What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
Is that from Murder By Numbers? I wanted to see him fug Sandra Bullock
Stay was such an odd movie. I never quite caught on to what was happening the first time watching it.
the entire movie takes place in his moments before his death on the road.
thats why he has powers, its his final flashback.
also, ewan is the balls.
i never understood how Goose became a sex symbol
i think this movie was the first one i saw him in and i always thought "poor guy looks even worse than i do"
>i never understood how Goose became a sex symbol
this movie came out
What went RIGHT?
this although the movie is from 2004, so we're talking about 25-35 yo demographics here. if you ask a 20 yo girl about Goose chances are she won't know who the fuck he is.
My d*ck
kek, he's acting like a blushing schoolgirl who just caught Chad checking her out. She's acting like Chad. She's the dom, he is the sub
She's just listening to what the guy behind her is saying and isn't looking at goose.
>the guy
It's fucking Denis Villeneuve.
>a Nicholas Sparks adaptation made goose what he is
Did you even watch the webm m8? He's thinking about something else and she's thinking about his Chad cock.
Nah. He notices that she's staring, and then he can't look in her direction because he'd have to acknowledge her. She smirks because she got him all flustered
No he's clearly thinking about something else.
what happened to you user
Yeah the correct version for men would be sports, video games, a whore with giant tits and dragonball z.
>it's a "Sup Forums autists spend hours staring at a 8 second .webm of beautiful gods and creating fanfic about every little facial twitch, somehow feeling all fuzzy in the chance their favorite chad who's got nothing in common with them got a girl interested " episode
we should all be genocided
>fuck off bitch, not interested
>hurr durr, I’m so sexy, I got him flustered
Yeah right.
try a week, friendo.
This webm has been making the rounds for a FUCKING WEEK
>at a time*
what are you even talking about
That's a pretty sexy wojak.
have you ever stepped outside your room
damn, never realized he had his chin shaved. worked wonders for this jay leno looking girl i went out with. she showed me her before pics and i was amazed what a little thing like that can do.
He's not a guy?
i spend most of my summer for past several years watching people interact on big brother live feeds
this is nothing
he just gained weight