The /orville/ general

Breath of Fresh Air Edition

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STD is fucking dog shit

How did this show trick me into liking Mcfarlan? As long as he doesn't get back together with his cheating wife, his character may have great potential.

I love this show so far other that the interplanetary cuckolding 30 seconds into the premiere.

I don't understand people who don't like this.

1. Cucking is funny
2. She got BLUED and his face exploded with blue jizz. High comedy.
3. He immediately dumped her and cut off all communication, which is the best way to handle that.

>cut off all communication
And then bent the knee and is working side by side with her.

McFarlan clearly loves Star Trek and its ideals. He even reigns in the bad jokes to let the ideas breathe.
I'm surprised how much I miss the aesthetic of tng special effects. Clearly seeing what's happening without shaky cam, split second camera changes and lens flares.

Claiming god-tier waifu

>be captain of a totally rad space ship, only con is you have to be your ex-wife's boss and order her around
>be lonely loser drunk with no career or prospects

meant for

I wonder if her feet have those nice looking skin marks?

>ginger is ranked above mrseriousface
You guys suck.

True ranking:
LtC Bortus
Lt Alara
uncle ruckus
ranking of the rest doesn't matter


Can't wait for the Harvey Weinstein allegory episode lads.

Gonna be real comfy to see Mercer and the crew bring justice to a powerful space rapist but only after he abuses Alara.

>Uncle Ruckus

Lol, who?

>Alara abuse episode

Aaaand my cock is diamonds again...

no she is pure

Is it going to be a DAS RACIST episode?

hot doctor

Next stop - cancellation station!

Choo! Choo!

It's because the show is heavily implying that her being BLUED is the fault of the captain. On top of that, it seems that they're going to get back together eventually.

Fuck off, even if that were true Orville would die a legendary show while STD would be a lingering carcass.

>It's because the show is heavily implying that her being BLUED is the fault of the captain
That's the excuse she uses, no one on the crew seems to be buying it tho.

Why does seth always look so fucking smug?

You mad, bro?

People actually watch STD? I thought it was just autists pretending they did to piss off real Star Trek fans?

Am I mad that STD is ruining what Star Trek stood for, yup.

But that’s where Orville comes in. It is truly the Star Trek successor we deserve.

I think he's talking about STD.

>I wasn't gettting enough attention, you were always working
very typical and realistic excuse and I hope they never waste an episode on them gettting back together.

Correction: she WAS pure until the space monster forced her to perform oral sex on him.

Ooohhhh, fucking shit...I’m slow...

You miserable virgin fuck.

Dumbshit, I was sticking up for Orville am hating on STD.

Are you that dense?

n-no NO user stop it! That's horrible man

>mfw it could be either (or both)
Fox loves canceling good shows and STD is destined for cancelination too.


Wow this thread is off to a great start. Can someone explain to me why a new general gets started before the other one even reaches bump limit? It's highly annoying.

So why did they make the Kingon's black but that tall guy white? Is STD racist?`

>it's highly annoying
Autist detected.

wow this is not a good meme.

Fox ESPECIALLY loves cancelling beloved live action sci-fi shows.

ITT: Children who only know how to communicate through meme words.

I don't know. In Discovery's case it's due to their ongoing war over which shorthand is 'correct'

>that quote

How can somebody be such a monumental twat?

I'm not talking about STD. I'm talking about /orville/ general threads.

Memes aside, The Orville will almost certainly get renewed.

you don't know fox

I will suck 50 dicks to make this happen.

remember when dollhouse got cancelled, renewed, canceled, renewed before finally getting double cancelled?

Yeah but that kind of sucked, it was ok at best.

Who the fuck holds their fork that way?

Firefly was never the #2 highest rated show on Fox, like Orville currently is.

But Seth "calling them out one by one" MacFarlane runs this show and he has quite a bit of power at Fox. He literally negotiated a contract with them that would make it more expensive for Fox to not pick up the shows he makes pilots to. Not kidding btw.
That of course means that sometimes crap like dads gets made and le black science man gets a pedestal but also things like the Orville has a chance.

Joss Whedon had it coming

Dollhouse had horrendous ratings. They only renewed it as not to make the same mistake as with Firefly. The Orville is produced by Mcfarlan who has deep ties with Fox. I'm optimistic for the show's future.

The Orville's Krill Makeup Demo at KNB EFX

An autistic alien elf.

Rich; Handsome; Talented; Living an American Dream... Hmmm. I would imagine it's kind of hard not to.

What's happening here?

It's not cucking yo fucking retards. That would involve McFarlan's character agreeing and watching the actions. This was just straight up cheating.

She is pressing the fork handle against her finger, looks slightly uncomfortable but other than that its fine

I love The Orville, but I'll take the knee to "what Star Trek stood for", and you can thank its retarded fan base for that.

Fox renewed The Cleveland Show for two twenty-two episode seasons before it ever premiered.

They went from zero make up to full on dolled up with boxxy wings


ITT: All these STD posters
Don't you have your own threads?
This is an Orville thread.

>krill have human defectors working for them in the first episode
>still thinking a kid pointing at a random star is relevant


>right there next to that one dot out of thousands is a planet which is earth
Quite the thorough explanation he told the kid. Also how did the Krill not know where earth was? They have a human working for them.

>implying the location of Earth is secret in an open society like PU

Not to mention half of their female cast members look like dogs compared to Halston Sage.
>image somewhat related.

Are we going to get a helloween episode? Maybe they'll discover a spooky skeleton alien race.

Maybe if /Orville/ stopped shitposting in their threads aswell.

So I just started The Orville after watching up to date on Discovery.

How the living fuck are we in a timeline where Seth Mcfarlane has made a better Star Trek series than actual Star Trek?

We /squids/ now

We didnt start that war

Seth is apparently a huge nerd


Is that really an issue over there? I rarely ever step into an STD thread much less post there unless I notice someone talking shit about the Orville.


As the admiral mentioned, most species abandon religion as they get more technologically advanced, but the Krill haven't. Maybe the reason why is because their god is a real being.

As any fan of DS9 would tell you, the Bajorans maintained their faith in the Prophets as they became more advanced. Of course, this was because the Prophets were real, and had sent artifacts to Bajor that they could physically interact with. Starfleet might have just called them "wormhole aliens", but there was no question that they existed, that they could control the wormhole, and experienced time in a non-linear fashion.

What if Avis is something from an ancient species in the Orville universe? Something like Star Trek's Preservers or Iconians, that predates the modern group of alien species, or Babylon 5's Vorlons and Shadows? A being that decided to become a god to the still young Krill?

STD threads are 10% complaining about Star Trek: Discovery, 10% drive-by Orville shitposting, and 80% arguing about whether it should be /DIS/ or /STD/.

Don't bully Grayson, her mole is cute

Enirely possible.

In SG-1 you had the false god Go'uld whose technology and biological capability was good enough to pose as a god. And then you have the Auri who were ascended humans who literally had godlike powers that were empowered by worship.

The Auri pretty much were gods. Also in TNG you have the Q collective who are omnipotent beings who existed outside time. So Avis could be anything in between.

Oops didn't see this thread. Accidentally created a new one

>shooting at a wormhole seals it
>sealing the wormhole makes Pria vanish BTTF-style for no reason
kek this show is fucking retarded

>shooting at a wormhole seals it
Indeed retarded
>sealing the wormhole makes Pria vanish BTTF-style for no reason
>t. brainlet
They literally explain why she disappears.

The Orville is Fox’s #2 show?

Holy shit, that’s fucking great!

The Orville is a comfy show created in the spirit of TNG with some light comedy by a man (Seth) whos been a life long Trek fan.
STD is more concerned with giving us a "new" type of Trek show full of diversity, and woman of color with gender neutral names. The stories, characters, and actual Star Trek franchise are the current STD creators second priority. They think they can make up for lazy writing by giving the show a higher than necessary budget, and giving us a dark, and gritty show full of miserable, and unlikable actors / characters who hate each other.

>The Orville is Fox’s #2 show?
Indeed it is! Catch it on Thursdays at 9/8c on FOX!

STD cuck detected.

STD is indeed SJW trash. Tune in on Thursdays to watch what critics are calling "Fall's freshest breath of air!"

The Orville is not Star Trek. Don't insult The Orville by calling it Star Trek. The Orville is better than Star Trek in every way.

He didn't call it Star Trek, he said the Orville was better than Star Trek. Just like you. Now calm down and quit bitching at people.

STD would be fine for what it is if it wasn't a fucking prequel

STD would be fine if it was about a ship's crew on adventures and not only about a woman named Michael.

Fox just doesn't know how to properly distribute a science fiction tv show. They originally aired the episodes of both Firefly and Almost Human in a completely incorrect order, making the plots seem confusing and incoherent. Why? I don't know.

>A question for The Boreville fans

How does it feel to enjoy a low budget carbon copy of Star Trek?

>Another question for The Boreville fans

How does it feel to enjoy a show that will get cancelled midway through season 2?

>Another question for The Boreville fans

How does it feel to enjoy a show with "lmao random sex humor XDDD" every 3 minutes?

>Final question for The Boreville fans

How does it feel to know you won't be allowed in /STD/ after your show gets axed?

What an ugly bitch. Couldn't they have hired an attractive nigress, preferably one that can also act?

>a nigress that can act
such as?

He called it Star Trek. The Orville is not Star Trek. It is an entirely different space adventure series.

It's this time again