Why do they always kill off the best characters, Sup Forums?
Why do they always kill off the best characters, Sup Forums?
His left ear is weird
Seriously fuck this show. Nick and troy psycho bromance was the best. How they handled the ranch getting overrun was abysmal but I was glad troy was joining the group. Travis better make a return
Pour a 40 out for based shopping cart beaner. He was the real best character and his death was so lame.
If nick dies I'm dropping the show (he probably lives though, if daniel can survive twice...)
and he was killed by the worst character. so lame.
Travis is worst character wtf
Madison best bruh, her slut daughter is fine too
> slut daughter
>shave your head for money
Skinwalker alpha confirmed.
Meaning all the other characters die when convient
they could have done so much with Travis's son too but they tanked hime entirely
she's constantly making dumb decisions, like turning on the lights at the top of the hotel or giving the guns to the Indians.
yeah i thought that was a strange decision.
This show is so much better than the walking dead, bretty good finale
who survived?
my money is on
and the 2 curry guys
only the good die young
evil lives forever
I wanted to see him go full Maori Warrior/Tribe Leader. Looks like they were heading that way, until he fell out of the helicopter.
>The MC is going to Texas
Abraham cameo confirmed.
and he was the one who warned them that the proctors were coming. what a bitch.
don't blame her, she had pms
>troy will never be freaked out again by all the mexicans
He's the only character that went from bad to good. Meanwhile shitters like Madison and Daniel have become insufferable plot armored cunts.
At least we get more Rick memes next week.
shit season finale. offing the character that was only introduced that season was the most obvious choice.
at least Lucille is coming back.
>complain about shit finale
>is glad the show with the worst finales ever is coming back
This to be honest
They're not curry you dunce
Based Coop did nothing wrong.
The biggest crime is that he didn't turn and get to prove his experiments and time right
It's really annoying.
He was pretty cool to be fair.
They should have kept Travis and killed off that moody bint Madison.
Madison, Nick and Alicia are the three worst characters on the show.
>Be main character in a zombie show
>Go through 2 seasons of character development and personal trials for your family
>Still be in a zombie show
>Get on helicopter with daughter and fly away
>Get shot at
>"Oh no I'm ok daughter"
>He wasn't ok and falls out of the helicopter
This was literally the worst zombie movie/tv/comic death of all history. If anyone can prove me wrong, I will reward you but we all know thats impossible.
daniel survives a flood of fire and now a fiood of water.
hes getting stronger, now he just needs to survive an earthquake and a tornado and he will master all four elements and be able to enter the avatar state
It happened for the same reason as Dale's sudden death, the actor wanted off the show and they had to shoehorn a death in. Travis's actor got picked up for the Avatar movies.
so literally everyone that wasnt shot on screen?
why don't you like Nick?
i really thought they were going somewhere with that, like the main villain has nick hostage, and troy lets himself get bit and times when he is going to turn to be right next to the big bad and eat him to safe his druggy boyfriend
They could of at least had him eaten by zombies or something. It's like they had a think tank on how to make the most pointless death in a zombie movie ever.
Nick destroys things because people trust him.
that sounds like zombiekino. they need to hire you as a writer.
love how madison is stil trying to justify what she did to the ranch. like she didnt come in and fuck everything up, kill their leader, and let their enemies come in and literally take over in every possible way
i mean fuck she literally pushed all those people over a barrel, pulled their pants down and told the indians to go in dry and anytime anyone brings it up she just autisically yells
" i wersh helpin dem, we savd dat ranch"
Fucking a exactly dude something, anything to show there's a POINT to these characters
i mean its literally just Chekhovs gun
they introduce that whole plotpoint for literally no reason, they should have used it
Wow then fuck him hard. Also fuck the writers for not even trying.
I'm pretty pissed off they killed off Ofelia. Wanted her and Daniel to be some badass father-daughter team that takes no bullshit, especially from Madison.
Ofelia needed a solid redemption arc.
Because they're white.
Everyone needs to recognize how bold they are to have killed him off. That show is miles better than TWD
How is it bold? He's had red flags around him since day one. Plus the actor is playing Lorenzo the Magnificent in that Medici thing. so probably wanted out.
are you implying he wouldn't have stuck it out at the trade post if it weren't for the Dam situation?