Shane Black's Predator
Looks like a great diverse cast.
Hopefully it will be better than that hack of a first movie.
They look like a bunch of slack jawed faggots
What happened, Sup Forums?
shane blacked
hella diverse
>Two white men
Pretty fucking obvious that it was a racist piece of shit that needed a reimaging.
They went from being a diverse team of sexual tyrannosaurs to a Diverseā¢ squad of slack jawed faggots
They'll never stop taking the things we love away from us.
>unlikely partnership(s): check
>whodunit mystery: n/a
>child sidekick: check
>Christmastime setting: n/a
We're only two steps away from a Shane Black original.
You just know that 95 lb chick is going to be the hyper-competent survivor, too
Can't wait for her to save all the men, earning their awed respect as they look to her as their new leader
Read the leaks
There are defector predators that join the humans
Shane BLACKEDā¢'s Predator
The casting process for the one white guy:
>Boyd Holbrook as Quinn McKenna, a former Marine and Special Forces commando who discovers the existence of the fierce Predators but finds that no one believes they exist. James Franco was originally offered the role but passed on it before Benicio del Toro was cast, but Del Toro later had to back out due to scheduling conflicts
> Jacob Tremblay as Quinn's troubled son, who has a form of autism and is bullied in school but becomes a key player in the fight against the Predators due to his preternatural ability to learn languages.
> Jacob Tremblay as Quinn's troubled son, who has a form of autism and is bullied in school but becomes a key player in the fight against the Predators due to his preternatural ability to learn languages
jesus christ
>not just making Nice Guys vs predator
Nice job Shane HACK
> "From the first page, it didnt read like a Predator film. Its set in suburbia. Theres a little boy and his dad at the center of the action.
Why are they doing this?
>keegan michael key
>autistic kid that's able to understand the yautja language, because in hollywood autism is a superpower
this will be shit
>thinking that klingon rip-off EU shit will ever make it into the movies
fuck off, Josh
i'm going off what the wikipedia shit said
Fuck off, the first Predator was just as diverse. Not in pic: Latin Woman
it shows, casual.
you don't have to be autistic to understand yautja, but humans aren't able to properly pronounce/replicate their speech
Death of the Predator franchise :(
Could they even pick a less interesting cast ? Even Syfy would say no thanks to this shitty lineup.
that's fukkin dum
Is this a joke?
Who are those people supposed to be? some kind of nanny squad?
No, these are men plus the one Latina.
The new Predator is gender diverse. He/She/Xe/Xir
Woah, wait what??? This is a huge fucking mistake. If my fortunes were in anyway tied to the success of this film, I would be in a panic after seeing that picture.
Buddy cop with Key?
>bunch of manlets, a comedian and a woman
>Hunt the greatest fighters and warriors across the Universe
>keeps hunting niggers
Something isn't right here.
Does kiss kiss have a child?
People stopped having fun
Propose your stories for a predator movie
>A team of SEALs is inserted into an Afghan village to take out an ISIS leader
>contact with them is lost
>when a unit is finally sent in to investigate, they find the SEALs and the ISIS troops dead and skinned
>recognizing the similarities to a 30 year old report from the Colombian jungles, a JSOC officer contacts the now retired dutch for advice
>determining that the only way to kill the predator is to set a trap for it, an elite team composed of DEVGRU and delta operatives sets up in a bombed out afghan village in the mountains, knowing the predator won't be able to resist such a tempting target
>the movie is the SEALs and delta guys trying to outwit and kill the predator while dutch advises them over the radio
>Propose your stories for a predator movie
A dad and his delicate autistic child attempt to learn the language of the predators, accompanied by a deadly strong female lead determined to keep them safe. Two manlets provide cover while a comedian makes quips
have you ever heard of "target practice"?
you would be annoyed if you got a paper cut when hanging the targets but you just keep going to the range to practice before doing any actual real shooting elsewhere.
yfw the little kid just constantly says "cunt" and calls everyone niggers.
is that Olivia Munn?
>/fa/ nigger
>one nigger that's kind of passable for the movie
>one lankyass stephen merchant lookalike
>useless token skinny female
>lanky halfnigger or something
>annoying kid that's 100% gonna survive and even save the crew at some point near the end
>schneider's protoge
>Olivia Munn
Oh. Well guess i'm never seeing this. Also is this a fucking comedy? What is this cast?
It's a socially aware drama about a young autistic boy exploring linguistics in the suburbs
The perfect follow up to Predator
>schneider's protege
I'm not giving you ideas for the reshoot Shane
50 Cent is rumored for this too
Shane... why?
>Olivia Munn
He really couldn't have chosen anyone better, could he?
Not unless there's Aliens
How the Redditor stole Christmas is gonna be fucking boss my doods!
Literally Unlikable Jerks: The Casting.
this movie is gonna suck :(
So the Predator movies are just pre-match warm ups on niggers before the Yautja heads off on a real safari?
I have the script. He dresses as the predator (finds the gear in his dads trunk) and blows up a bullies house with the shoulder cannon. This alerts the bad predators to earth. There are good predators living at area 51, but they dont have access to high tech gear so they wear camo pants and wield m60s as they hunt bears and stuff in wildlife preserves.
There are predator dogs. Olivia Munns supermodel scientist character trains one.
i wouldn't waste that on a broke-dick dog
damn, stone cold white men
>they dont have access to high tech gear so they wear camo pants and wield m60s
Not gonna lie I think that sounds really cool
It turns into predator 2 mode lunacy. The bad predators harvest genes to augment themselves so the final boss is a super pumped up giga-predator. They want our planet because global warming is making it the right climate for them. Yeah its a predator invasion story.
Jesus Christ are they SJW predators? Vegans? WTF who thinks this bullshit is a good idea? How the hell are people being paid to have such stupid ducking ideas. You can see this movie bombing from further away than Nagasaki, how can these Hollywood assholes not see it? As soon as I saw the word "child" in the script I would have thrown that in the trash after using it as toilet paper after a Taco Bell shit.
Now just imagine you saw a picture of the guy on the far-left today. Everyone here would be calling him an effeminate numale with skinny legs and a girly stance.
They're Predators who don't go along with harvesting species to upgrade themselves or something. So the antagonist predators kicked them out and now they're on earth working with the gubbermint to prepare for predator invasion.
And yes. It's basically the plot of the michael bay transformers movies.
Guilty >_
is this the sequel to spotlight ??
she probably put his wiener in her mouth
they put hormonblockers into the water to make men less masculine
how is he going to get his corners in the jungle?
Can't wait for Predator: Christmas edition