Years, aging, makeup, and hair, how does it work?
>remembering what actress appeared in a Magic Mike movie
Lol, what a fag.
I find it impossible to believe anyone is this bad at Google
WTF? Why would one want to give up such a solid jaw
Just ask on /r/ someone on Sup Forums has everything
She is mentally ill
Wow she was so hot. Too bad she looks like a russian real doll now
>I'll never be able to fulfill his sexual fantasies
Out of all the sexual fantasies that might make it hard for their sex life, I never thought anyone would consider yellow fever hard to satiate.
>Munn is ugly, doesnt mean I think all girls are ugly
Of course not. I'm just saying that your sexual preferences make you unfit to judge a woman's attractiveness.
Okay. But how does that make me gay retard. Nice backtrack brainlet. Id rather be gay and take it in the ass than be a brainlet like you.
Why the fuck did she turn herself from cute waifu material to run of the mill thot?
Mickey Roark once catapulted me into the hollywood sign.
>be obnoxious fuckwit, but pretty attractive
>get botox and laser your freckles off so you look like a buffalo bill suit
>now have 0 redeeming qualities
Maybe Aaron Rodgers isn't actually gay.
nah, who am i kidding
"Your sexual preferences", i.e. men. You don't think all girls are ugly because there's plenty of butch and bearded girls that you do find attractive. But this also means your personal taste is not an objective criterion.
>Id rather be gay and take it in the ass
this is some Mengele-tier pic desu
Oh yeah, THAT'S why he dumped her. He's totally not gay or anything...
ummm sweetie guess what, he really REALLY likes women so nice try
>falling for simple reverse-psychology and spoonfeeding the cunt
Kill yourself, mate.
Yeah because people magically lose their jawlines when they grow older. C'mon man.
(You) just got eternally btfo. How does it feel?
he wants that juicy shaq meat
>If you can't stand the heat, get off Mickey Rourke's sex grill
Eurasians girls are top tier qts.
I mean, they're always whores (like Munn), but still.
That's exactly what a gay man WOULD say
She fucked her up in the same way Megan Fox did
This never fails to make me laugh. Poor guy though
>not Empire Records apron Zellwegger
if you wouldn't be more excited to sit with Shaq and Munn I can't assume you're human
>may I service you
RIP Renee
>watching Empire Records
>break up with goat /ourgirl/
>break collar bone
It’s like poetry
She looks better on the right. Have some standards, user.
Shame asians have weird dicks. Not even talking about length
She died for me with her recent surgery
Strawman. Definite sign of brainlet. Likely a woman as I suspected.
It's strange how catty fags are to women.
stop worshiping niggers, cuck
makes sense to me. i wouldn't put up with a single bit of women's bullshit if i didn't want to fuck them so much. if anything i'm surprised gay men are as nice as they are to women